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Show AND GO AHEAD SLOWLY. ment Is not completed. The pedestal ENGINEERS SECURE INCREASE for the statue of the general has been MORGAN POST In place for a long time and It Is guarded by four huge bronze liona & Editor For months visitors have looked on Stahle Proprietor John Jr., never Settled and Thirty-thre- e Dispute Wage pedestal and the lions, but UTAH UP TO CONGRESS the MORGAN about the InMen are Thousand of Assured of a seen working have sign ANPLANT IN LOS monument's site. Meantime statues creased Earnings Next Year. GELES PARTIALLY DESTROYof other men much less well known to ED BY DYNAMITERS. fame have been completed, erected of Eight Legislative and dedicated. The Grant statue when Passage The wage dispute beChicago. It Is finally finished will stand In the Acts Asked by International tween the Brotherhood of Locomotive facThe Cache County Poultry associagrounds of the Botanical gardens deand sixty-onrailroads Reform Bureau. tion will give its third annual show Owners of Plant Allege Crime Was Engineers a was long There the capitol. ing west, north and south of Chicago, was of Outcome of General Labor Trouat Logan from January 18 to 23. lay In selecting the site because on be settled will There Poin Saturday. Utah 337 in the in That But were deaths bles There City, tremendous opposition to the place no strike. Instead, the engineers get INTERESTING lice Have No Clue. November, according to the monthly INQUIRY BEGUN which the committee had given its an average increase of 10 health. of per cent state board of the The warfare of words sanction. repot of their 1910 wage scale, giving them A woman has Been convicted at for weeks, hut finally the waged a Christmas present of an average ot Commission Payson of violating the city liquor Trying to Devise Law Botanical garden site was authorized. Los Angeles, Cal. The Llewellyn $192 for each of the two after One of the reasons why many people ordinance by selling liquor, of Injured the for Iron Works was partially wrecked by approximately Compensation men involved for each subseto failed had do not want the statue placed where agree. Emjuries an explosion, presumably of dynaEmployees Many House 0 year. quent who the committee decided it should stand the negress Mamie Fitzgerald, Soon to Lose Jobs. And now, after having Christmas morning. The early mite, ployees Philosopher to it Commisa United In for room letter States was that In order to make shot and seriously injured Mrs. Alma force of the explosion tore out the all philosophy with you, four magnificent trees would have to reviewed C. Iverson, her colored landladly, in front of the building, smashed win- sioner Charles P. Neill, who, as medIs only one law that I can lay GEORGE CLINTON. there By historic Erdman iator under were the trees act, The brought has be sacrificed. Salt Lake City on September 3, dows for more than a block distant Washington. Congress nas been and were known as the Crittenden down for your guidance. the settlement out of what seemed been acquitted by a jury. and wakened people in residence dis- a sure asked to pass this winter eight legis- elms. Student What Is that? EnGrand Chief trees were not cut down disagreement, Amelia The will of the late Harriet tricts more than two miles away. The gineer Warren S. Stone of the broth- lative acts, the advocates of which but wereTheremoved to another place, Philosopher When you are sure of President night watchman was slightly injured. Etolson Young, widow The but on account of their age It Is a you are right, you should suspect that erhood gave as the reason for accept- call them moral measures. Brigham Young, shows the value ol The police have no clue to the perpeInternational Reform bureau Is at question whether they will survive. you are wrong. the terms the offered, ing suffering the property left by her to be $39,000. trators. work a with militant would uplift and which loss a spirit attend general Hundreds Lose Jobs. the bulk of which is left to relatives. Who placed the supposed charge of western strike. which refuses to be cast down. The HIRAM CARPENTERS WONDER. Secretaries, clerks, messengers and house and senate are not always Gladys Whitney, accused of stealing dynamite Is unknown, but It Is beFULCURE0F PSORIASIS. of the house of repre$12,500 worth of diamonds frotn a lieved by the owners of the plant to HELP NEEDED IN CHINA. ready or willing to pass these moral doorkeepers marked Saturday, have sentatives diamond salesman in Salt Lake City, be the outcome of the general labor measures, but they are always very 1 have been afflicted for twenty has entered a plea of not guilty and troubles In Los Angeles, In