Show row of poplar trees topped by the bell telephone co tho the tree trimming gaug an of the bell telephone company has jast completed its task again lor for this year trimming trees along their lines in divis davis county they havo have agone gone along the county r load oad f from rom salt lake to ogden besides working on a number of the principal lines of local exchanges in the different towns of the county the above picture r shows hows how pretty a row of poplar trees look on nn tho the county road in front of moses holbrooks in bountiful after tile the company has cared for them thein a number of years it will be observed how much more busily bushy they are and how much bettor better shade they make than if left la in their native state thou then toot too how the bojor of their blowing over and demolishing property has been P zed by depriving the wind of the terrible leverage it would b have a ve on a tree sixty feet high when the comp company any first began topping trees in taij this county it met with some opposition but now almost every property owner realizes what a benefit it is to him to have all this work done each year without it costing him a cout cent 0 11 rampton bampton co making good wo we notice in looking over tho the stock of goods in 0 11 rampton hampton co s storo store that thoy they had boon increasing the stock of goods and adding now new lines especially aspect ally in their dry goods department which is tile the most up to dato data of any country etore to be found and since doing a cash business it is as astonishing bonishing oni shing what low prices they are making on everything in that department their groc groceries eros tire are receiving about the same treatment it seems that everything that can bo be reduced is getting it we noticed they were selling hour flour for cwt cat and bran tor for 1 00 per cwt cat it looks like they berola ing just as they said they would that is to save the people on every dollar spent there oh yes yeal do you want gravel I 1 can deliver it 2 yards to the load 0 W WARNER 1118 11 18 bountiful utah mumma adv advertise r se your real estate in this paper as many buyers are now visiting our county looking for property it costs you practically NOTHING a as s com compared pd to other mediums of finding a buyer the same is true if you want to buy property if you have horses cattle or any live stock sec second 0 n d ha hand n d ve vehicles implements or in fact anything you wish to sell you will be surprised how quickly they will be converted into money if A advertised D VER D AND NOW HOW LITTLE AN AD WILL COST YOU address all communications to DAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER BOUNTIFUL UTAH |