Show MUSHROOMS C ur OF ALL SORTS edible and Polso nou nour while one oleo clab grown in africa Is worshiped AS a god in or about tile lie age or of woods one ennies crimes baero n aoi i till nil ullalea ull plea M rint ant looking mush room loom with a rod red or orange collorec olon 1 top att t it Is covered coc pd with a slimy exudation binl atlon now NOM slid then strange to say sn people ent cot it they the die de ha allino Is very attractive attract ie to UPS filer they gather upon it arid and they ile die in europe this species of 0 mushroom lg ili used nil as a substitute tor cor flypaper fly 1 paper tb the e horrible mushroom Is believed in france to cause causa cancer french people cull call it the cancer mushroom another cles which grows on olive colive trees Is so luminous at night that one can see to read by it other kinds of mushrooms are used for making ink for stanching stan ching the low flow of blood and in lapland Lap lund for killing bedbugs A european species Is em plowed to stupefy bew beu find certain puffballs are said to have hae anesthetic properties les tribes ot of semi savages in northeastern asia 13 1 1 e I 1 a mul mushroom broom for snuff dut but most curto curious ll 11 of all Is the Poly pol portis sneer which elih la in la as a god pittsburgh dispatch |