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Show r ADYISED DOCTORS School Pins Medals, Badges, platinum work. Society Emblems of all kinds. The highest quality for the lowest prices. TIC CIRCULAR STAIRCASE TO OPERATIC-DECI- DED TRY GREAT REMEDY KIDNEY I want to tell you in a few words what did for me, believing tbit my testimony may do aome other person a great deal of good. About six years ago, I waa dangerously ill, consulted three doctora, all of whom, raid I had kidney trouble. One of the di ctors analyzed my urine and reported that I had gravel, and further said that in order to regain my health and life, an operation would be necessary. I did Bot want to be operated on as I was afraid that I would not recover. Someone told me of Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t and aaid it was a reliable medicine for kidney trouble, so I decided to try it and went to Mr. Roee, the druggist, at 303 Central Ave., Minneapolis, and bought a bottle, took it, noticed results and continnsd taking it until I waa entirely cured. Having been free from any kidney trouble for over six years, I consider that I am absolutely cured and know that Swamp-Roo- t hai the credit. 1 never fail to tell my friends shoot your remedy, at I believe it i the best at its kind. Your U A O Ointment is also very good. We are never without n jav in our house. Your very truly, MRS, MARGARET E. ANDERSON, Minneapolis, Minnv Btate of Minnesota County of Hennepin f Personally appeared before me this 33rd day of Sept., 1909, Mra. Margaret X. Anderson of the City of Minneapolis at the State of Minnesota, who subscribsd the above, and on oath says that the same is true in substance and in fact. M. M. KERRIDGE, Notary Publle. Commission expires March 26, 1914. your sot-ferin- There's a ladder up the clothes coming toward me, and I shrank into Its the bushes. It was Gertrude, going chute. Miss Innes, she said. up that tight I can't move it, and I back quickly toward the house. I was surprised. I waited until she didnt like to ask for help until I spoke had had time to get almost to the to you." house before I started. And then I It was useless to dissemble; Mary 170 BY tUbsmWfU knew now as well as I did that shadows. Anne back into the again stepped SAW UkKI CniirTAK T WmrN r mssi The reason why Gertrude had not the ladder had no business to be I will make out the 8YNOPSIS. kept her tryst was evident Leaning there. I did the best I could, how- amazement. on the parapet of the bridge in the ever. I put her on the defensive at check. Warner can take you down to the noon train. Mlaa Innea, aplnater and guardian of moonlight, and smoking a pipe, was once. Qertrude and Halsey, established Bummer Alex, the gardener. Liddy's face was really funny. Then have I lock could the didnt you laundry servants The headquarters at Sunnyside. Youll have a nice time at your last night? desert. Gertrude and Halsey arrive with throttled Liddy for her carelessness Jack Bailey. The house was awakened by in reading the torn note where he It tight, and put the key sisters, I went on. "Five children, locked I a revolver ahot and Arnold Armstrong hasn't she? And I could cheerfully in the kitchen on Its nail." was found shot to death in the hall. Miss could hear. "That's it, Liddy said, suddenly Innes found Halsey's revolver on the have choked Alex to death for his wina then well, Very you forgot lawn. He and Jack Bailey had disapinto tears. Send me away, bursting dow. was she audacity. peared. Gertrude revealed that after all these years, and your new to Jack Bailey, with whom she Anne I But hesitated. no was snsaged there for Mary it; help talked in the billiard room shortly before Yes'm, she said at last I thought shawl only half done, and nobody the murder. Detective Jamieson accused turned and followed Gertrude slowly He back to the house. MIbb Innes of holding back evidence. them all, hut there was one knowln' bow to fix the water for your locked I mprlsoned an Intruder In an empty room. bath. The frequent invasions of the bouse open this morning. The prisoner escaped. Gertrude was susIt's time I learned to prepare my To spend a few weeks or a few pected because of an Injured foot. Hal- had effectually prevented any relaxaI went out of the room and down sey reappears and says he and Bailey tion after dusk. We had redoubled our 1 was own bath. followed knitting complaThe Anne. the hall, months during the fall or winter by Mary were called away by a telegram. Cashier window-looks- , Into the clothes chute was se- cently. But Gertrude got up and put as to Bailey of Paul Armstrong's bank, debolts door and vigilance months in funct, was arrested for embezzlement. but, as Mr. Jamieson had sug- curely bolted, and when I opened It her arms around Liddys shaking Paul Armstrong's death waa