which the Three Million People are on the Verge anxious not to appear to be antago- March 4, 1911, as a black letter day. out from with an obstinate skin disease, the witness It for blotting court to years the may district has been held nistic to the bills except on the ground of Starvation. Llewellyn company has been prominames of hundreds called by some M. D.s. psoriasis, and the roll of the pay trial. of Involved. othor some for j nently unconstitutionality New York. Private on my advices reA negro who attempted to hold up er reason which cannot be considered of employees most of whom have others leprosy, commencing A hole In the ground eighteen Inhere the famine of I ceived China in all could In of say do, and house spite representatives served the scalp; as springing from a desire to stand three Chinamen In Salt Lake is in ches deep and about six feet in dia- has so far affected three million of unbroken with the help of the most skilful the years long through broken a a fractured with of meter skull, to bears witness the place jail and that $1,000,000 is urgently against morality. it slowly but surely extended unFormer Senator Henry W. Blair is Republican rule. jaw, and other cuts and bruises, the origin and probable cause of the dam- needed for their relief. of PennMcDowell a Alexander til year ago this winter it covered Major the of the Reform bureau Celestials beating him almost to age. A region of thirty-thremiles wide whichpresident of the Civil war and my entire person In the form of dry veteran sylvania, movhas for its secretary and death. The front of the main building, a veteran of the congressional service, scales. For the last three years I have by nearly sixty miles long has been The city council of Lehi have form three-storframe, for a distance of eswept by the worst flood within the ing spirit Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts. The is the clerk of the house of representa- been unable to do any labor, and has bureau Indorsed and commended to the block donated the was feet shot to ally accepted probably seventy-fivmemory of man. The people lost ev- to churches and reform societies for tives, a job of prominence and of much suffering Intensely all the time. Every city for a park by Ira D. Wines, a pieces and its contents of furniture Major Mc- morning there would be nearly a dustthey had. The imperial gov- support these legislative measures: legislative Importance. erything former resident of that town. The and office paraphernalia are piled to- ernment has ol story-teller- s of Is one the Dowell 40,000 taels for the voted of scales taken from the sheet park is to be known as Margaret gether in apparent ruin. The big ma- twelve devasted counties, but It Is a To remove the federal shield of in- congress. Members say that he spins panful some of them half as large on bed, my commerce terstate from the original Wines park. chinery of the plant Is apparently un- mere drop in the bucket. a better yarn than either Joseph G. as the envelope containing this letter. ' terriInto packages imported dry C. V. Anderson, deposed superin- damaged. or Chauncey M. In the latter part of winter my skin Taking China as a whole, this par- tory; To prohibit Interestate trans- Cannon, Champ Clark tendent of the Salt Lake county inwho usually are con- commenced men the Depew, flooded a is small ticular one; district cracking open. I tried of race mission COOK ROASTS RASMUSSEN. gambling odds and sidered to be veritable mines of anecfirmary, who is charged with graft that could be but there also are famine conditions bets; almost, transeverything, To interestate prohibit and embezzlement of funds in trust, dote. relief. The without In other parts of China, and the imperany of, North Pole Controversy Revived of thought and pictures descriptions portation is to be given a preliminary hearing The clerk of the house Is good com- 12th of June I started West, in hopes ial government is in such straits fin- of prize fights; To prohibit Sunday Return Home of Explorer. on December 31. as well as 1 could reach the Hot Springs. ancially that it is very much to be toil and traffic in in the District of Co- pany and the Democrats ' New York. By implication accus- feared Land and Water The Utah-Idahthat adequate assistance can- lumbia; "To prohibit saloons in Ha- the Republicans have so found him, reached Detroit and was so low I Is ol company has completed the construc- ing Knud Rasmussen, the Danish ex- not be given. To prohibit the United States hut the majors Republicanism thought I should have to go to the waii; In which no man of his party the kind tion of the dam in Box Elder county plorer, of stooping to the depths of a but finally