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Show CHINESE THE MORGAN POST Jahn Stahle Jr., Editor & Proprietor I - MORGAN UTAH UTAH STATE NEWS Anglo-Algeria- AFFIDAVITS SENT TO WASHINGTON BY PEOPLE WHO HAVE 8EEN BELLE ELMORE. Steamer n Goes PROGRESSING a SAVED Announcing That an Will be ConParliament Imperial vened in 1913. DocrOo Issued Down and Crew and Passengers Lose Their Livee. IRE TWELVE KILLED AS RESULT OF ' TWO EXPLOSIONS IN WASHINGTON COLLIERY. Tenerlffe, Canary Islands. Two seaPekin. An official decree was Is'Will King of Castledale has dug 700 sole men, the here arrived survivors, sued on Friday announcing that an baahels of potatoes from two acres of Woman Supposed to Have Been Mur- Saturday and told of the loss of the Natural Gas Combustion Assigned as imperial parliament, the first in the ground. the Cause, the Force of Explosion dered by Doctor who is Under liney Kurdistan of Scil-lhistory of China, would be convened in Ogden Is again free from smallpox, Terrific All of the Men October 20. The steamer carried a Sentence of Death Said to be Being 1913. the last patient having been released crew of forty. There were three womin Sanitarium. Killed Were Foreigners. This is a concession to the demands from quarantine a few days ago. en passengers. the recently constituted senate and of Losses of approximately ISO.OOO The survivors reached here on the of the prlvincial assemdelegations have been sustained by Salt Lake steamer German The Ursula. Santa blies. Seattle, Wash. Two explosions, ocPhiladelphia. That the woman suphanks through the bankruptcy of Bert was tong over due at The program fixed by the late curring within a few minutes of each Do Forest, Wis. L Smith in the courts of San Fran- posed to be Belle Elmore Crippen, for Kurdistan sent and owners the Saturday s-dowager, provided for the assemwhose murder Dr. Hawley Crippen is other, shortly before 7 oclock Sunday an opera, cisco. After to a vessel search in for sailed 1915, her. She tion four years ago morning, resulted in the death ol bling of an imperial parliament The truant officers of Salt Lake under sentence of death in London, from Manchester on October 17. I had pains downtwelve men, in the Lawson mine at but until recently the throne had re City have determined to see that the has been under surveillance for the The survivors were drifting in a Black Diamond, ward in both Bides, miles southeast fused to entertain petitions praying thirty taw requiring children to attend last five days somewhere in the mid- life boat on October backache, and a 21, they of Seattle. when, be advanced. the date that Fridays men Seven dowD dle is west a head of stated by the going school for thirty weeks each year is weakness. The docwere British the up ship by picked the forth that set parliament decree on shift and five men coming up were tor wanted me to private detective agency here on Monrigidly enforced. to which them transferred Vincente, have another operacaught between the first and sixth lev- would be convened within three years. Joseph Dayne and David Thompson, day. 2. tion. ItookLydia E. els, and it is almost certain that all The police went from house to house He refused to name the place where the Santa Ursula, on November of Salt Lake City, were seriously inof the edict Pinkhams the occupants Natural ii combustion vegetainforming he said perished. had located but she could gas her, Britons are Suspicious. jured when a scaffolding collapsed, on ble Compound and assigned as the cause. All the men Presently the dragon banner and pawhich they were working. It is feared not be interviewed, and gave the Imam I London. The of the czar entirely cured per lanterns appeared above every pression that she is being detained and the German meeting at Potsdam were foreigners. of my troubles. Thompson will not recover. emperor The force of the explosions was ter door. Beyond this there was no pub Mrs. in a sanitarium. William F. Dunn, who was so badly Augusts Vespebxakn, De For. Is causing perturbation in England rifle, showers of earth, timbers and lie manifestation over the momentouE "I will be able to tell in a few days est, Wisconsin. Injured in an accident at a candy facfor Russian and circles, diplomatic bits of clothing, believed to be that oi news. Another Operation Avoided. tory In Provo about a month ago, that whether pur clew amounts to any- the emperors are capable of coming New Orleans, La. For years I suf. being biown from the FIERCE STORMS ON