Show compromise Is expected so it will be seen that there ard six vacancies acan cles in the committee every one of the republicans remal remaining nIng in the committee Is bitterly or almost bitterly opposed to the league of nations from what one learns from senator lodges r recent ec ent statement on the court matter and from what one or two other of the senators have imparted quietly to tit alie party managers it Is evident that there Is a likelihood that most of the republicans on the lie will bill accept the presidents court plan but will u urge rge some reservations or changes concerning the democrats on the committee it seems likely that most of them will be florale fa orale to the court proposal liopo nl but a 11 committee which Is 13 dominated by the R republicans c PublIc alls would much prefer that the body make a report t bucked by republican votes rather hither than by a bare majority made up lip of committee members of both parties therefore llie it seems that the hie republican RepublIc tin majority will ft attempt to reach some bome finding which velch can recede the votes of till all its im ebors no one knows yet et ely what republicans will all be appointed to fill ell the three committee vacancies nor for that mutter matter Is it known what democrats fw A be appointed to nil fill tho democratic acan incan cles les it cat can be said bald definitely that lint the hopes of he friends of the court plan are that opponents of the lie proposal not be hosell chosen c for foi committee if the country corinti shall show an un app approval roNal of if the gions court plan the llie senate sc nito viii se give its approval for it probably pio bably would not me care nor dain it to oppose tile the nat nations lons s will tit in the nutter matter |