Show to Eta establish blish a department of mines with cabinet representation ey ay SENATOR SAMUEL D NICHOLSON of colorado upon our entrance into the world war an analysis analyse 8 of the mining industry showed the united states goy gov ern mental machinery to lie be woefully deficient to cope with the many problems of mineral production there was no exe executive autive branch of the government with well coordinated co facilities to assume the responsibility which wl was imposed it became feces necessary sary therefore lt stait ait to create to many independent agencies for the purpose afi 1 l of extending bending and developing the governmental ma biffi S chi chinery I 1 have therefore introduced collate bill 1057 1957 to establish a department of mines with cabinet roam sen tation for the mining ri industry practically all of the foreign nations regard the mining industry acl thai flint they have made special governmental provision for it in creating departments of mines under the system the united i geological survey and the bureau of mines are but two subordinate bureaus among four fourteen teon over which the secretary of the interior must exercise exercise control the american mining congress at its twentieth annual mec meeting ting r in this bill setting forth among other things that the employment of wage earners of which some are now flow out of employment is dependent directly or indi indirectly recty upon the products of the mines the implements of agriculture the machinery of industry and the tools of trade and that the agricultural industry in 1889 when a cabinet representative senta tive for that industry was appointed hod had a total value of production of less than while the mining industry had during 1920 an value of production of over 7 I 1 am ain an exponent ol of economy in the expenditure of public funds the creation of this tin s now new department will effect economie s arising from the elimination of all duplat duplications actions of effort of the various agencies now employed and will expand tho present governmental service pen ice to the hidu industry stry at less expense the indirect benefits which would accrue to the public generally would lie be an even more import important cul consideration |