ATLANTIC. It was feared his injuries would prove thing, he said. I do not wish any to an agreement, leaving England out the miners, fered from severe female troubles. of mine. the " Timbers slope I in and measuring am the matter, publicity sorry fatal, is recoverying rapidly. Finally I was confined to my bed and newspapers sixteen inches thick and eight feet that the story was published this in the cold. The Berlin not Gale and Heavy Fall of Snow the doctor said an operation was neces. Sharp Roger Goodrich, aged 10 years, son Insist that Germany and England, were blown mile. A half a long big sarv. I gave Lydia E. Pinkhams VegResults in Demoralization of f William Goodrich, a dairyman, who morning. re- section of etable Compound a trial first, ana steampipe was blown a simIt is further declared that affidavits is Russias friend. The Russian was knocked down and fatally injured Coast Shipping. actionary newspapers, which always ilar distance and sank fifteen feet ir was saved from an operation. Mrs. y an automobile in Salt Lake City have been forwarded to Washingtor have been patronized by the czar, the ground. The shock of the exploNew York. A storm of midwinter Lilt Peyroux, 1111 Kerlerec St, New to who seer claim have by people oa October 27, died November 1. say the same thing. sion, which was felt for miles around Intensity which came booming up the Orleans, La. While operating a loaded ore car at Mrs. Crippen in this country. Thirty years of unparalleled success was so great that many thought there Atlantic coast Thursday night, bring The London authorltes have beer confirms the power of Lydia . Pink-ham- s Crlppens Latest Hope Vanishes. Constantino the Garfield smelter, had been an earthquake. ing with it sharp gales and heavy falls informed. Vegetable Compound to cure London. Dr. Hawley H. Crippen, Bithanis, a Greek, aged 34, slipped on Soon after the explosion the mine of anow and rain, left a broad trail oi female diseases. The great volume of his of the of convicted murder a rail and falling In front of the car wife, the unsolicited testimony constantlyponr. began to cave in, indicating that all broken wire communication along Hanging of Crippen Deferred. waa so seriously injured that he died Belle Elmore, the actress, on Saturday the supports had been blown out and Beaboard. ing in proves conclusively that Lydia London. It was officially announced his last card and lost He will the tunnels wrecked. It is doubtful ii within a few minutes. . Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is were beset companies Dr. Hawley H. Crippen, played Telegraph that Monday on November 8. The crim- the mine will be Davis county canning factories have convicted be reopened. The dam- with difficulties in all directions. The a remarkable remedy for those and sentenced to death for inalhanged feminine ills from which so court of appeals heard his appeal age is estimated at 1250,000. Just completed one of the most suc- the murder of his wife, Belie severest bestorm was apparently women suffer. many cessful seasons in years, turning out would not be executed on Elmore, from the conviction of the tower court tween Baltimore and Washington, all Tuesday, and decided against him on all points. If yon want special advice about 100,000 cases of tomatoes and other as Vance Gets Off Easy. wirea between those cities being down. for the reason The court refused originally arranged, case write to Mrs. Pink ham, to a new trial your Of this total, there were grant products. Lake Salt a senCity. After being soggy, at Lynn, Mass. that the law provides that two weeks and confirmed the order of execution. Pennsylvania suffered from Her advice is M.000 cases of tomatoes. tenced to death, granted a stay of exe clinging snow and wires across the free, and always helpful. must elapse between the dismissal of Vernon Workman, son of an cution and finally given another trial, state were either down or working appeal and the carrying out of Gigantic Deal In Oil. Hr. and Mrs. Ezra Workman of Park the sentence. November Thomas Vance will not1 be executed only intermitently. 