Show MOST ALL republican elect the assessor but the republicans win all other offices hard fought battle tile the hard fought political batile is over but there uro are soma as usual front from the most reliable returns that can be obtained although it will not bo be positively settled until tho tha county co coninis chinnis innis cail vass tho election returns monday all of tho the republican ticket except tho the assessor was elected however iu in a ill number of cases tho the vote is so close that a small error in count might turn it ib next week when tile tho returns have beon been canvassed so that WO we know that they are correct WO we expect to give tile the vote in euch each polling district the following ure are the successful candidates with their major ties for representative to congress joseph howell R for judge supreme court D N it 13 30 0 forred for rep in oth legislature john joha W thornley R co commissioner 4 year term john ford forar R 32 co commissioner byear 2 year term david cook R for county clerk clark hyrum harumo 0 pack it F for or county treasurer jens K nelson R for county recorder hulda L millor miller it R for county assessor assenso francis 11 nalder D 44 for county sheriff fred harris it 43 for county attorney E EG 0 ashton R for county surveyor john A waite jr R 24 supt public instruction hubert 0 burton R |