announced. Halsey's fiancee, Louise Armstrong, told gested, we allowed the door at the I saw the evidence of the woman's shoulders. You are two big babies, she said Halsey that while she still loved him, she east entry to remain as before, locked story. A pruning ladder had been was to marry another. It developed that Neither one of you could Dr. Walker was the man. Louise was by the Yale lock only. To provide only brought from where it had lain soothingly. found at the bottom of the circular stair- one for an hour without the othalong get the now stable entrance upIS A TREAT for the Invader, against stood and possible case. Recovering consciousness, she said the and to keep a constant guard In the right in the clothes shaft, its end rest- er. So stop quarreling and be good. something had brushed by her on d Bailey la and lay out auntys stairway and she fainted. murder. After dark at the foot of the circular stair- ing against the wall between the first Liddy, go right up of Armstrongs is going to bed She r, things. night lodgekeep-efloors. a the to second be the only method. case, seemed and 'seeing ghost. Thomas, Ii the direct line to the Pacific Cout, alto to was found dead with a slip In his early." to In of turned I the absence the Mary. detective, Lucien ocket bearing the name of Coldfield and T onopah . Three Daily T raina. After Liddy had gone I began to "This Is due to your carelessness, Dr. Walker asked Miss Innes to Alex and Halsey arranged to change Electric Lighted. Observation Cart, She vacate In favor of Mrs. Armstrong. If we had all been murdered think about the men at tbe stable, and off, Halsey to be on duty from ten to I said. to Gertrude A note from refused. BalWty I grew more and more anxious. Halq For rates and full information tee your local arranging a meeting at night was found. two, and Alex from two until six. in our beds It would have been your agent or address J. H. Manderfield, A. G. P. sey was aimlessly knocking the biladman was a She not as an shivered. Each fault" "Now, armed, and, Ba lllaer A a. A., 169 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah CHAPTER XXI Continued. ditional precaution, the one off duty word of this through the house, and liard balls around in tbe billiard room, HtfhMtsa, V. T. I and called to him. Win Do For Yea slept In a room near the head of the send Alex to me. Prove What Swamp-RoGrossmutter, he said. And I saw circular staircase and kept his door Halsey, I said when he sauntered The effect on Alex waa to make him Send to Dr. Kilmer A Co., BinghamA POSITIVE tsd PERIs there a policeman In Casa- ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will Mr. Jamieson's eyebrows go up. open, to be ready for emergency. MANENT CURE FOR apoplectic with rage, and with It all I in, nova?" You will also receive Well, convince anyone. German, he commented. of was satisthere an fancied element These were arrangements carefully Drunkenness and Constable," he said laconically, a booklet of valuable information, telling young man, you dont seem to know kept from the servants, who were only faction. As I look back, so many veteran of the war, one arm; In of- all about the kidneys and bladder. Whew much about yourself. Opium Diseases. commencing to sleep at night, and things are plain to me that I wonder fice to Mrs. all conciliate the O. A. R. element writing, be sure and mention thia paper. It the week," Ive tried one and all, with barred I could not see at the time. It is all who Then ii M saMidtr, n ilcke. Me trutif u For sale at all drug atom. Price fift The boys knows a doors retired, Tate broke in. privately w i. tWir m bee. THE KEELET INWhy? and whole known the now, and lamps that burned full until thing yet cents and STITUTE. JM W. Seetli Tewple Street. Sek Leke Gtr. I am Because word or two of German, but he doesn't morning. uneasy tonight" was so remarkable that perhaps my I or know where he lived, And told him what Liddy bad said anything The house was quiet again Wednes- stupidity was excusable. Laying the Foundation. SEALS, STENCILS 'Is there any one you can think of about himself. are you always so careful was almost a week since Alex leaned down the chute and exIt BADGES, TRADE Why night. day Mr. Jamieson wrote something on a Louise had encountered some one on amined the ladder who could be relied on to watch the CHECKS, Etc. Full advice about what you are going carefully. line Rubber Type Outfits tnd supplies iu stock. card and gave It to her. to do? It la caught, he said with a grim outside of the house Mail orders receive prompt attention. the stairs, and it was four days since We might get Sam Bohannon from Mrs. Tate, he said, I want you the SALT LAKE STAMP CO., Salt Lake City The fools, to have left a of the hole In the trunk-roo- smile. "So that If go wrong I cue