23 has been Early communiCHEMIST. Pittsburg, Pa. It was announced for the City, who was accidentally shot In the fixed upon as the date of the execuSpecimen price.: Gold, Silver, Lend. $1; Gold. alleged murder of his wife, cation with Chicago was obtained by Hirer, Oil here Standard 75c; Gold, 60c: Zinc or Copper, fl. tfaUine that the Saturday head by another boy while playing at tion. Meantime Solicitor Newton, west. to 1907. in of the thence November of The way Vance, Boston, envelopeanand full price list Mm ton application taken over the holdings Mary was 'Sntvol umpire work solicited. Lesdvlllm the Workman home, died in a Salt Crlppen's counsel, is drafting a peti- company has Jury CoL Hsfonra. given the case late Saturday Oarbcaate National C. of of Trees the Oil J. company "Doc Murder. Convicted Lake hospital on Wednesday. of Thompson after foi to night, tion for a reprieve. listening testimony this Caddo city at parish. La., paying six days, reached an Carl Seeley of Castledale was leadSan Francisco Guilty of murder in AMATEUR PH0T08RAPHERS WP agreement late The oil fields comprise 19,000,000, PLAN AERIAL 8QUADRON. anr else, 10c per roll and do it right. Out ing a mule, with the rope wrapped Sunday afternoon and returned a ver- the second degree was the verdict films, acres ystem gives greatest detail In cloud effect, now twenty-fiv- e about miles 104,000 around his hand, when the mule suddict of guilty of assault with intent tc returned on Friday against Robert scene and undertlmed negatives. Velox prints. lUxAtf and smaller.8c: 8Wx5, 8Hx3,4c: 8a, 4x6. 6e north of This is said to commit murder. DAVIS PHOTO FINISHING OO., Boulder, Colorado The minimum with the murder denly made a break for liberty, tear Twenty Machines to Be Purchased at be the Shreveport punThompson, charged largest deal in oil lands in the ishment for this offense, is one Once for Army. tag the end off Seeley's thumb and years of Eva Swan, the young stenographer history of the industry. otherwise lacerating his hand. imprisonment and the maximum 1s whose mutilated body was unearthed Washington. Planff for an aerial Mentl Influence. Two men died of overdoses of pois- military squadron will be presented twenty years. from its hiding place beneath the ceBelieves Belle Elmore Is Alive. "How far is it to Gloomville? we onous drugs in Ogden early Thursday to congress, the number of the air ment floor of a vacant house. The ask of the native who la leaning over New York. To back his belief that Tragic Death of Boy. conviction followed a trial that lasted the gate. asernlng. They were Dennis Sullivan, machines to be provided being left by Belle Elmore, the wife of Dr. Hawley St Anthony, Idaho. The little 3 for several days; but the jurys delibaged 60 years, a miner, and Harry E. the war department to the law mak- Crippen, still lives, Dr. J. M. Munyon Ten mile straight ahead, he anson of M. L. Fuller of. Marys- erations required but an hour and swers. Blaine, 30 years old, married, and a to- ers. This was announced on Monday of Phlladeplhla offered a reward here year-ola tal employe of the Oregon' Short Line. by Major General Leonard Wood, Saturday night of J50,000 to any one ville, few miles north of this city or twenty minutes. "But we met a man a little way back With five steam mixers and one chief of staff of the army. Brigadier who will produce her. I will even pay the O. S. L. railway, met death In and he said It waa only two Polities in Philippines. oteam shovel in operation, the work oi General Charles Allen, chief of the It to the woman herself, he said, "if a somewhat tragic manner Friday. miles." Manila. The Filipino assembly on county ca- signal corps, in his report to General she will come forward in time to save The father was employed in the FarShort, fat man, drivin a concreting the Weber-Davi-s mers Elevator ft Exchange companys Friday unanimously Manuel sorrel hoss? nal. said to be the biggest concrete un- Wood, already has recommended that her husband. building at that place and his little Quezon delegate to congress. The asThat8 the man. dertaking ever launched in the state, twenty machines be purchased at son played neat him. In some man sembly refused to elect Benito Baldwin Will 8uo Roosevelt. Did you meet or pass him?" Is being rapidly rushed to completion. once for the army. whom the committee had named The necessity for more heavier-than-al- r New Haven, Conn. Judge Simeon ner a heavy car door fell on the child "We passed him." The monthly report of the Salt machines is held by army au- E. Baldwin, Democratic nominee for and his death resulted some few hours as the second congressional delegate. "Thought so. Hes drivin "a balke? Lake City food and dairy commisIt looka aa if the assembly and the I traded him, an he didnt want his sioner shows that during October 641 thorities to be Imperative if the governor, on