Show LIGHT PLANT mr mccornick states his proposition to council in relation to hillding plant or Furnish furnishing log light the morgan moran city council held u special meeting monday evening may to hear mr mec mcc ornic lits proposition apropo to the city council in relation elatic ln to the pro rosed I ased electric light plant to be built at the mouth of hardscrabble mr mccornick McCorn lck ai and id his engineer were there in person they came up in an automobile and returned to salt lake in it same kame night mr mccornick stated that ho be would builds fifty ki kilowatt lowitt electric light plant which would be flexible enough to furnish double the power required he said lie he could not legally go in with tho tile city to build the same as heretofore suggested but that he would bo be willing willim 1 to build it himself and sell it to the city upon the payment ot of a portion of it down and atad the balance on such payments payment as tile the cit city y could easily meet he agreed to build tire tho same for another proposition th that at ho he made the city was that he would build we the plant and operate it provided that the city would con contract to take a given quantity of electricity for twenty five years cje would sell the current to tile the city in bulk balac at five cents per kilowatt and ho he himself would supply the adjoining towns A 1164 iterate rate of per light up to four lights with tl a minimum of 2 is the he rate ralo spoken erlof of thirty miles of wiro wire would bo be strul strung ig aft after er the lines are completed the city would have to maintain the lines within tho the city limits however mr would stand tho operating expenses at the plant reference wits was made as asto bo the comparative cost between a 11 steam plant and one like that which has been suggested it was stated that it cost Coal coalville Co alville villO a month for coal in winter and ia summer the steam plant is only a seve seventy anty five kilo watt plant while tho the other is one hundred kilowatt A number of the leadin leading citizens of the town were present several of whom spoke pres heiner heiber sald said he thought that nearly every cid citizen zen wanted the lights and that this appeared like the only way that they could bo be had ile ho stated wilt that ila hu it had to I 1 learned from some of the men at the utah light fc ry co s plant in the canyon that suld company would not build up here unless they could furnish the cement lILl plant lt witti with power jie ile said lie he would hate to fail gett getting ilig tile the lights mr rinehardt Rinehard fc olsen said that a plant like this would build up the county ho flu added that other engineers engineer had estimated that a plant like mr mccornick Mc Corniuk niek proposes to build for would cost mr rich said the city would run no risk in ili accepting such a proposition was stated that the c estimated stilt trill ted cost of building a transmission lino line from hardscrabble to tile tho town wits was |