Show of interest to young men in every hamlot hamlet and city of utah and adjacent states iu in every ward of our rural communities may bo be found a number of young wa men n in I 1 1 age rang ranging in from eig eighteen h t een t to 0 thirty five Wb hayo 0 settled S oce occupation upa no whatever of course inmany in many bases cases this fact indicates a lack of ambition or of stability of cliar character acter but not in all A certain 9 proper tion of these men are of sterling worth with plenty of ambition energy and nil nii the qualities that go to insure sure material success but they are here unsettled discon tented simply because they hav nt found the proper outlet for their energy they discovered any legitimate profession in in harmony with their tastes and dominant inclination usually a largo proportion of these men are passionately fond of a free untrammeled out of door life they know and understand mountaineering in all its aspects and lilio like it well their robust hardy physiques phy delight in camping on out and in roughing it they have tried and tested this sort of life and they know to the full fall its sweets and risks they also know its hardships would rather build bridges ford streams fight avalanches or for est fires than sit warm and snug in an office and enter figures in a ledger tho smell of the camp ore gre and the sizzling bacon the glint of the whito white tent among the dark green pines tile the sparkle of the mountain brook deep down in the canyon these call them far more intimately than art or music or literature but thus lar those moil men have failed to find a steady remunerative occupation which would give them this sort of open nir life here the united states government and the state agricultural college at logan came to tile the rescue by pointing out the profession of forest ranger and preparing the men for st it uncle sam has enormously in increased creal his area of national forests he is in need of 0 men man properly trained and qualified by experienc eto keep watch and guard over these i public domains for the rocky mountain region lie ho prefers men who lie have grown up here and have been familiar with the ways of tho the mountains from boyhood such men if thoy they ure lalive avo land and ambitious and willing to acquire a small asmal lamount amount of technical information about forestry make the ideal western rangers the profession is profitable fascinating eminently respectable and a most promising pro branch 0 of f government service Sor vice tile the technical training needed to bogin boin in the work can call be mastered masto rod in a few weeks it includes surveying and topographical mapping wood measuring a study of bf grazing and ana lumbering methods of forest and land laws 0 of f forest posts pests of forest trees their reproduction and i preservation p reserva alon of first aid to tile the injured of packing and camping bi bf wood preservation and forest flares fires such a course will bo be given by the ta U A 0 at logan in collaboration r alon with the U S forest service prof A E oman of tho the department will conduct tho the wark p nod and will adapt it alt ogeth ejr 01 to tho the western reserves it jill U bo be of great value both to the weil mentioned above who would etue ito to enter tile the service and to t tao ambitious progressive 1 forest rangers who desiro desire promo k tion with its added 4 s find and re rom unora munera tion the Tho course courso opens abely after new years lasting from JANUARY a 3 1911 TO MARCH il II 1911 1011 i please give this opportunity your yourl serious serious consideration and a announce enounce it to all who way inay bo be in te tested in forestry the rogis regis arf 4 ti j bration fee Y is 1 board ariu aha room 1 in in varies vanos from to 4 00 a week foy foe further I 1 in in formation write to the presidents office U A 0 logan utti utah |