Saturday announced that later. Philippine commission would be dead- hoss to know how much furder it bad nspections were made. In these in- United States is to keep abreast of he would bring suit against former Reasons for Thanksgiving. locked on the matter of representation to go. spections 1,330 pounds of foodstuff other powers In the science of mili- President Roosevelt on account ol Washington. The progress of the at Washington, as it has been custostatements reported to have been were condemned as unfit for use and tary aviation. made by Mr. Roosevelt in a speech in country as reflected by the records mary for each house to name one delone prosecution followed. Expecting Too Much. Rebellion Spreading. New Hampshire relative to Judge of population and havests and tne gen- egate. It was a cold, raw day, but the Through the efforts of the attorney eral of conditions International peace New Orelans. The Honduran re- Baldwins attitude on labor legislation. Neversweata and the Fearnoughts Evidence of Bath Tub Trust. general a settlement has been effected are things for which thanksgiving is were playing a game of ball on the between the board of trustees of the bellion started by General Valadares Woman Convicted of Murder. Chicago Taking of evidence in Chiespecially due for the year 1910, ac on the little island of Amapala is prairie, just the same. State Industrial school, and Fred J. in connection with the governto the southern coast of Lee cording to the annual Thanksgiving cago Waco, Texas. Mrs. Minnie The pitcher of the Neversweata, his Schleef, a San Francisco cattle dealer, spreading Honduras, according to a special ca- Straight, charged with the murder of proclamation issued by President Tafl ments case to enoin the half frozen, failed dismally Id la the dispute over the sale of a herd ble bathtub trust waa practically com- fingers the balls to the Picayune from Guatemala her husband, T. E. Streight, a news- on Sunoay over the plate. getting of cattle, part of which were found to pleted late Ftiday and further hear1 City. Valladares is still in control of paper man, at McGregor, Texas, June "Aw, said the captain, tought be diseased. Grief Led to Suicide. ings will be held in the east. Dur- ye wust one o dese cold weather and according to the dis- 18, was found guilty of murder in the Amapala, One of the features of this years New York. milAnton the Schwartz, ing hearing the charge waa made In the Fourth district patch President Davilla has advised first work at the Agricultural lionaire brewer and pre8ident of the that 90 per cent of the jobbers of en- pitchers! college, at Commander Hayes of the United court degree 1 am, Her said the slab artist, blowhere Saturday. punishment Logan, Is the installation of the short States gunboat Princeton, now an- was fixed at- life The firm of Bernheimer ft Schwartz, Bhol ameled sanitary Iron ware in the coun- ing on his benumbed digits to warm imprisonment: courses, giving the young men and chored in the and killed himself here Sunday in hie try signed agreements last June to bay, of his inability to defendant claimed self defense. them, "but I aint a Ice pitcher, blame women of the state who are unable to Grief over the death oi handle only trust goods. apartments. cope with the fugitive and has asked ye! attend school the year round an op- for the Princetons assistance. his son was the cause. Rioting in New York. Holnze Freed From Prison. New York. The most serious riot-portunity of an education in their A Terrified Hero. 8hoota Wife After Quarrel. New York. Arthur Heinze, the brochosen lines. Another Charge Against Dietz. that has yet marked the strike of "Did you have any narrow escapee Evansville, Ind. George Foster, a ther of F. Augustus Heinze, was re- in the surf last Verne Workman, aged 8, while playsummer? Hayward, Wis. John F. Dietz, the express drivers and helpers, culminatman of this city, shot and fa leased from the Toombs on Friday, ing at his home in Park City, was Cameron dam defender, on Monday ing in the shooting of a striking driver business the Yes, "One replied s sentence foi lady whom I rescued was so struck In the head by a bullet acci- was released from jail on 40,000 by a guard on a wagon, took place tally Grounded his wife and killed him after serving a grateful self court. of Foster been had The Sunday. separ- contempt contempt con- thatshe nearly married me. dentally fired by another boy, the bul- bonds, but immediately was Saturday night, following