got as far as LanIn district from hospital, attorneys engaging ROBBED BY LONE BANDIT. to get public at'can find a flaw and therefore, that will water 4,000 acres of land in literary muck-rake- r where I had a sister livMich., To forbid sing, liquor private practice; he is popular and the best of the heart of the dry farming section tention, Dr. Frederick A. Cook, the One Dr. treated me about in used ing. and shops selling buildings Relieved raconteurs, the Democrats on coming two weeks, but did me no good. All of Curlew valley. Brooklyn explorer, gave out a reply Passengers and Train Crew United the States by government, of Valuables By Nervy Man. will sever his services Residents of Iron county in the vi- Sunday night to Rasmussens recent! I had but a short time to live. an To restrain the traffic in opium. into power a bit reluctantly per- thought with congress, on was attack which Cook, Mo. A decided that bandit have Cedar of Kansas lone published City I earnestly prayed to die. Cracked cinity City, On moral measures convaccination offers the best relief in on November 9, last. celebrated Christmas by going through gress never divides politically and the haps, but none the less surely. the skin all over my back, Now that one comes to think of It, through Incidental to his of defense own his a of the Missouri Pacific train No. 112, due reason for this is apparent. There alepiacross smallpox checking spread ribs, arms, hands, limbs; my 4 March to It a is mistake say that came off; feet badly swollen; demic, and over 500 persons were vac- narrative of Arctic exploration, Dr. here at 10:35 oclock, and holding up ways is a division, however, on meas- will be a black letter as because day Cook says that by Rasmussen's meth- more than one hundred passengers, ures which touch the cinated last week. dead and hard as a bone; liquor traffic In a matter of fact, unless there shall be finger-nail- s hair The new liquor ordinance for Salt ods of Investigation, Robert E. Peary from whom he took only money and any way. Into this question, for it is an extra session of dry and lifeless as old congress, most of straw.dead, an interstate commerce one largely, the O my God! how I did suffer. Lake City has been approved by the could, with equal case, be discredited, watches. employees of the present house The man boarded the n, which enter the questions of states rights will continue to draw pay until the My sister wouldnt give up; said, ayor. Druggists will be permitted but declares that he "will take Mr. in word will tfy Cutlcura. We Some was apPearys continue the sale of liquor in preference to either was from SL Joseph, bound for St. and of personal liberty. In next for the house convenes, except of the original license fee that of Rasmussen or the Eskimos in Louis, at Levenworth Junction in the New England Enjoys Mosby, plied to one hand and arm. Eureka! event extra an the of session, calling tho matter of accomplishments. Of $400 per annum. outskirts of Leavenworth, and left it Colonel John S. Mosby, who in the clerks and the door keepers and some there was relief; stopped the terrible at Northwestern Junction, in Kansas civil war days was called a guerilla The duck season for 1910 will come other employees must continue in the burning sensation from the word go. Insurgents Take Town. to an official close Saturday, night, De City, Kan., after securing a large and who now is called a noted con- service during the summer months to They immediately got Cutlcura ReMarfa, Texas. A report, regarded amount of money and valuables and federate cavalry leader," has been lec- care for the comcember 31, a half hour after sunset. capitol; but most of the solvent, Ointment and Soap. I A bill for a search and seizure or- as authentic, was received here on shooting one man who attempted to turing In New England, a section of employees while still drawing their menced by taking Cutlcura Resolvent the country which forty-seveyears salaries will have little to do until three time a day after meals; had a dinance, tending to regulate the liquor Saturday o the effect that Mexican resist him. insurrectos looted the store and ranch was be that capnext December, when in their cases bath once a day, water about blood hq ago demanding traffic, is before the Provo council. v A Christmas Tragedy. Carlos belonging to Entured and treated like a pirate. The the real black letter day will dawn. heat; used Cutlcura Soap freely; apVasa Wurdal, a Servian miner, fell near San Wash. Preparations for years that have gone by have softened Seattle, plied Cutlcura Ointment morning and down a stope in the underground work- rique C. Creel, known as Los AnPlnchot Versus Tsft hacienda, taking 