Show li re rn r into each life some gome rain min inest rail fall some days daya be dark daik and bremy DESSERTS FOR A WEEK even cen a plain rice fadding jAd ding whole e some onie and good ns as it Is may be made a work vork of art by proper garnishing varnishing garni shing vanilla rice pudding pour three cupfuls of water over oer one halt cupful of rice heat to the boiling point anil and cook five minutes stirring constantly consta till y with a fork drain add two cupfuls ot of cold water one halt half teaspoonful teaspoon tul of salt and cook until the rice 1 li soft soft scald one and one halt half cupfuls of milk in n a double bollei boiler rift nils throe three tablespoonfuls of cornstarch and one fourth teaspoonful spoonful ten of salt with one halt half cupful of cold milk stir sill until smooth and add to the tha scald ed milk stirring constantly cook and stir until the Is thick cover coer and cook ten minutes bent beat the yolks of two to eggs until light add one olle find fourth teaspoonfuls or of aall I 1 la a t urn into a fancy dish and chill han when ready to serve sene t with etli whipped shipped cream roses with etli a hit bit of bright colored jelly in tile the center of e ach preas the cream through a pastry bag or a small email inper cone yankee plum pudding take one cupful of chopped suit suet add one of new orientis mol molasses sift ift three cupfuls of fl flour 1 with ill ona olle nid one olio halt half teaspoonfuls of oc one iea teaspoonful spoonful 1 of cinn cinna ninon tilon one hilt half toi tea spoonful eneli of clones nutmeg and stilt tidd add alternately with M one cupful of milk reserving nic nine some of the flour to dredge one cupful of mid one cupful of walnut meats broken in ili bits mix mil well inell and turn into lilt a buttered nield find faana three liours amir i serve aith an all egg sauce ilvah two tn eggs all add one olle aalf li lf cliff cupful if r s libni ga r aind alion disso Ili solved ltd RII one half cull fill of lint milk find a teaspoonful spoonful tei of grat cd lemon iliin queen of puddings cut on conr cup ful fill of toatoa bi biond into om olle lulf illch cubos cubes licit beat tile yolks alks of ahr 10 vs ind and the milte of one until thick add 1110 linof cupful of su sll ni olio niu 1 ful fill of nillon aid and two ti cupfuls of I 1 ilk im I 1 r over ou the bread in oid ind kiko I 1 in it a moderate fiodi into oven oen then cover coer matli ono olle cupful ot of stewed teH td unsweetened tipple apple and COMI with etli i a using asin the other altos ll tos eake brown blown tului Lui favl |