Show the hotel marion ogden t s new hotel comer twenty filth street and lincoln ave one block from union station interurban C ca aus stop at door rooms 60 baths badis rates without bath S and with bath large sample rooms dabid mattson president G B mattson mattion sec and manager r wanship manship roller mills quality and service manufacturers and dealers in roller mill products summit county people with a summit county industry Ind at your demice sen ice bread mada from gansl manship wanship ip flour takes first place A C HORTIN WANSHIP UTAH a GARAGE everything in auto automobile nobila and garage work Ovar overhauling hauling ford motors and transmission 2000 including rear axle 2500 25 00 battery work and battery charging Chargi nT next door to Co coalville Coal alville vElle hotel phone no 4 utah al are coo A A A aed lir proof ni veil niell ell he hc ted bui fai iding csir always airm stora storage e s iao pet per month oc by b the ri ni ht why store your ear car and battery it is a fit fire trap when there Ls is a sale safe place at i a less cost priches on oa labor we are running I 1 a special price on overhauling cars for 3 1 months be Kinning inning dec 1 it 7 fcc ac per cicur all ford jolia joh will be done at ford schedule we dont donl mork all ail work done by skilled mech mechanics anies we have hae all of the latest ford fold tools to io do our dvork aih with nith auto supplies and accessories agencies for buick dodge and ford automobiles trucks and tractors NOTICE sale of estraya stuff state of atall sa county of morgan in ho morgan mork precinct or lid coun couii ty ti chave 1 ditc in III UK till possession the hie fillol fill in hi described estr eatn it ir not lot clea lined and taken way nai a will ft ile 10 sold at public auction to tile elt t cash bidder at joseph hales in morgan mor in on the flie tiny day of dec be nt lit i 1 p in ili one rid rea white lilo face bull 3 henril M n old no ear maiki or 01 brani visible sam sad was taken up lip by b sill a ill precinct 13 J robinson sheriff one no roll roil bracklo Iroc jle taw fact heifer elfer li cropping under lilt jilt lit in loft left ear no dimind visible till this is tit lit the ral of jak penta in III aliu settlement li 11 leion ion Nn us lis 1 and it if not ilot clail lied N athill the week will ile bo sold old nt lit aliel sheriff iff sale alss belvia and C gidden tucker ticker Ti won were married last wedi sibly lit in the silt salt lake temple le jolin glnn ston nn an old ill and niu 1 highly respected pioneer of morgan county awl nt lit his ili houle lit ogden wednesday Decer tiller of general disability mr thurton thur ton wivi was 02 years of mid and was the first niale male child borta born lit in this thia count county y NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior V U 8 land office at suit salt lalo lake city stub noveme or 29 1921 is hereby given that albert it 11 turner ot ol morgan utah 11 on amny 6 i homestead entry no for Vs NV section 22 2 wa NV 1 section 28 filp range 4 Ea tull lake mor ater winn lias has filed notice of Inton llon boll to like 1111 diroe ee il proof nor to jilin to alto aliu ablove lio ile rolv rol v tit alie chirk of the district court min it urwin anin utah un on tile logli NY ot or 1 lain all iary 1 1 y 2 a l alit WA sia as e 1 R A 1110 of f morgan lynli G 8 ibelli or el ot lit morgan ir I r ter F kirk ll 11 of f devils blidt atall L enli J S turner 0 of f could n B blink 1 I NOTICE FOR publication ISOLATED TRACT public land sale department of the interior Interi cr U 1 K igind nt lit sall lit lilo at in ilah hor 1 lila I 1 is lien liel liy ival owl is il d 1 rel ril liy hy tile il ill fl emral annd o under dindor airn ail tv t it C S tit nip ip 11 oi nl thomas alola 0 I 1 jiin liis no ial v all it sil in alln liln sl 1 I amt I 1 I 1 i ril t mil li ii lis s 11 iliin ill 7 i in ill r at HI 1 I A U nil alir 1 