an abrupt ated from hia wife, and the tragedy sisted in advising a bookkeeper of his let lodging in the boyB brain and on another charge and Is again in termination of negotiations between waa the result of a quarrel. brothers firm to leave town when the there being no hope for his recovery. jail. Dietz was charged with killing the men and the companies. STOPPED 8HORT waa wanted by the federal bookkeeper lumtoad of a from thrown Being Oscar Harp, a deputy, in the recent Fell Dead in Pulpit. Taking Tonics, and Built Up on grand Jury aa a witness in the InvestiEnd of Garment Workers Strike. ber, while driving down Blacksmiths siege of Dietzs cabin at Cameron dam. San Jose, Cal. Rev. H. H. Claphanc gation of the Hlnze firm. Right Food. Fork canyon, Alvin McCoombs of As soon as Dietz stepped out of the Chicago. The backbone of the gar- of Santa Clara fell dead in his pulpit Smithfleld waa run over by the wagon jail, Sheriff Madden served a warrant ment workers' strike was broken Sat- in the The mistake la frequently made of School Girls Victim of Auto. Episcopal church there and crushed to death, the wheels for the shooting of Patrick McGin on urday afternoon, when nervous President morning while reading a psalmSundaj Akron, O. Helen Starr, 16 years trying to build up a worn-ou- t to hi: passing over his head. McCoombs May 8, 1904. tonics drugs. Rickert, Jane Adams of Hull house congregation. He was preaching hit old, was killed, and her sister, Anna, system on New material from which to rebuild leaves a wife and six children. and Harry Hart of Hart, Schaffner A first sermon in the church. slightly hurt, and Laura Walkirk, 15, Says 8unday Papers Are Illegal. More than 700,000 acres of land in into an agreement Marx, entered so badly injured that she will prob- wasted nerve cells Is what should b Kansas City, Mo.Contracts for ad- whereby all of the strikers of the big English Nobleman Falla Dead. the Uintah Indian reservation, comably die, on Friday, when an automo- supplied, and this can he obtaine in a of section ol on New that York. Sir Clifton Robinson, bile, driven by A. W. Marrett. a con- only from proper food. estinewspapers vertising published prising large part clothing firm, numbering, it is Two years ago I found myself on the reserve opened to white settlers Sunday were declared void by Judge mated, 13,000 persons, are to return managing director of the London tractor, in trying to avoid a motorcyduring the summer of 1906, which wat J. M. Johnson in the Kansas City to work at once. Other firms are ex- United Electric Tramways and di- cle, ran into the sidewalk and struck the verge of a complete nervous collapse, due to overwork and study, and allowed to revert back to the govern- court of appeals. The Sunday labor pected to fall in line, and the strike rector of the Underground Railways the girls, who were on their way home to illness in the ment by careless winners in the draw- laws of this state, the court held, is regarded as settled. of London, died Sunday night on 8 from high school. family, writes a Wisconsin were mother. when violated young now avenue sold are at newscar. such auction. street being Lexington ing, being My friends became alarmed beWill Not Annex Panama. Park Board Ousted. Officials of the International Smelt papers were printed, and therefore Insane Man Kills Two Daughters. cause I grew pale and thin and could Panama. The Ing ft Refining company, and business any contract for work in connection publication of the not Topeka, Kan. The supreme court Elizabeth, N. Y. After killing his sleep nights. I took various tonicl men of the new town of Tooele, to the with the publication would necessarily on Saturday issued an order ousting two' daughters, E. P. Freitch, a super- cablegram of Panama Minister Arose-men- e prescribed by physicians, but their be illegal. number of sixty, have organized a the Kansas City park board. The intendent of the PreWashington, aj stating that effects wore off shortly after I public service corpor- sident Taft emphatically Town and Country club, which is exboard refused to abdicate when the Closed Clothing Houses. denied a re- Btopped to kill tried his at himself home ation, port that the American government not seem taking them. My food did pected to meet the social needs of the Chicago. Inability to detail police- commission form of government, which to nourish me and I gained and may die. Freitch was insane was fesldents and provide entertainment men to preserve the