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Show ,. , iamEJ i, sr -- w ' jifc.a' ,5MW4 ' " k No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach J3Y V . ?i --- ?.. C TTMt BOPRA-fieWllUL- tO. SYNOPSIS. td" Dan Maitland, on re aching his fHew York bachelor club, met an attrac-young woman at the door. Janitor 0THagan assured him no one had been totthin that day. Dan discovered a worn- finger prints in dust on his desk, atony with a letter from his attorney. Maitland dined with Banner man. his Dan set out tor Greenfields, to ant Ms w family Maitland, Jewels. crook, Daniel Anlsty. Maitland opened his safe, took herefrom the Jewels, and gave them to Sur, first forming a partnt rshlp in crime police of The real Dan Anisty. sought by overcame he wot Id, appeared. Maitland ftbn. Ho and the g ri went to New York her auto. He had the Jewels. She uns to meet him that day. a A Mr, detecBnatth Introduced himself as tive. To shield the girl in gray, Maitland, ubont to show him the Jewels, supposedly loci, was leiled by a blow from "Snalths" cane. The latter proved to be Anlsty fctmseif and he secured the gems. Anisty, who was Maitland's double, masqueraded s the latter. The criminal kept Malt-fcnin gray, engagement with (ho tie gave her the gems. The gill girl In gray "Vteitvd Maitlands apartments during his Absence and returned gems Maitland, without cash, called up his home and heard a womans voice expostulating. Anisty, disguised as Maitland, tried to trmg from her the location of the gems. 1 crash was heard at the front door, faltiand overwhelmed the crook, allow-n- g him to escape to shield the young Woman. The girl in gray made her escape, Jumping into a cab An Instant wr, by working a ruse, Anisty was at her side. He took her to Attorney office. There, by torture, he Tk ,i in vain to wring from her the r t the gems. He left her a moment wad she 'phoned O'Hagnn, only getting in Om words: Tell Mr Maitland under the brass bowl, the hiding place in the latters rooms, when Anlsiy heard her words. Banner man also was revealed .as as crank. He and Anisty set out to secure gems and leave town. The girl was ifis atUl imprisoned. t ds 1 looa--Or- m CHAPTER KV, The Price. i Slowly Maitland returned to the study and replaced the lamp upon his dealt; and stood briefly in silence, long chin, fingers stroking his lt!a face a little thin and a gleam of pain in his eyes. He sighed. So she was gone! He laughed a trace harshly. This surprise was nothing in ore than he wSght have dtscountegM course; he had been a few of her, (fast deserts both for having dared to s brileve that the gtxd in human i particularly In woman's nature) wonlT respond to' decent treatment, And tor having acted on that asinine top--oa- t, t theory. So she was gone, without a word, without a sign! tie's at down at the desk, sidewise, arm extended along its edge, fln-- . jimm gers drumming out a dreary little tune the hprd polished wood; and t l' ; thought It all over from the begin-v'- 1! 7 .sains, Nor spared himself. Wit, after all, should It be other--wtee- ? Why should she have stayed? "Why should he compliment himself iTbjr believing that there was aught About him visible through the veneer .Acquired in a score and odd years of existence, to attract a pnrposelesg young and pretty woman's heart? He enumerated his qualities specifically; and condemned them all. Imprimis, he was a conceited ass. A fascinating young criminal had but its toss her head at him to make him think that she was pleased with him, fis make him forget that she was what Tbs was and believe that, because he i V veras willing to stoop, she was willing i- r ' '' s climb. And he had betrayed him-'to.f How she must so mercilessly! e $ , atatve laughed in her sleeve all the while he pranced and bridled and 4 ttWHsed himself under her eyes, 1 to his own idiocy by the flame I 1 t y y . ruinded yot a sudden infatuation how she must aavq laughed! Undoubtedly she had laughed; and, y;. luring his depth or his shallow-- J had determined to use him to Why not? It had been her her professional duty, to of him in order to And because not dared to ask him for the J;ip3ea he left her In the- morn- had naturally returned- in the 1 regain them, very con- ddubtless, that even If surprised VI '$ i .'A 3ud'tirae, she would get off scot- d tunately for her, this interfered. Maitland At y pvwBnn..ri'llically that he ought to V,: V- 'f Anisty. The unaccount- ble ocdwiafeK Why had he returned? 'ii y How he;flrl had contrived to 'f v &9'.0fa4 of Tonrse, more easy to InKaidL Maitland recalled that sud- hoofa In the street, and " 'toUr 'make a trip to the vefify his suspicion that s T tt r-- f pds. accom-plunderin- iahe fel-ha- I-- ' es-iv- un-Xt- lCfrrf4-WPln- remarks to tad Mien pardonable Vsca ht jtheat,M)iltland had ad- footed bllL . She Traa welcome to that. was well rid (MhanaMe business. Yes, jaw fewetil to hlmt tathtoeaM associations, he to prize- - f ,eai M .aided they BWh?r m i 1 y Ji 7' 7 ; V ; 3tb '7 - VyV v i1- . had eea worn by apare no ex-Sprite trace aad at tatetod memorys Jtlfai Iwwb at least, the would 'etjthei MalUands would .never, he married oat It had ohsarted wbaa. after death,-to,stoM had ifv w i v ,: 7774 ,.x " he t' v v igoW tp e I Nothing Like well-bein- worn-lookin- na-ivn- oriaat of diieatioa