discovery to do something. Here Is some money It say I told you things wall. Arnold Armstrong and warning like that! The only trouble the club," he said thoughtfully. so.' for the telephone call. The instant his father rested side a bad scheme. He's a Located. by side In the is, Miss Innes, they wont be apt to wouldn't be smart darky, and with his mouth shut A good honest remedy for Rheumatism, boys mother appears here, call up Casanova churchyard, and at the Zion come back for a while." In Zanesville, Ohio, they tell of a the shirt-fron- t that number and ask for the person covered, you could- Neuralgia and Bore Throat is Hamlino "I shouldn't regard that In the light and hla young widow who, In consulting a whose name is there. You can run African church, on the hill, a new Wizard Oil. Nothing will so quickly dnvw see him off In the dark. a n't yard resting-placmound marked the last of a calamity," I replied. tombstone maker with reference to across to the drug store on an errand of conferred with Alex, and out all pain and inflammation. Halsey Thomas. late and Until poor that said: for the Halsey evening monument deceased, and do It quietly. Just say, The lady Louise was with her mother in Alex worked at the chute. They the result, in an hour, was Sam. His greedy Now, Mr. Jones, all I want to say has come.' Revenge Is better than instructions were simple. There had note of a town, down at forced the and and, ladder polite beyond last, In of gratitude. an kind To appropriate Is, My Husband, The lady has come, been numerous to break repeated thanks to me, we had heard nothing into attempts put a new bolt on the door. As for place. Mrs. Tate. Very well, sir, and I hope from her. Dr. Walker had taken up myself, I sat and wondered If I had the house; It was the intention, not Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup. stonethe said maam, well, Very It will be soon. The milk bill alone his to drive Intruders away, but to cap- Prr children teething, ufonsthoituoia. reduce to-practice again, and we saw him a deadly enemy. Intent on my destruccutter. is almost double what it was." austure them. saw If Sam anything now and the then road, flying tion. along When the tombstone was put up the How much Is the childs board? I Anaemia Is often temporarily misI waa growing more and more nerv- picious outside, he was to tap at the always at top speed. The murder of widow discovered to her amazement asked. east entry, where Alex and Halsey taken for virtue. was still Arnold ous. all had unavenged, Armstrong pretense up Liddy given that upon it were inscribed these were to alternate In keeping watch Three dollars a week. Including hla and I remained firm In the position I at bravery, and slept regularly In my words: washing. through the night taken to stay at Sunnyside until dressing room on the couch, with had The more the tongue flows the leas To My Husband. In an ApproprNow, Mrs. the As before, Halsey watched the east the head knows. Very well, I said. was at least partly cleared. prayer-booknife from a and thing game iate place." Harpers. Tate, I am going to pay last weeks And yet, for all its quiet. It was on the kitchen under her pillow, thus pre- entry from ten until two. He had an board and a week In advance. If the that perhaps the paring for both the natural and the eye to comfort end he kept vigil In a He Was Easily Pleased. mother comes she is to know nothing Wednesday night was oak chair, very large and deep. made to enter supernatural. boldest That was the way heavy attempt A young Lathuanian called at the of this visit absolutely not a word, We went upstairs rather early, and On afternoon house. stood the that Thursday things Thursday night, 1 marriage license office in Chicago with and, In return for your silence, you the laundress sent word she would when I myself took a hand In the through the open door Gertrude and hia bride recently, but a license waa may use this money for something up a running fire of conversation kept saw I to in to her like and me, struggle. speak refused on account of the brides ten- for your own children." Liddy was brushing my hair, and Ger private sitting room, a small room der years, she being only 15. The lpv--r Her tired, faded face lighted up, and my trade was doing her own, with a long CHAPTER XXIII. dressing room. was crestfallen for a few moments, I saw her glance at the little Tatee beyond the free sweep of her strong, round arms. was She Anne embarrassed. Mary Did you know Mrs. Armstrong and then his face cleared up and he left small feet Shoes, I divined the feet had rolled down her sleeves and tried While the Stable Burned. Louise are In the village? she called. with the remark that he would return of the genteel poor being almost as ex- a white apron around her waist, and About nine