peace at the provides for another method of con- here considering the possibility of hav- no flesh nor blood. from ill health. to for visitors as well. annex Panama, and adding that ing many tailoring shops affected by the trolling parks, was adopted. I deReading of Grape-NutMr. Taft was Panamas Cholera In Italy is Checked. Ben Williams, the bartender who garment workers' strike, and at the friend, has termined to stop the tonics and see a made good impression. shot and badly injured Donald Work- same time to prevent disorder at the Rome. The sanitary measures unEarthquake in Nevada. what a change of diet would do. I man, a laborer, in a rooming house at 1,322 polling places in Chicago on Goldfield, Nev. Two sharp earth- dertaken by the government to preate Grape-Nut- s Increase in Postal Receipts. four times a day, Milford on September 27, has been election day, compelled Chief of Police quake shocks were felt here Saturday. vent the spread of cholera are proving with cream and drank milk also, went Postal Washington for the to bed receipts bound over to the district court on a Steward to appeal to the cloth- Tremors were also felt at Rhyolite effective. The disease , has been fiscal early after eating a dish of year ended June 30 were to shut down and Blair Junction, people rushing checked and the number of new cases Grape-Nutcharge of assault with intent to com- ing manufacturers an increase 10 of of oent business on election day. places per mit murder. from their homes in fright. "In about two weeks I was sleeping reported daily is small. over last year. In a short time gained 20 Preparations are already under way soundly. Government Will Press Case. Crowd Was No Protection. Burned to Death. Butcher Runs Amuck. by the Devils Slide club for a big pounds in weight and felt like a won -Washington. the ,st San Francisco. Michael Coyne, 7f Kansas City. While hundreds of Having celebration in the "Cement city, on round of Cedarburg, Va. Louis Hoffman, a different woman. My little daughter its fight the Imperial people thronged the sidewalks outside, years old, who gained fame in the whom I was obliged to keep out of Thanksgiving day. A big banquet and Window Glass against shot and killed his butcher, company, alleged to two highwaymen entered a pawnshop early days of San Francisco as one on shoot are the son programme. turkey Carl, wounded his wife, his school last spring on account of be a chronic catarrh has changed from a Over 100 of the festive birds will be will trust, the department of justice in the heart of the city at noon on Sat- of the chief supporters of the sand brother Ernest and the latter's son, press the government's criminal urday, held up M. Daniels, the pro- lot orator, Dennis Kearney, met death pale, nervous child to a rosy, thin, nsed as targets. Walter, early Friday. Hoffman was action against the officers and directa hotel fire. in and Sunday prietor, healthy girl and has gone hack to escaped. , While employes of the city water- ors at hittsburg on November 14. Delodged In jail. school this fall. works department were digging a murrers recently entered by those in, Strike Causes Famine. Ship Runs Aground. "Grape-Nut- s and fresh air were the Chauffeur is Accused. trench in Farmington, the skeleton of dicted have been overruled. e Cebere, France. Reports from Dover, England. The German ship to accomplish the used anly agents New Orleans. William H. Hoffman, a man was found. It is believed that say the town is stricken with Preussen is ashore at South Foreland. a chauffeur, was happy results. Coronation June 22. arrested and the skeleton is that of a man murcharged famine as a result of the general The Preussen early in the day collided with Read The Road to Wellvllle, in murder following the death of London. King George has Issued a strike which has dered in the olden days and buried cut off supplies. The in the channel with the steamet John Theres a Reason." pkgs. Kelley on Friday, as the result there in what was then sparselly set- proclamation fixing the date of the population is excited and disorders Brighton, which, badly Ever read the above letter A aew of damage, inflicted injuries coronation for June 22. when Hoffmans ae appears from time to time. Ther tled country. are frequent reached port are arrniilne, trua, aad full of humaa machine struck him. tatereat. OPERATION Anglo-Algeria- n ByLydiaE.PiiikIiains Mar-seile- s, empres- Vegetable Compound g d flea-bltte- p - n life-save- r. ten-day- s, A |