Show SHAKES NEW GAS EXPLOSION SENDS A tremon ALONG THE ENTIRE ROCK BACKBONE OF MANHATTAN accident causes death of ten peron sons the injury of one hundred and twenty five others and heavy property loss new york A terrific explosion of 0 illuminating gas gaa in the auxiliary power house at tho the grand central station stai ion which sent seat a tremor along the entire rock backbone of manhattan mond monday 3 morning caused the deaths of ten p persons cr tw two 0 ot of them women the injury of others and property damage estimated at from to floco fl on ft a technical charge of homicide tho the police took into custody albert Se garrat motorman of a train which bumped into and broko broke one of the gas pipes near the substation sub station Sc Se garral garrat said bald he tried to stop the train but could not do so BO lie he said tile collision with the buffer and gas pipes occurred at and that he be notified the company at that time of tho the accident the explosion came exactly twenty minutes later the force of the explosion ran north and south from one to two miles along the rocky ridge that Is the backbone back bont of the island and east and west laterally for a mile foundations were jarred walls walli were shaken out of plumb windows were blown in by tho the thousands ceilings came crashing down on the heads of those beneath and the pavements were littered with pulverized glass |