250 saddle Christmas at the home of Daniel the animosities of war time and now evening. Result: returned to my ings of the Boston Consolidated mine geles has It been that recently reported and 150 feed cattle. They al- OConner, a mall carrier, ended in a New England is listening with a keen home In just six weeks from the time at Bingham and was instantly killed horses PlnTheodore Roosevelt and Gifford took the town of San Carlos, it fire which cost the lives of his chil- kind of pleasure it Is said to the old I left, and my akin as smooth as this Wurdal was working In , one of the so chot have fallen out. Mr. Pinchot's Is reported. The jefe politico fled, dren, Bert, aged six months and Don- veteran's raiding Btories of the civil sheet of paper. Hiram E. Carpenter, atopeB when he lost his balance and friends that the say Washington Colonel Baroles of the Mexican army ald, three years old, serious injury of war. felL Is a joke of the first rank, and Henderson, N. Y. rumor Is said to have Colonel Mosby Is a noted figure in The above remarkable testimonial killed at Mulato four other, persons and destroyed the if by any chancs there should be The Ogden sugar factory has closed while operating been a rapid fire gun In OConner residence early Supday. The the capital. His face is that of the that a basis of truth in It, the country has was written January 19, 1880, and la this year with an output record ot the recent engagement. because of the permanInjured are Mr. and Mrs. OConner, novel and picture book soldier. He a case of severed This is 12,000,000 pounds of sugar. friendship for the republished Owen Peterson, Mrs. OConners Brother-in-- is hawk nosed, sharp eyed and lithe like of which the of comrade- ency of the cure. Under date of April Auto Struck by Train. about 4.000,000 pounds less than was hlstoiy law, and Patrolman Scot White, figured. It was only a year ago that 22, 1910, Mr. Carpenter wrote from his can furnish few parallels. turned out last year, the deficit being Philadelphia, Pa. While delivering all of whom were badly burned while the colonel was In the hospital under- ships The knew months ago that present home, 610 Walnut St. So., country due to the fact that there was a short- Christmas presents in a big automo- trying to rescue the children. The sur- Mr. Pinchot I have never suf going a severe opeyation. Mr. and Taft had fallen Lansing, Mich.: of beets. age bile truck for a Philadelphia departsaid the colonel would die. The out The a fered geon return of the psoriasis and alhas had the last president Save Died Trying to Wife. The production of coal In the state ment store, two men and a boy who colonel said he would not die. and he shot at the have though many years passed I have but It forester, may be of Utah for t$ie year 1910 was 2,526, were in the vehicle were killed, Indianapolis, Ind. In attempting to did not. Mr. Pinchot will return the shot not forgotten the terrible suffering I that 093 short tons, an increase of 204,384 when a Baltimore & Ohio passanger rescue his wife from their biirnlng Has Interesting Task. In kind. Last summer 76 peisons in endured before using the Cuticura tons over 1909. There were 146,064 train struck the truck in Moore, ten home. H. Kellemeyer was burned to A commission composed of six mem- the employe of the forest service were Remedies." tons of coke produced in the same miles from this city. death on Christmas day, while the bers of congress and two killed and neatly 200 were injured Wants a Long Engagement. period, a decrease of 34,965 tons as wife, after being trapped in a second-stor- associates is just now engaged In an while fighting forest fires In the Moonshiner Killed Preacher. 1909. Do you believe In long engagewith by room by the flames, escaped by Investigating work which several of northwest. compared When the casualty lists The students of the Brigham Young Jasper, Ga. Carter Lingerfelt, an umplng from the window. Kellemey- the members declare is the most inter- were all in Mr. Pinchot said publicly ments? he asked after she had conUniversity at Provo will conduct a alleged moonshiner and well known er already had made two trips Into esting which ever took their attention. that the loss of life and the injuries sented to be his. I have Yes, dearest, she replied. financial campaign to collect about character of this section, was shot and the burning building and rescued his The commissions endeavor is to find to the men of the service were due to killed at Mount thought it was such a mistake $11,000, the present deficit in the Mae-sePlsgah Baptist five children, who were asleep, and some means by which damage suits the fact that congress had been nig- always building