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Show Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely veget able act aurely but gently the liver. Stop after dinner distress cure indigestion improve th ;omPlcln bnghten the eyes. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Prica GENUINE must bear BIG BOATS COILIDE EIGHTEEN LIVES LOST WHEN FREIGHT STEAMER IS SUNK IN LAKE 5, 4, 3.50, 3, 2.50 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS. Millions of men wear L. Douglas shoes because they are the lowest prices, quality considered, in the world. Made upon honor.of the best leathers, by the most skilled workmen, in all the latest fashions, W. L. Douglas $5.00 and $4.00 shoes equal Custom Bench Work costing $6.00 to $8.00. Boys' Shoes, S3, $2 50 A $2 W. W. L. Douglas guarantees their valmTbT staniimil his name and price on the bottom, look for i u TlHke fenbatltiite. Fast Color It not Askyoiirdenlerfor W. h. DonglasAhoes hyrtett. forealetnyour townwrttefor MaiKmiprCataloi.sliow-Inhow to order by mad. Shoes ordered dne t from factory delivered tree. W.UDouglas, Hrockton, Mass. Send postal for pb Free Package I II k h of Paxtine. Better and more economical BS Di than liquid antiseptics FOR ALL TOILET USES. iOlLETfANTISEgll Give, one a ,weet breath; clean, white, teeth antiseptically clean germ-fre- e mouth and throat purifies the breath after smoking dispel, all disagreeable perspiration and body odors much appreciated by dainty women. A quids remedy for sore eyes and catarrh. A little Paxtine powder dissolved in a glass of hot water makes a delightful antiseptic solution, possessing extraordinary cleansing, germicidal and heal-g- m S ig power, and absolutely barm less. Try a Sample. 50c. a large box at druggists or by mail. THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Mass, Rl TOTAL CRIMINAL. A Thirty Thousand Industrial Workers Are Killed Each Year. Atlantic City, N. J. Ten thousand persons filled the auditorium of the Million-Dolla- r church on Sunday to mass the attend meeting for labor, the greatest popular meeting of the Presbyterian assembly. Charles Nagel, secretary of commerce and labor, did not appear to deliver his scheduled address on The Conservation cvf National Life. A slight illness was given as the reason for his by Con gressman Rennet of New York, who declared he was speaking for the cahi net officer when he said that the national turmoil about conservation of forests and national reservations Is not nearly as important as the conserving of human life throughout the country. hinted that Congressman Bennet "the coming report of the commission on immigration, which has been study ing conditions In American factories Is likely to create a sensation in the number of preventable deaths caused in factories. The Rev. Charles Stelzle, superin :endent of the department of com merce and labor of the Presbyterian church, said "that when 30,000 industrial workers are killed every year it means that there is something wrong in our Industrial system. In some cases It is nothing short of murder. The railways of America alone kill nearly 12.000 people every year and injure 120.000 persons. HURON. Half a Dozen Survivor, Picked up, But Most of the Crew Was Lost-- Fog Held Responsible for the Terrible Accident signature : W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES f1 Q D DC DEATH Port Huron, Mich Families and friends of the missing eighteen members of the crew of the steamer Fiank Goodyear which sank oft Point Aux Ba.ques, after being rammed am dships by the steamer Janies B. Wood, on Tuesday had practically given up hope that any of the missing party have been rescued. The steamer Sir William Siemens, said to have picked up some of the missing, passed Detour on Tuesday and made no report of any survivors aboard. Four of the rescued members of the crew have gone to the Goodyears headquarteis in Cleveland, and Mrs. Emma Bassett, the only other surviHuron. vor, is still in P The Goodyear, operated by Mitchell & company of Cleveland, was com ing from Lake Superior laden with ore. The Wood, owned by the Gil Christ Transportation company ol STANDARD OIL RAISES WAGES. Cleveland, was going up light. There was little sea at the time, and fog is Increase of From Six to Ten Per Cent held responsible lor the accident. Will Affect 70,000 Workmen. ' Collision in English Channel. Isle of Wight. Twenty-twpersons were drowned as a result of a collision on Tuesday between the steamer Skerryvore and the German bark J. C. Vinnen in the English chan nel. The skerryvore sank. Only two one oi of the crew were rescued, whom died a short time later, 'lne bark put in here, but later left foi Southhampton. Apparently she was not Injured. As far as known no pas sengers were on either vessel. Cowes, c Boycotting Orientals. Oak and, Cal. A stringent ruling against the patronizing of Oriental labor was passed Tuesday night by the Central Labor council, when a resolution imposing a fine of not less than $25 for any union man patronizing Oriental labor of any form, from a Chinese lottery to a Japanese barber shop, was enforced. The resolution will be placed before the building Trades council for endorsement and will then be submitted to the State Union headquarters in an effort to start a state-wid- e campaign against Asiatics. Hardships of Army Life Brought On Severe Case of Kidney Trouble. H. N. Camp, 1356 Delaware St., Denver, Colo., says: Durn ing the I contractwar, ed a severe kidney reAfter trouble. turning home, I was under a physicians care for months, but grew gradually worse. Finally I got so bad I could not hold the urine at all. I also had Intense suffering from hack pains. Doans Kidney Pills made improvement from the first, and soon I was well and strong. Remember the name Doans. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a Spanish-Amer-ica- box. Foster-Milbur- a, DYOLA DYES imgar-eoato- 70,-00- e They Surely Would. A little American boy with his father was visiting a market In a Mex- ican city. He saw a little native girl with a small basketful of red peppers, of which she was eating one. His faShe thinks ther was about to say: she is very smart, as the son called his attention to It. The boy spoke up quickly, knowing what was to be said: Pa, would those red peppers make you smart if you eat all of them? His father replied: Yes, son. The Man Invasion. witch out for a moonlight jaunt on her favorite broomstick, had just escaped being run down by an aeroplane manned by a Oh, this is simply maddening! to think of she cried, hysterically; man Invading the one field of which we women have had a monopoly for And I believe I heard the centuries! brute say, as he passed: Oh, you kid witch! The joy-ride- Hows This? old-time- long-standin- n d the stomach To digest other food. It is also rich in the Vital phosphates that go Directly to make up The delicate gray matter of brain and nerve centres. Read The Road to Wellville In pkgs. There's a Reason. F09T0M CBRHAL COMPANY, Ltd., Battle Creek, Kick. Victim of Joy Rider. Salt Lake City. Laughing and chatting with her daughter as they stepped from a Liberty park car at 11:30 o'clock Tuesday night, Pauline Olsen Hansen, 45 years of age wife of Fred Hansen, a quarryman, was struck by an automobile, driven by Erastus Johnson, containing a "joy riding was instantly party. Mrs. Hansen killed. So terrific was the impact that the unfortunate woman was hurled about twenty feet and her head and sbo'ilders were frightfully rushed. DYOLA DYES 22-19- 1G e pre-digest- Co.,Buffalo, N. Y. n Mrs. Izit Soe Why? Mrs. L. I. Terary Every time she went to a meeting her husband moved the furniture in the parlor all around. For the Critics. Creston Clark, whose The Idea. untimely ul rotors, 10c per package at dealer IS fart, dew rod. death at Asheville robbed America of Jack sent me a handsome mirror If not In .lock, wind us 10o stollii color GOODS ALL DYE FOR ONE a serious and capable actor, was for my birthday." Color card and book of directions free by writing somewhat impatient of criticism. To Oh, that accounts for it. Burlington, Vermont. a Philadelphia critic he once said: Accounts for what?" You chaps are unwilling to accept "Yesterday he asked me if a woman a man for what he is. You want to ever got too old to be pleased with a change him to your own taste. But looking-glass- . HOWARD E. BURTON, ah7?8?.nd each of you has a different taste. To 8 peel men price: Gold, Bilver, Lead, II; Gold, Finance. whose inclination, then, is he to High Mailing Silver. 76c; Gold.fiOo; ZlneorCopper.il. and fall price list sent on application. Knicker Why did you pay $10.53 envelopes bend? l.cadvli Contiti am umpire work solidted. CoL Hoforen e. Carbonate National Bank. No, no! Take the artist for what for that hat? Mrs. Knicker I bad to do it to he is. That is tiie right critical attibook and m iMBAanm v.mr Irteaa tude. Don't be like the farm urchin make my check book balance. I once saw an urchin who, as he Pr. Pierces Pellets, email, easy to ..... css am. V rs L'XI SiTTI stoned a frog to death, repeated se- take as candy, rcuulat and Invigorate stomach, Uver and bowels. I)o uolgnpe. verely: New York, May 23. The Standard Ill larn ye to he a toad. Oil company has increased the wages Farmers and washladies get their W. N. U., Salt Laks City, No. 6 from the soil. of its workmen from to 10 per cent. living Willing to Pay for Rammer. The order is retroactive and became When the British square at the bateffective May 1. It is estimated that tle of Abu Klea, in the Nubian desthe company will add from $6,000,000 ert, was penetrated by the dervishes, to $10,000,000 to its annual pay roll one of them attempted to spear a gunexpense. ner who was in the act of ramming The new scale affects employees en- home a charge. The Briton brained in the company's works and the Sudanese, gaged but the rammer head factories, but tue office men will not split on the mans hard skull. Next day be benefited by this increase. Most of the gunner was sent for. Mistaking the employees who will get the in- the reason, and knowing from expericrease are laborers, and the advance ence that soldiers are charged for comapplies to all the subsidiary government property which they panies in the United States. break, he led off with: Please, sir, The company has approximately Im very aorry I broke the rammer, employees. The Standard is one but I never thought the fellows head of the very few big concern of this could be so hard. Ill pay for the country which has never had a strike rammer so as to hear no more of the case. imong its employees. Those Cunningham