oclock that Liddy night pensive as their stomachs. How did ''No, I replied, startled. shortly. stood making folds in it with fin- came Into the living room and reAs we went back Mr. Jamieson she hear It? The clerk supposed that he would you degers that were red and shiny from her ported that one of the housemaids I met the oldest Stewart girl toshow up with the brides parents. In made only one remark; I think he soap-suds- . clared she had seen two men slip a was of under the at himself the doctor's daughter, and she laboring weight .n Tiour he again presented Well, Mary, I said encouragingly, around the corner of the stable. Ger- day, me they had not gone back to told the counter with another girl. Met, great disappointment. whats the matter? Don't dare to trude had been sitting staring In front town Is Kings a children's outfitting ble after the funeral. They went di- Cured ropolitan Magazine. tell me the soap Is out. of her, jumping at every sound. Now by Lydia E. to place? he asked. little that house next rectly yellow Miss on Innes. had She ma'am. No, she turned Liddy pettishly. The Third Degree. Not especially. It is a general deto Dr. Walker's, and are apparently Compound a nervous habit of looking first at my I declare, Liddy," she said, you Census Man Now your age, mad- partment store. They took the house Wla. one if Eliza settled there. nerves. then a the What at bundle of are and her Milwaukee, eye Lydia E. Pink other, He was silent after that, but he am. How old are you? own optics shifting ceaselessly, right did see some men around the stable? furnished for the summer. Vegetable Compound has mada tains to went as we as the busiBoon 1 telephone Its none of your Mrs. Giddy Why, Its a bandbox, I said. me a well woman, eye, left eye, right eye, until I found It may have been Warner and Alex. and I would like to cant Imagine Fanny Armstrong in ness, and Ill never tell you In this got home, and called up King & Co. in myself doing the same thing. "No, in the kitchen, miss, is Warner the city. tell the whole world a such place. world. If And I was ma'am. askin did you want the Liddy said with dignity. you of it I suffered After a time he got the general It's nevertheless. true, StewElla Ill "All madam; Man Census right, ladder left up the clothes chute?" had come through what I have, you f romf emale trouble some and for talked manager, they art Mrs. terhas says Armstrong aged I screeched, and was would be a bundle of nerves, too. Miss The and fearful painsin what? put you down at 43. Mr. time. When Jamieson up ribly, and looks as If she Is hardly Mrs. Giddy "Why, you horrid the receiver he turned to me.hung my back. I had the sorry the next minute. Seeing her Rachel, I'd be thankful if you'd give able to walk. best doctors end I'll month's me Anne were wages my thing! Im only 38! verified, Mary The plot thickens, he said with suspicions I lay and thought over some of to they all decided be sisters. my with her going his ready smile. There are four had gone white, and stood Prima Facie, that I had a tumor I said, to her evident these things until midnight. The elecwell, more ever. Very than wildly eyes shifting women named Wallace at Kings, none in addition to me tric lights went out then, fading slowThe Barber. "Shall I go over your female trouble, ana of them married, and none over 20. ly until there was only a red hot loop face twice? advised an opera- I shall go up to the city think to be In seen the and then even bulbs, if theres any Yes, The Patron. tlon. Lydia E. I want to go to the Children's hospital. died that we and were embarked away ft. Brooklyn Life. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made But before I go, Miss Innes, I wish you on the darkness of another night. me a well woman and I have no more would be more frank with me than (TO BE CONTINUED.) She was Sorry. backache. I hope I can help others by have been yet. I want you to Condemns telling them what Lydia E. Tinkhams Fad. Sunshine I am so sorry, she said, when you mad' show me the revolver you picked up A the Vegetable Compound has done for from far wandered man medical had con they in the tulip bed. me. Mbs. Emma Imse, 833 First St, endeavored had deinns emphatically the form of vani- Milwaukee, Wis. dening throng and he So he had known all along! ty that leads people on their holidays several time to kiss her, that we The above is only one of the thou, It was a revolver, Mr. Jamieson,' to do their utmost to get sunburned sands of never came out here before." I canat cornered but grateful letters which are admitted, last, In Workers he says, constantly being received bv the city offices, Are you? he asked with a glad not show it to you. It is not in my "who go Into tbe country or to the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lyon