Show johnny salmon was beard to remark that in the old days a ford was wa it a place where you crossed the river now its every place you try to cross the street we have discovered since purchasing one jitney that it takes HO nuts to holit hola one together ailt only one to hold it la in the road the summit monumental works ore are rustled rushed with work trying to fill the many orders they have before memorial day we also visited the chicken ranchers of 0 heber sargent and caits chits 11 II west and no wonder our poultry association Is shipping nearly cases ot of eggs per week when ahen some of our summit county poultry laisers kaisers have as high as 1300 hens hen that are producing pro ducin 18 cases of eggs per week heber sargent who is secretary ot of the poultry association of N summit county Is very v ery in much uc h interested in the development or this enterprise ter prise which IF is rapidly bee becoming oming a big revenue getter for summit try ra raisers balers ral lers sers lie he is anxious tit nt all times to furnish information or to lie ile of whatever assistance he can to all those interested in this enterprise ile he lias has it 11 phone call him up anil and let him help you inace good the slogan five hundred cases per week during the electrical storm the first of the week john edgel of aloyts ville was un hitching his bis teim team when lightning caused one of tile hie horses to fall on ills his kneed remaining remain inz so BO tor for several minutes then ran to the harn mr advel e escaped with anlyn only n severe seere headache which lasted tile rest of tile the afternoon more fore now new hats in at reasonable roas prices come while the Is good they will lie be soll at a discount for colli 11 R salmon |