Coal Claims. Washington. The Cunningham coal claims in Alaska, which sprang into COULDNT TALK THE LANGUAGE. naUonal notice as basic cause of the breach between the forest service and the interior' department, cannot be taken up by the general land office for decision as to their validity for several weeks. When the hearing on Emperor to Lead Peace Movement. the subject of their legality was conLondon. A proposal to inaugurate cluded, the thirty-threclaims were a world-widpeace movement bear- placed in their regular order in the ing the name of the late King Edward, general land office for consideration was made by Sir William Mather at a as to whether patents should be ismeeting of the Peace society on Tues- sued. The claims having precedence. day. The suggestion met with prompt It is said, the way will be clear in a approval and speakers who followed month or two. Sir William intimated that there was Pays Old Debts for Fear of Comet. reason for the belief that Emperor iman was desirous of William Greeley, Colo. Believing that the taking portant part, if not the actual leader- coming of the comet presaged the ship in promoting a peace league of end of the world and anxious tq iiave the world. a clear record when the end came, Frank L. Hayes, who resided In this Roosevelt Received by Queen Mother. city twenty years ago, but Is "now livLondon. Theodore Roosevelt spent ing in Denver, visited a number of a busy day here on Tuesday. His here Thursday to Kettle movement about London were not accounts. Hayes canmade public in advance, and he es- didly told his creditors the reason for caped the crowds. In the morning he his action. One of Hayes creditwas received in audience by the Queen ors died many years ago and the Mother Alexandra and Dowager Em- hooks containing the entry had been ever be able to play de game? press Marie of Russia at Buckingham stored in the cellar for a decade. The Second Caddie Naw, he stutters. palace. Pieviously, accompanied by money was paid to a son who sucwhen the Frederick C Selous, R. J. Cunningham ceeded to the business It Made No Difference. and Seth Bullock, he visited the Brit- father died. Congressman Ransdale of Louisiana, ish museum. Would Prevent Prize Fight. recently told a story of Alec Trimble, Atlantic City, N. J. A strong prothe valet and factotum of a physiDry Dock Dewey Sunk. test the Jeffries-Johnsoagainst fight, cian in New Orleans, who took a fanA board is Investigating Manila cy to one of the summer shirts of his the sinking of the dry dock Dewey. scheduled to be held in San Francisco, master, and finally went and bought Divers have been engaged in examin- July 4, featured the closing hours of one exactly like It. He showed It to ing the bottom of the dry dock, but Saturday's session of the Presbyterhis mistress, who said that he had the damage has not yet been deter- ian general assembly here. A resoludone wrong, as the two shirts might mined. Raising operations will begin tion calling on Governor James N. get mixed In the washing; and Alec immed ately. Naval officers say it Gillett of California to prevent the answered: would be easy tor some mischievious fight was introduced by the Rev. F. L. Forbes of Seattle, and was referred "It'd make no difference, missus, person to evade the guard and tam- to the committee on bills and overcause deys both alike in size an per with the powerful valves oper-atetures. price. by electricity. Appreciation. Chinese Mob Destroys Village. That successful poker player cerA messenger who has Changsha. to his winning tainly paid a tribute arrived here from Yi Yang reports a game when he selected his handsome hundred houses have been burned by home. mobs. The officials have fled and the "How so? "Dont you know he built It on a town is at the mercy of the rioters. The telegraph wires have been cut bluff? and details are lacking. Bands of rioters have advanced along the main road and are moving northward. SevThere is a reason eral villages have been entirely dedoes correct stroyed. Why Grape-Nut- s Packer Indicted. A weak, physical, or a Conn. The federal grand Hartford, Sluggish mental condition. jury sitting here on Tuesday returned The food is highly nutritious an indictment against the meat packing firm of Schwarzsch'ld & Sulzber-berger- , And is partially charging the shipping of unSo that it helps the organs of marked and uninspected meat. BROKE HER UP. SOLDIERS EXPERIENCE. Riots in Cork. We offer One Hundred Doll&ra Reward for any ease of Catarrh tb&t caanov be cured by Hail'a Catarrh Cure. F J CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. We, the undemUroed. have known F J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obi vat Ions made by his firm. KlrvNAN A MARVIN, WaLDINQ, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Q. Cure is taken internally, acting Halls Catarrh directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sent Testimonials free. Price 75 cents system. bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall Family Pills for const Ipattott. pr An Instance. The rubber industry ought to be able to solve one financial problem. What problem? That of elastic currency. If You Have if lines blur or PETTIT'S EYE gists or Howard Common Sore Eyes, run together, you need SALVE, 25c. All drugBros., Buffalo, N. Y. We are our best when we try to be it not for ourselves alone, but for our brethren. Phillips Brooks. PKRKY DAVIS' PAINKILLER For a Buddun chili or cold (instead of whiskey) oto Ireland. The presence here Painkiller h or colic diarrhea and on Sunday of rival Irish factions in this medicine never fails. 