aad nutrition. It enrichea the blood, inriioratea the liver, atrenithenm the hldneyo, nourlabeo iewels; somehow (and one wondered the nerves, nnd ao GIVES HEALTH HMD STRENGTH TO to contrived she had what risk) it THE WHOLE BOOT. ake them from him and bring them Yon cant afford to accept e utrtt nostrum as a substitute tor this non alooholie medicine op known composition, not even though the urgent dealer 'jack to their owner. And Anisty had 'ollowed. may thereby make a littls bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. Poor little woman! What had she lot suffered, what perils had she not LIMBURGER AND THE LAW iraved, to prove that there was honor jven in thieves! It could have been Odorous Compound Responsible for it no inconsiderable danger a danSome Trouble and a Little Alwm of not Incommensurate with that ger iened Wit obbing a tigress of her whelps that Free of Charge to Every he had managed to filch his loot from Reader of this Paper. "Technically, said Judge Wells to hat pertinacious and vindictive soul, William in the court, Rung municipal Vnisty! you had the right on your side. HowBut she had accomplished it; and ever, you chose a form of cruel and all for him! unusual punishment that cannot be find now! could If only he her, tolerated by this court Ill have to There was a clew to his hand in that fine you one dollar. of Gives one s sweet breath; clean, white, course, but by this act she 'ag, It appears from the evidence that teeth antiseptically clean germ-fre- e forever removed from him the right Mr. Rung, who is a stereotyper, sat mouth and throat purifies the breath 0 investigate that. down to luncheon with Edward Snider, after smoking dispels all disagreeable If he could only find that cabby. a fellow employee. The piece de resistperspiration and body odors much apperhaps If he tried at the Madison ance of Rung's luncheon consisted of preciated by dainty women. A quick square rank, Immediately remedy for sore eyes and catarrh. and Snider, who relimburger cheese, Besides, It was clearly his duty not gards himself as something of a wag, A fittle Psxtine powder diso remain in the flat alone with the solved in s glass of hot water had made certain remarks about the 'ewels another night. There was but makes s delightful antiseptic socheese, reflecting particularly on its lution, possessing extraordinary me attainable place of safety for odor. Mr. Rung smeared Thereupon cleansing, germicidal and healhem, and that the safe of a reputable a piece of the cheese over the humoring power, and absolutely harmhotel. He would return to the Bar-holous Sniders countenance. less. Try a Sample. 50c. a at once, merely pausing on his This, said Rung, as he stepped up large box at druggifts or by mail. to if the cabmen of vay inquire they to pay his fine, is the kind of justice THE PAXTON TOILET CO., BoeroN, Mats. k to ould send their that smells to heaven. him. That will be about all from you, Maitland shook himself Into his said the court bailiff; "cheese it! jammed hat upon head, dropped Record-Herald- . he jewels Into one pocket, the Ciga- Chicago e rette case into another, and on Civilization and Missions. Anistys revolver, with its two There Is a question that is larger mexploded cartridges, into a third, than government or trade, and that Is them in the world. CASCARETS the the bes t ind pressed the call button for OHa-3an- , the moral of the vast mil- biggest seller why? Because its not waiting, howeYer, for that lions who have come under the protec- medicine for the liver and bowels. Its worthy to climb the stair, but meeting tion of modern governments. The rep- what they will do tor you not what Mm in the entry hall. resentative of the Christian religion we say they will do that makes Im going back to the Bartholdi, must have his place side by side with CASCARETS famous. Millions use D'Hagan, for the night. You may bring the man of government and trade, and CASCARETS and it is aB the medicine ne my letters and any messages in the for generations that representative that they ever need to take. m Horning. I should like you to sleep in must be supplied in the person of the weeks s box for a roc CASCARETS teleanswer he flat and any foreign missionary from America and treatment, alt druggists. Biggest seller ia the worlds Milium boxes a month. phone calls. Europe. Civilization can only be perYiss, Misther Maitland, sor. manent and continue a blessing to any hook and your Ideas. Have the police gone, OHagan? FREE Esta.blUhedl88Qi people If, in addition to promoting PATENT advice KlUge raldALo. Box K, WuhlaftoB, D. 6. Theres a whole bottle full yet, sor. their material well being, It also Youve not been drinking, I trust? stands for an orderly individual liberThe Irishman shuffled. Shure, sor, ty, for the growth of intelligence and an wud that be hosphitible? for equal justice in the administration Laughing, Maitland bade him good of law. Christianity alone meets these night and left the house, turning west fundamental The requirements. to gain Fifth avenue, walking slowly change of sentiment in favor of the because he was a little tired, and en- foreign missionary in a single generajoying the rather unusual experience tion has been remarkable. of being abroad at that hour without Took Them at Their Word. company. The