11 ll lay or of bamm jamm y 12 lie noi I 1 ot ait till or ilce tile IP r filling li ing intel of nl lan lind 0 V 4 14 1 i i 21 Tonii 1 mii hill ip 1 4 ia it 1 alt imla Merl mcalli dign nir ale nl 1 v I il ait lot lio 10 k all 11 pill itil 1111 11 1 1 aln annil ii sl aln n ellins Ill Sont lit 11 hio 1110 aiom iiii nril have era cea 4 oil ed the arr ain ii ikin tilt agh sl libil it 1 mill 1 ill il w ard lo lit iri it I 1 leicil ivi at aarl liay 1 1 in till lio ii N i the any inri ns tho ali ill ilir mo do lc emid at adiv to ir nr ill inn on oil ol 01 1 ab KUBS ar FLA PI aft ir V V WD ij 1 jirau UL C f good things to eat quick service robert durrant pro kiefor morgan utah nc is s sums goin up alp oil I 1 i sik going up tip tire airo ra goin up till bul biri you yoa car save I 1 tho the difference by lt ting me examine examine your tires frequently and keep heep them in running ning order I 1 can li anillo lo 10 any i ili binl 0 if re gilr I 1 ll 11 po liliu to illace oil it i 11 0 I 1 t allne just lion holl d li tile liest best dimit t collit hh ifland tr mor t r hullt lit lir kiihl that Is ii aim od il in ili tin tilt bt t alre repair 10 simps 1 ill in ill all tin the I 1 ai i titles atles nino iii len nuil oll und practiced 1 alir 1 1 eirv n imir wo I 1 1 I 1 it il im I 1 or other ay univ iy not for to ti prove to 1011 ou that I 1 kaml my iny s every job I 1 turn out olit I 1 will unconditionally guarantee john next loir door to T 1 booro 10 lolo tor r co before the for foi sale botilda A blakely cly ile ister NOTICE FOR PUB publication LibATION department of thi the Int erlon U 8 land office lit at suit stilt lake city 7 1021 NOTICE Is hereby given that horner homer P F bushman jr of american fork utah who ho on oil march 13 1020 ninde homestead home teai entry enar no 02 TO for woj nia va NEN S NH NE NW SK S sah hka section 12 township 7 north ettinge 3 3 rast stilt salt lake meridian 1 lins hns filed noali e of intention IlA cution to make anak three year in broor to claim chaill to the land 1 ind above aboe described before Weel vior U S q limit office at stilt city cit milli ut ill on oil niu me oth day dai of DOC elliher H 1 claimant names as witnesses jesse jese inen arven of Ameil tin fork utah nearl 1111 jion of utah daniel mien or nf john 11 II wilon ilson of atall gould A blakely nia kelv It egister from giant Fac factories direct to you A WATKINS DEALER Is 1 on ills way to you ready to daffier right into your our lionie any of tho great list of products manu fac ailred all binl soli sold by the J T R watkins kins company of winona minnesota desota nud now con consumed mined by more than alinn twenty Ten ft millions of satisfied antl fled usel usera walt voll u buy for the dealer Dr who brings a store to your door JOSEPH HARTLEY coalville Co alville utah joe on the cleanup clean up job everything in the PAINTING PAPER HANGING banging or KALSO MINING LINE we are at your service JOE SOMMERS STEW HOT for work meet me at johnsons place all fancy dishes and drinks NAME YOUR CHOICE wo we enter cater to the tastes of all our meals are all of high quality I 1 all cooked and served in the best rn manner anner meals at all hours restaurant and confectionery MEALS AT ALL HOURS agent for the famous J R watkins products I 1 cover the coun counties fies every 60 days COALVILLE UTAH SAWLEY BROS I 1 COAL first class domestic coal FOR SALE SAWLEY BROS FAST EAST COALVILLE southside South side store HOME OF good M meats eats an and d groceries gilbert francis proprietor watch us grow ECHO CANYON GARAGE we wish to thank our patrons for their generous patronage this past year we are especially grateful to those of morgan V and summit county and wish you all the compliments of the season SAM COLLINS SON ECHO UTAH coalville Co alville opera house A we please everyone from 6 to 90 always A goodshot good show here every tuesday and saturday nights |