fund. A number of en church in Gilmer county by Rev. W. J. he was on his third trip after his wife brought by injured employees against gardly in its appropriations. Mr. for two people to rush Into matrimony tertainments will be given in different Klmmon. It seems the fight was forc- when he met his death, the tottering their employers may he adjusted with- Pinchot was bold enough to lay the before they learned to really know walls falling upon him. ed upon the preacher. towhs by the students. out recourse to the courts and without blame on the shoulders of Individual each other. Well, about how long would you Cancer of the stomach resulted Id the tremendous cost which even small members of congress whom he called in Accident Terrible Railway England wish the engagement to be? in name. cases Inflict the These the death in Seattle Tuesday of Robmembers by Mourning county, upon Chicago. resented Kirkby-StepheEngland. Eight damage "Let me see. Would you think it ert Forrester, consulting engineer ol Chicago. Christmas was a day of passengers were killed, some of them the state, or it may be the federal the implication that they were re- was too long if we did not get marfor a policy of murderous the Denver & Rio Grande and geolo- mourning for official Chicago. The dissponsible government. and the others burned to Instantly ried until a week from next ThursIn In countries there economy. many Europe gist for the Utah Fuel company. Mr. aster at the stock yards Thursday, death, and twenty-fivmo-r' Mr. Taft got back at Mr. Pinchot Id day?" Forrester was one of the best known when a fire in the Morris & Co. beef in the wreck of the Scotch injured are laws which provide that the emexprest ployer shall pay a fixed sum for in- this wise: In his annual message, coal experts in the world. house swept away the lives of Fire near Ilawas Junction Saturday. The Important to Mothers and the laws have been found without mentioning Mr. Pinchots The farmers of Cache county have Chief Horan and twenty-fou- r other express carried 500 persons bound for juries, Examine carefully every bottle of name of to In well. but work United course, States the perhaps making covered the whole city with a their homes in Scotland to spend effected an organization in an endea men, there is a constitutional difficulty in his reply more direct by the omission, CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for vor to secure better prices for their pall of sadness. Christmas. It was running at its ordi- the way of the passage of laws like be said that the loss of life and the infants and children, and see that it In the city churches Christmas serbeets. Beet growers will be requestBears the nary speed, when near the junction those of Europe, and one of the labors damage done was not due to the lack ed not to sign contracts until the of- vices were joined with prayers of sor- it collided a pilot engine and of the commission will be to find a of appropriation by congiess to meet Signature of j row for the dead and sympathy for was derailed. F'ire broke out in ficers of the association arrange the way of getting around the obstacle of the emergency. He declared that the In Use For Over 30 'Years. their families. From the meeting with the factory owners. and the whole train was the constitution without injuring the secretary of the interior had funds wreckage The Kind You Have Always Bought There were 69 accidents in and staffs of many residences, flags hung destroyed, except the engine and bagintegrity of the Great Document itself. from which the law allowed him to around the mines of Utah during the at halfmast. gage car. To take a case in point which will draw in Just such cases and that these Reverse Art. past twelve months. Fifteen result-andeshow the problem which the commis- funds were drawn on to the extent An actress reRecord in her Christmas Mail. Breaking Loses Violinist 22 32 were serious and Fingers. fatally, sion is trying to solve it may be said of a million dollars. Mr. Taft be- verses the usual rules of makeup art. New York. While late Christmas that a workman in were not serious. Three of the fatal Rome, Ga. As a result of his first Pennsylvania sued lieves that congress was in no wise How so? accidents occurred outside of the experience with fireworks. Alexander Bhoppers were surging through the for damages because of an Injury tot blame for the casualties in the She paints first so she can draw of streets the retail which he had received. He was award- Northwest last summer. Mr. Pinchot's mines. The per cent of fatalities per Skibinski, a well known Russian vio- crowded, sloppy afterward. 