26c, 36esummereomplalnt and 60o boulea. spite of elaborate police precautions, A mustard plaster can always be led to serious conflicts, following demupon to do something smart. depended onstrations which were addressed by John E. Redmond, leader of the Irish Mrs. WIdiIow'i Soothing Byron, Forcblidren teething softens the gums, reduce!- parliamentary party; John Dillion and Ha m maUun a.1 lit vx uu.,n. wind oollG, C UotU. William OBr.en. Many persons were The man who plants a ladder never injured, including Daniel D. Sheehan, M. P. for Cork. knows what will come up. Cork, Judge Kills Himself. Buhyrus, O. Deputy Probate Judge W. B. Fprest committed suicide here Sunday afternoon by shooting himself through the head. Despondence ver falling health is believed to have been responsible for his act. Mr. Forest was in Democratic circles. well-know- n Agreement. Petersburg. Negotiations between Russia and Japan with reference to an agreement on the question of the far east, in spite of denials of both sides, have now assumed definite form. While it is not possible to obtain information on the details of the plan, there Is reason to believe that Japan is seeking to negotiate a convention on broader lines than Russia now wishes. Tangible developments may be expected within a month if this difference can be arranged. Russo-Japane- St Afraid of Ghosts When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldnt any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are two letters whichtprove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. Fitch ville, Ohio. My daughter was all run down, suffered from pains In her side, head and limbs, and could walk but a short distance at a time. She came very near having nervous prostration, had begun to cough a deal, and seemed melancholy by spells. good 8ho tried two doctors but got little help. Since taking Lydia EL Plnkliains Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier and Liver Pills she has Improved so much that she feels and looks like another girl. Mrs. C. Colo, Fitchville, Ohio, I feel it my duty to Irasburg, Vermont. say a few words in praise of your medicine. When I began taking it I had been very sick with kidney and bladder troubles and nervous prostration. I am now taking the sixth bottle of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and find myself greatly improved. My friends who call to see me have noticed a great change. Mrs. A. II. Sanborn, Irasburg, Vermont. We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful or that either of these women were paid in any way for their testimonials, or that the letters are published without their permission, or that the original letter from each did not come to us entirely unsolicited. What more proof can any one ask ? For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has been tbe standard remedy fur female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice Bhe has thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Many people are afraid o( ghosts. Few people re afraid of germs. Yet the ghost is a fancy and the germ is a fact. If the germ could be magnified to a size equal to its terrors it would appear more terrible than any dragon. Germs cant be avoided. They ore in the air we breathe, the water we drink. The germ con only prosper when the condition of the system gives it free scope to establish and develop. When there is a deficiency ol vital force, languor, restlessness, a fallow cheek, hollow eye, when tbe appetite is poor and tha sleep is broken, it is time to guard against the germ. You can fortify the body against all germs by the use of Dr. Pierce's Gold, en Medical Discovery. It increases the vital power, cleanses the system of clogging impurities, enriches the blood, puts the atom, ach and organs of digestion and nutrition In working condition, so that the germ finds no weak or tainted spot in which to breed. Golden Medical Discovery contains no alcohol, whisky or g drugs. All its ingredients printed on Rs outside ia not a secret nostrum but a medicine or known wrapper. It composition and with a record of 40 yean f cares. Accept no substitute there is nothing just as good. Ask your neighbors. AXLE GREASE a is the turning-poin- t to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer, everywhere FOB SA1 S BY CONTINENTAL OIL CO. lINCCKrOBATBiM Stop taking liquid physic or big or little pills, that which makes you worse instead of curing. Cathartics dont cure they irritate and weaken the bowels. CASCARETS make the bowels strong, tone the muscles so they crawl and work when they do this they are healthy, producing M tight results. CASCARETS toe s box for s weeks treatment. AU druggists. Biggest seller In Um world. MHuon boxes a monlb. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM tsses Boteg and besot flee the hair. a luxuriant growth. Nevvr Full to Heatorc Gray Hair to t You infill Color. Cures Kfi r ww - jjair Id uUZ. ? habit-formin- V.N 11 ifflleted with aw eyuft, use f Thom -- m vys |