Show WOO OF ARMS BOOT KING GEORGE PRAISES WORK DONE BY RECENT GATHERING HELD IN washington declare world owes great debt of gratitude to initiative of 0 f the Pro providen Preel dent t 0 of f th the united states state f for or A achievement london king george tuesday warmly praised the work of the wash ington arms conference for which the world owes a great debt of gratt gratl 1 1 I i initiative pt 91 ln in his addreal s at ee opi 0 n ing lii of parliament both houses of parliament purl lament convened at noon with alth a number of pressing problems enis facing the house of corn com mons tie lie imminence of a general election which british baltish tradition requires some time before next fall because the present coalition yn eminent line hn lived hied nearly its iti full term made tha attacks of the opp upon tile th governments oi eminent s handling of the egic tian indian and irish problems ni as we atell 11 is as lloyd georges european pol icy cj more dangerous the chief business of it lion ow evor ever 1 was listening to 0 the king k 1391 speech Ite ferring to the four power poirer pa CHIC agreement king george decla erd ord while uie the new treaty treat ro replaces the anglo japanese alliance I 1 am happ to feel that those two to countries oun tries wili remain as cordial as ever eer towards toward each eai h other under the arrangements eon con eluded at the arms conference at t the same time our relations with tile united states enter into a new and aai even closer phase of friendship king george referred to the arina ment limitations agreements agreement 3 as pro pio viding aiding a large measure of relief fro from L the burden of armaments in this respect ai lit in etheri nth pr grent results have haie been achieved hla his ma jesty deeN red continuing the sue site cess of the conference fur for which tin the world owes ovea grent debt of gratitude to the initiative 4 of kinrd ing will be the happli augury fut fin tile future of international relations the problem of securing reparations from Gerni ferniany any la Is engaging the con cin attention of li ministers king went ent on oil to my discussions tire nio proceeding with ith france and with lah ft view eu to 10 concluding agi for rommon tic ae tion in the of if ded it t tack by C orni rii inn any a neighbor he said |