1000 was 4.38. linist and professor in Shorter college districts in a pouring rain Saturday, ed $1,000 by the .court. Of this friends believe that he will have someA farmers and housekeepers spe here, never will he able to play a vio- Uncle Sams mail men were busy de- amount he was competed to pay $500 thing further to say on this subject. Household Hints. cial train to be run in connection witn lin again. Skibinski, who has been in livering what Is said to be the biggest to his attorney and he had left only Frye to Be Dean of Senate. By taking one hobble skirt and ever mail Christmas handled the to by the Utah Agricultural college exten- this country only since last Septem$500 support his family and to pay Senator William P. Frye of Maine sewing up one end of it a very pretty the bills which had accumulated while will be the dean of the senate when ragbag may be sion course department, is among the ber, went to a store Saturday night local postoffice. The general made in which to put with its fifty branch mtions he was Incapacitated. The suit cost Senator plans of the Salt Lake Route and if and called for Roman candles. InEugene Hale of the same the others. cwas storm the real the taxpayers $2,500 before it was state retires in March. Next holiday carried out the special train will be stead, he was given a giant fire crackSeptemrun over the companys line, beginning er. A cracker exploded In his hands, being calculated that upwards of completed. In other words, the work- ber Senator Frye will be 80 years of Stop guessing! Try the best and most mail were of handled. In pieces man to order an $500 caused get early in February. t tearing away three fingers. age. Last summer the report came certain remedy for all painful ailments Hamlins to the county of five times from Maine that be was Wizard expense The way it reConstruction has begun on a new Parents Cause Childs Death. seriously ill lieves all Boreness Oil. Raising the Maine. from sprains, cuts, the amount which he received. his was and life that in railroad to Salt Lake. It is the exThe danger. D. N. Grand That wounds, the Forks, burns, scalds, etc., is wonderful. Havana. Night and day the sounds There are thousands of such cases denial was quick and emphatic. The tension of the Colorado Midland rail son of Michael Ott of Richroad from New Castle, Colo., ihe pre- of the steam hammers, the windlass ardson, N. D., froze to death as the In the courts every year. Several of senator is back in Washington and It Is often a shorter way, and more the states already have appointed looks in better physical condition sent terminus, on to Salt Lake. Tnc and the drills can be heard at the result of his parents to fashion ourselves to others useful, is the neglect to commissions consider the general than he has In years. new road is to be known as the Grand wreck of the Maine, where more than than for them to adjust themselves to of the coroners jury that inverdict 100 men are doing the preliminary In the year 1880 Senator Frye wae us. La lubject of effective laws which will River, Meeker & Salt Lake. Fontaine. the case. vestigated matter exsover do and the with away to elected battered chairman work the of the raise necessary Republican There have been received by the pense and Injustice to employer and state committee of Maine to succeed A Substantial Christmas Present. Dr. Pierces Pellets, small, state engineer during the past two bulk. New York already has James G. Blaine, who had employee. resigned asy to take as candy, regulate and invigBath, Be. The 800 employes of the passed a law which years 809 applications for water for irTwin Bos Burned to Death. a little In the office. Just one year afterward orate helps Btomach, liver and Dowels. Do not Bath Iron works received a Christmas Ihe solution of the rigating purposes which will reclaim The Mr. Frye was elected to the United gnpe. difficulty. Weston, W. Va. During breakfast In the shape of a Saturday present 4,395,389.96 acres; and 216 applications time a tongresslonal committee will report States senate to take the seat of Mr exploded in the bedroom certification of a for water for power purposes have at the lamp voluntary Increase early In the next session. When the virtues are only on the home of Eldo Bech at Byron Blaine who had resigned to become 5 In to 15 cents been filed, calling for the use of 28,591 and burned to death twin boy babies, wages ranging from Visitors to Washington are of state in Garfields cab surface they easily find vociferous secretary a day. second feet why the great Grant monu inei evaporation. six months old. THE NON-UNIO- UTAH STATE NEWS e 1-- 3 33,-00- 0 doo-tor- per-son- s e y e o toe-nai- ls p ' n non-offici- e grief-stricke- n d post-offic- e d sugar-coate- won-(erln- g |