Show USE M 5 new summer frocks are hands handsomely 0 m e fly embellished with charming a and n d modish decoration so ciany mil ol of tile the M new frocht 81 sin mv s touches s of if indio ta ay iy alint I 1 nm nin kolni going to t till tell you ou about hem rind pr per hill imps MII loll ill flint something you cure cart rates a fil ollon A awer linen frock which holcli will stilt thu the sl 11 li i girl f lil lins flits it deep collar one almost alinn t n it bertha 1 and the sh r drill tilt both soft and graceful PI in ill callop 14 soil lops of bill HIM linen n often annil anni kod nl walli dinall blue llopis ll which nn embroidered 1 i el in ili silk bimi iain 1 tills tilis ieni ure fi fiok flares a I 1 large a rge ln bow elmr navy 11 n lilue blue linene Is another charin dini in in ing g frock which Is s pierced throughout lilt tjark blue eyelets ce lets tor for eyelets tire now no constantly urr lus in tin tile mode A wonderful evening gown gon which to Is very vr striking and vivid Is one of shot gren gre n an and gold old tissue the alie delicate sheen sin en of it Is ib chanced nhan ced by b big palm leaves leaps of embroidery on bodice a and nd skirt and underneath the fr brills trills lit a of ot drapery di iii und tind the side the reverse side of flip fabric shows a ileum glaum of solid green gafin it lins lim lin s a i lace ince undershirt which la Is if f rull lun net on oil tills this frock too to tile alif mind agni kiture plus plays nn an im poi polI I 1 mt nut inet the spoils of ancient egypt have hae ben be n 11 garnered for the adornment of tin century woman an evening frock made of peacock velvet hns has it quaintly plaited skirt that ii lifts ats a ark arme 1 in front with an inverted plait shau ing a lining of gold tissue shot lilt blue it lias has a typically egyptian giralo of gold tissue embroidered with the characteristic peacock plumage col brings gold bold tawny bron bronze and vivid blues blue and greens lind acceptance A tulle drill iery of pale minoh blue floate from the shoulders und ells bells tile lle wear roar ers abw |