sky seemed cleaner than ordinarily, the city quieter than Any article removed from the winever he had known it, and in the air dow," was the notice prominently diswas a sweet smell, reminiscent of the played at an outfitters shop. Attracted country-sidreminding one unhappi- by it, a supercilious person 'entered ly of the previous night when one had the shop and asked to be allowed to c gone whistling to one's destiny along Inspect a particularly vivid tie In the front row. The salesman having disa perfumed country road. Good 'eavings, Mister Maitland, sir! arranged the window and brought out the desired object, the supercilious It carnt be you! Cityman Say, Hayseed, youre Rather loud, isnt losing something! Maitland looked up, bewildered for person remarked: the instant. The voice that hailed him It? Hayseed Go on, man; yer cant Well, somewhat striking, agreed fool yer Uncle Dudley. out of the sky was not unfamiliar. A cab that he had waited on the the shopman. I thought so," replied the visitor, Single Blessedness. corner to let pass, was reined back Emerson Theres nothing like sinIt suddenly. The driver leaned down as he turned to leave the shop. from the box and In a thunderstruck offends my taste. You neednt put It gle blessedness! Waters Wrhat? This sounds strange back. Good day! tone advertised his stupefaction. from a happily married man. It arent in nature, sir if yerll A Great Surprise. Emerson I know. But I was very pardon my mentionin it But 'ere I shouldnt be sur- much afraid that the doctor was going I Ruthle, Papa leaves you not ten minutes ago at the if God would send you 'a little to say twins last night. The Circle. St. Luke building and finds yer 'ere, prised before long. What would brother baby when you avent ad time The Crushing Reply. you think of that? j Maitland woke up. Whats that? She What are you thinking about? Ruthle Oh, papa! I think If would he questioned, sharply, You, left me be perfectly lovely. And say, papa, He Oh, nothing much. where ten minutes ? She (sweetly) That's egotistical. let's you and me keep it a surprise for St. Luke bulldin, corner Broadway mamma. Life. Harvard Lampoon. an I know it, excited, but " The Worlds Volcanoes. Every man who owns a single share avin took yer there with the of stock In a $1,000,000 corporation There are 270 active volcanoes hi thinks he could run it better than the the world, many of them being comyoung lady Young lady! general manager does. paratively small. that comes outer the ouse with yer, sir The devil ! Maitland hesitated no longer; his foot was on the step as h Drive me there at once, and spoke. drive for all youre worth! he cried. One will find If theres an ounce of speed In that plug s of yours and you dont get It brother-nighthaw- well-shape- d t fOcSEPl' FREE on touching home, surprised lady hisin gray, gems. uraeking the sate containing the,wnapparently, took him for a , IOUJJ ?VANCE--a COPYRIGHT Ift07 . , A strong man is strong sil over. No mao can be strong who is suffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other disease of the stomach and its associated organs, which im and nutrition. For when the stomach Sairs digestion or diseased there is e loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When a man doesnt feel just right," when he doesnt sleep well, has an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, Irritable and despond ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Such a maa mboald ose Or, Pierce1 m Coidea Medical D ieeowery. it caret dlseatet ot the etomach and other Maitland Woke Up. HWhats That?" He Questioned Sharply. been removed from their settings and man sat himself down again In front stored away; but now they would of his desk, and turned the, bag over never be reset, even should he con- and over In his hands, keenly scrutintrive to reassemble them, to adorn the izing every inch of it, and whistling bride of the Maitland heir,. For he softly. would never marry. Of course not. That year1 the fashion In purses was Maitland was young enough to be- for capacious receptacles of grained lieve, and to extract a melancholy leather, nearly square in shape, and furnished with a chain handle. This from, this. Puzzled and saddened, his mind which Maitland held was conspicuharked back forever to that carklng ously of the mode neither too large, question: Why had she returned? nor too small, constructed of fine soft shade, with a What bad brought her back to the leather of a and chain of flat? If she and Anlsty were confed- frame-wor- k erates, as one was Inclined at times to Itself. It was new and seemed 'well-filleweighing a trifle heavy In the believe If such were the case, Anlsty had the jewels, and there web nothing hand. One face was adorned with a the Inelse of any particular value so per- monogram of cut S and G and L Interlaced. itials acto entice such and sistently expert complished burglars back to his flat. But beyond this the bag was IrritatWhat else had they required of him? ingly His peace of mind was nothing that Undoubtedly, If one were to go to they could turn into cash; and they the length of unsnapplng the little, seemed to have reaved him of nothing frail clasp, one would acquire Informaelse. tion; by such facile means would much But they had that; unquestionably light he