Show 1 MERICAN AMERICAN LEAGUE BASEBALL CHAMPIONS F NEW YORK YANKEES MANAGER AND PLAYERS P BOBBY ROTH te 7 c Z 0 x BILL k PIER e Z MAYS AV h f 4 HOYT Q N N P D wit X V ILLER MANAG E i t t 4 4 J wi 4 ax ia I 1 1 BAB E ru ACK QUINN tt BAKER LLER I 1 low A IS i IZ W t I 1 3 e Z LY HAW toll PP P A 1 I lit 0 14 LOU potos devow avow 4 I 1 I 1 0 NI Y aiice 11 eloe ill it ille i 1 01 onca tiny of pr baseball has bus a worlds wor lils series been confined exclusively alel to tn our one city ck that was vas 35 15 conri ago abon base liall so far as great brent concrete and steel tind tremendous crowds are ganc bied ani tit in its infancy lii fano lit in 1005 1904 the alie chicago cubb won on the lie lonal league pennant and tile tho CIl clilia leago 0 o white 1 9 so ox took tonk the honors of the american league that tall fall they engaged lit in one ot of the bitterest struggles Kles on record the first four games of the series were divided each club winning two 1 aliu lie sox ho won the first game by I 1 a score of 2 to 1 tile the second went nent to the culls culis I 1 to 1 tile sox sot took the third alili 1 1 to 0 the hie culs cubs evelle evellee 1 the alip herlea in the fourth li I 1 to 0 tilt sox S the ho fifth 8 to 6 and UK then clinched the series by whining tile llie final gaine 8 to 3 A glance tit nt the personnel of the cut cul machine will prove liow how great tilt an upset lint had heon been recorded recon led dinner chance niana zer and first lne evers biond second amso 1 1 l tinker shortstop third hase Sh eckland holman nail schulte outfielders kling catcher will annl i 1 amit Il illener Illta leler ier lilt nicil overall 4 the white sox players were pono dono inie first ime bae isbell Is lell second cne tannehill and davs itolle 4 1 anse 10 jones dougherty and hahn on tal fillers sullivan catcher wid ini witia wal h white oen and altrock ocl pitchers tile total tit was an figure in the these days ov or attendance of and more at a aigle liple lip le gaino hut but a consider total 15 years no ngo bia total were |