Show Pleasing the public for many years we have been serving the public and supplying the wants in in the meat and grocery line every year new names have been added to our list of regular customers selling good goods giving careful attention to all orders and being satisfied with a fair profit is the policy that has brought about this result the palace meat market frosty did you 9 say rather we have those nice blankets blanke ts to keep you warm plenty of warm hose sox and shoes rubbers of all kinds to keep your feet dry everything in merchandise summit fur mere merc co coalville Co alville coop co op commencing S sat at oct 24 we will begin our saturday afternoon sales come and get the advantage vantage II we offer you it will pay you sure GEORGE BEARD manager Ifan riger NOTICE see nf M it A for winter goods tit t a big reduction con iville cubile library will be open on oil saturday afternoons and all those wishing books will he be between the hours of 2 and 5 LOST near wanship manship Wan ship a suit case containing one suit of clothes and other wearing apparel reward orson P mathews peterson morgan utah word has been received from ogden ogdan that mrs thos beard is doing very nicely since undergoing an operation on her eyes mrs lawrence stones and sons visited at the ellwood carruth home last week prior to their departure for their new home the time has been changed for the mail air plane service service aviators now arrive arrive in in salt lake from rock springs at 9 a in returning to rock springs at p ra mrs clara stevenson and daughter clara returned to their home in in ogden last saturday after a visit isit with mrs irs chet hot cheney lind filially will inic if to american fork for tilt alio winter antei mr cheavy hiu expect to return to to Ct alville and reopen hn garage husin besmen busmen es about rell ast 1st we have received a very ory interesting letter from eldoi elder Orl anilo fowler of hencher Henc fer who is is fulfilling a mission mission in in japan and which wo we will publish i in i next weeks week s issue of the independent tin ais avs lavon I 1 mm bagnell and anil 11 twenty tt tiit five fiu gliet nip 11 nt t a i bundle shower last tuesday Tue sili eveni icik g tit lit tile lie ath pon halile in ill honor of miss ills mull 1 11 I 1 ii 1 utricle Itri cle light 1 alit cefro r were eie served and the evening was MIS silent pout in playing rook last friday we visited the jones mill at echo and we found that summit conty not only has a first class miller but a mighty busy one the sacks were piled high mill running at lull full capacity wid and mr jones reports that never before can he remember a time when there was as much good wheat as there is is this year WAGES FOR H THE RIGHT MAN MEN WANTED in the auto truck and ti tractor actor business alto ali al to i a as 4 carpentet s bricklayers Brick arlt laVers 1 I in bers etc we train you to awid on inc of these jolis join and you earn antie you yon learn tont IL be you aro are a on after hagaer anse i write for I 1 FREE tarn ahm TODAY 1 11 K F let so go salt tit lake city ata HEMPHILL schools trade ladies for the next two weeks there will be a big reduction for spot cash in all hats coats skirts and winter goods M SALMON R I 1 ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP well equipped shop and first class work guaranteed we keep a full supply of shoe supplies located second door south of palace market 1 COALVILLE UTAH C D nanney prop the he hotel marion ogden i new hotel hold comer twenty filfli street and lincoln ave one block from union station interurban cm can stop at door rooms 60 baths rates without bath and with bath large sample rooms david mattson Mt ton president Pret ident G B mattson Mat sec and manager c r 1 j PERRY r pip HOTEL ak SALT LAKE m the homelike place corner broadway and west temple st rates 1 and up stage leaves for coalville Co alville at p rn and coal ville for salt lake at a rn daily J C prop salt lake city ECHO CANYON GARAGE fully equipped to handle all kinds of automobile and blacksmithing work AUTO SUPPLIES AND accessories GASOLINE OILS and GREASE FREE AIR general repair work our specialty SAM COLLINS SON ECHO UTAH N 1 how about 0 W y your family ON M ill maln Sa ans ln K mil UK ins annii fin tilt fixture of it FA F A me 11 fili lilly thrill til in almot ilin 1 l ill the nh tin ill arll tilt HI i til fri it 1111 air it i rijn wit lin almi ulmi 11 clit billit dimir e 94 ail hlll tilt 1 is all 1111 or I 1 1111 1111 lit ill III ti chil il in im ili tm iiii th ji 11 1 iii lii i linn ivin 1 amii ing 4 4 j inar t with hlll ll it one dolar ll 11 II 11 I 1 1 it g k little 1 11 erty alt bell I 1 bank ellk to 1 put ut M hlll lit it 5 tio il saN sancil jil s lii ill I 1 uis niall a i anin aln s Hlll lt first national bank of coalville Co alville R T CARR CARRUTH U TH cashi cashier r RAW H ab N 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 1 1 1 |