Show NOTHING TO IT AS A PIE with lemon filling gone remainder of confection could only be claued classed as squash 11 A business ninn man of Jeffer jeffersonville sonville active in the file counsels of tile the young Ilu siness mens club lind of the rotary club and one of whose outstanding chit characteristics acs ics Is a liking for pie says ai lie has learned a perfectly good way of milking making squash pie out of lenion lemon pie but prefers the lie latter kind say sn the lis star slur lie ile hail had been to a ule sale in utica township not to burbut attracted by the lie faille of the cooko who arre ere to herie fiene pie lie he surrounded one lemon pie und and asked to have another packed to take botne for ill his s wife he said the women pur kril I 1 it t between two paper dishes dashe the he upper one inverted find then wrapped it lit in newspaper new paper lie ile placed it on the hack back spat of his automobile and started for home unfortunately he gave a friend the package for a cushion when the package uns turne gurnei 1 over to the lady indy of tit lip house and was opened by bv her it consisted ef if an upper paper dish tin an upper pie pic crust a lower pie arutt crutt and a lower paper dish that was all it wai a clear case care of squash and not a sign of lemon filling left |