Show saint lucy cefro hing us its a spring on a tal noon floor lic lv ns its tip tile sonk ong of n the thrush thrash lit tile hie clone 10 e of it n sandy gaudy iny dily Is the life ret reword w d of saint luey lucy tit alip dear girl alki ir nume from the latin lux lu als menus waa horn born in sara cute cuse in A D ifor her sturt startling ling beauty brought hrom lit A mob of rs nt at tier lier feet nut but she had conned litrell lit relf to the re life and their nil nd dree clr e f A young nobleman madi felled with love for tier usei tier her to tn the is pru in the lie fe fearful erful persecution under ilio it was marty martyred red site she Is represented in art as hojdill holding 9 a PI platter 11 ater with her to eyes upon it chicago journal |