shed upon the darkness. But Maitland put a decided negative to the they had taken that, And still the riddle haunted him: suggestion, No. He would give her the benefit Why had she come back that night? And, whatever her reason, had she of the doubt He would wait, he would come In Anisty's company, or alone? school himself to patience. Perhaps One minute It seemed patent beyond she would come back for it and exdispute that the girl and the great plain. Perhaps he could find her by the next advertising it and get an explanaplunderer were minute Maitland was positively as tion. Pending which, he could wait sured that their recent meeting had a little while. It was not his wish to been altogether an accident. From pry into her secrets, even if even if It was something to be smoked over. what he had heard over the telephone, he had believed them to be quarreling, Strange how it affected him to have although at the time he had assigned in his hands something that she had to OHagan the masculine side of the owned and touched! dispute. But certainly there must Opening a drawer of the desk, Maithave arisen some difference of opln land produced an aged pipe. A brazen ion between Anlsty and the girl to jar, companion piece to the ash rehave drawn from her that frantic neg- ceiver, held his tobacco. He filled the ative Maitland had heard, to' have pipe from the jar, with thoughtful debeen responsible for the overturning liberation. And scraped a match beof the chair an accident that seemed neath his chair and ignited the tobacto argue something in the nature of a co and puffed in contemplative conphysical struggle; the chair Itself lay tentment, deriving solace from each upon Its side, mute witness to 'a hasty mouthful of grateful, evanescent inand careless movement on somebody's cense. Meanwhile he held the charred match between thumb and forefinger. part But It was all Inexplicable. EventBecoming conscious of this fact, ually Maitland shook his head, to sig- he smiled in deprecation of his absent-mindenify that he gave it up. There was mood, looked for the but one thing to do to put It out of discovered it in place, inverted mind. He would read a bit, compose beneath the book; and frowned, rehimself, go to bed. membering. Then, with an Impatient Preliminary to doing so, he would gesture impatient of his own intake steps to insure the flat against firmity of mind for he simply oould further burglarizing, for that night at not forget the girl he dropped the least. The draught moving through match, swept the book aside, lifted thehall stirred the portiere and re- the bowl. minded him that the window in the After a moment of Incredulous awe. trunkroom was still open, an Invita- the young man rose, with eyes tion to any enterprising sneak-thie- f or alight and a jubilant song In the second-stor- y man. So Maitland went heart of him. Now he knew, now unto close and make it fast. derstood, now believed, and now was As he shut down the window-sas- h justified of his faith! and clamped the catch he trod on After which depression came, with something soft and yielding. Wonder- the consciousness that she was gone, ing, he stooped and picked It up, and forever removed beyond his reach carried it back to the light It proved and Influence, and that by her own to be the girls hand-bag- . willful act. It was her Intelligible Now, admitted Maitland in a tone wish that they should never meet of absolute eandor, I am damned. again, for, having accomplished her How In the dickens did this thing get errand, she had flown from the pos there, anyway? What was she doing sibillty of his thanks. In my trunk closet?" It was so clear, now! He perceived Was it possible that she had fol- it all, plainly. Somehow (though It lowed Anlsty out of the flat by that was hard to surmise how) she had route? A very much mystified young found out that Anlsty had stolen the sat-ifeati- gun-met- gun-met- giin-meta- l, hand-ln-glov- d r, g e Day After Day out Never fear, sir! Well make It In five minutes! Itll be worth your while. , . "Right-O- ! Maitland dropped into his seat, Good Lord! he whisdumfounded. In the pered; and then, savagely; power of that Infamous scoundrel ! And felt of the revolver In his pocket The cab had been headed north; the St Luke rears its massive bulk south of Twenty-seconstreet The driver expertly swung his vehicle almost on dead center. Simultaneously It careened with the Impact of a heavy bulk landing upon the step and falling In a heap on the deck. My worrd, whats that? came from aloft. Maitland was altogether too startled to speak. The heap sat up, resolving Itself Into the semblance of a man; who spoke In decisive tones: If yehre goin there, I'm goln with yeh, r yeh dont go see? , The Meuth! gasped Maitland, astounded. Toasties a constant delight. The food is crisp and wholesome and so dainty and tempting, that it appeals to the appetite all the time morning, noon and d (TO BE CONTINUED.) r Bright College Years. Smith tells me he has been graduated from an automobile school. Yes; he feelingly refers to it as alau motor. Puck. night. Popular pKg. lOc. Family size 15c. Some folks have pronounced Post Toasties the choicest flavoured bits of cereal food ever produced. The Memory Lingers Fostum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A. ( |