note of eagerness In his tone. possession. seashore for only one or two weeks Mass., which prove beyond a doubt that Because If we had Id be Yes. will deliberately sit about hatless in Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com. somewhere else now. CHAPTER XXII. the blazing sun, so that they may pound, made from roots and herbs, discome back looking brown and healthy. actually does cure these obstinate The Only One. A Ladder Out of Place. all other means women of after eases As often as not this practice will send inhave failed, and that every such suf-eriAt dinner Mr. Jamieson suggested So, said the good man, you them home far less fit for work than woman owes it to herself to at tend to be a doctor when you grow sending a man out in his place for a they were when the y started, for least give Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetacerof was but touple days, Halsey up? even if one escapes sunstroke the ef- ble Compound a trial before submittain there would be nothing more, Yep, Tommy replied. fects of the sun's rays upon the un- ting to an operation, or giving up And why have you decided upon the and felt that he and Alex could manhead are very bad. covered They hope of recovery. went age the situation. The detective medical profession? Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., will cause dizziness, headache, nausea women to writw Well, a doctor seems to be the only back to town early in the evening, and loss of appetite and will often up- invites all siek and ndvleo. She has guided for her man that keeps right on gettin paid by nine o'clock Halsey, who had been set the for digestive system many thousands to health and he whether his work is satisfactory or playing golf as a man does anything days There are ways of avoiding the advice is free. to mind his from trouble take away not. more serious effects of the sun, but was sleeping soundly on the big leathpersonally I would advise the city ROOSEVELTS A Good Reason. OWN BOOK er davenport in the living room. who mast have a brown face dwfllcr Laura says she came I sat and knitted, pretending not to Miss Gabby Afrlru riiip Trail to stain it with walnut Juice and wear last notice when Gertrude got up and wanFreddy very near refusing a broad brimmed hat like a sane and WantH by thousands (or Christmas and New A man in every place to lake it Year. Nrdered out into the stari'ght. As soon spring. sensible individual. Mr' red luCd to the fdiniii Did she say why? as I was satisfied that she had gone Miss Gushby i fiKC tilt U'fAt mliis'-iolr h n'v of fve' bewas It I I I had guess however, went out cautiously. Miss Catty Making Him Go. Clirtm aliii Vklite (ol tMOMrtus now toCHAKl.Eb "I don't think no intention of eavesdropping, but I Khali go to the SCkl FNhK'S SON i. 15? (K. S.) Fifth Avenue, cause he didnt ask her. New Yot k wanted to be certain that it was Jack poker party tonight." Something New in Vacations. of one the truest thinks you "That's Bailey she was meeting. Too many re booklet. Tiinr iPTonHon. How did you spend your vacation? have done for quite awhile Libera) TiTints Consultns MUAF things had occurred in which Geru. fc.KMb.lst4 Mfc.AiC.Ns to. "Jinx owes me $5 which he was to Had my teeth fixed, replied Mr. trude was, or appeared to he. involved, h M.. VSashintfion: idd ruriKrn N.. OurajEO. hurt any didn't me It and at the party to allow anything to be loft in quespay Sirius Barker. It. Oil JAKVO MACHINE TWIST, AftCSJTC which 1 had decided to give to you to MUkfl I d Nothin worse than mosquito bites and sun- tion. like it Funiculars tree Sam1 am Co. monhliaker tucket K. is Thread skir-ethe ple jc. like too but more I across with, went the go seemed shopping really slowly lawn, burn and tired to go out; guess I'll let it go this the hedge to a break not far from Washington Star. to ey's worth. agents soil nnattrao-tl- v WANTED Llre.bustllntf time. lot, h ihI lam! propositi, f. Hlg the lodge, and found myself on the fc.fc.Uark, bait afi.,ilaaliatTa Natural. muney, Perfectly "That Is Just like you! If It was open road. Perhaps 100 feet to the He knows all the best people In left the path led across the valley to anything you wanted to do you would TAKE A DOSE OF go n a minute, but when it Is some-hunthe Country club, and only a litle town. with wife are too for associate tired! he you Casyour was over the doesnt oil way Why You will go to that poker party anova creek. But just as I was about them, then? THE BEST MEDICINE or you will hear from me'" Cleveland no turn down the path I heard steps him. White. know Gone Had Anne Mary "They Leader. By.mary o robtrts iunxhart sisw CALIFORNIA The Salt Lake Route sus-cte- Wal-ace- ." ot ta-as- e k v AFTER SUFFERING ONEYEAR Pink-hamsVegeta- well-know- - t 1(1 111 fc A. H.'wt 141 d g foot-bridg- e i9i |