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Show BE EXTENDED dau?hter Jeau who has beea OCTOGENERIAN CALLED Miss Marcia Knowlton of this A DANGEROUS PRACTICE ed Wednesday from an extended . the summer with her 'speeding place were married this week. visit in Bov Elder county. brother Prank and wife in They will maae their homo in Try Nya'.h celery nervine; an likdini'i'v1, ei re .1 uvn Monday Bountiful. U. L. & Ry. Co, Asah Consider ex client tunic for women. One tl Passed dfCi) r,;i:iny lier father Augustus Shepherd Away Eider Clarence Robinson, who 0. S. L. Detective Jones Writes Bish- dollar a bottle at the Extension to Build to Cei.treviile hoi'j' , h iu Layton after at his florae in Bountiful, Mon- had It bored L, the H'itish mis- op Stringham of Children PlacCo. IJNE ft TO t -- s Engineers now Survey in. c Hife. nee ' . day of a Paralytic Stroke. Mrs. Maude isrewn came down from Pi ospact, Idaho, Wednes According to t nights Des day. who died ret News, the Utah Light & Ry. Thomas Haleb and wife of in Augustus Shepherd, Bountiful on Monday, October Co. is getting busy in regard to chesterfield, Id lho, are iu town ,Jrd, was born at Magnolia, Illiextending its North Salt Lake nois, Feb. 7th, 1830 visiting relatives. line to Bountiful, as petitioned Walter A. tho sou of Bisboj Mrs. Shepherd, who died here for by the Bountiful Commercial Walter of Oxford, Idaho two Hatch, years ago, became his wife Club some time ago. Accord:ng is down to His. in 1863, and of this union ,rere conference. to the News the company is go- father was unable to come on ac born seven children, four of ing us one better by proposing comt of on the jury at whom survive: Jessamine A. serving to build the line to Centerville Pocatello. in our an assistant Shepherd, The article states that the resiFred S. Hatch, manager of the Bountiful High School; Henry L. dents of the two towns are not Intermountain Packing plant, Shepherd of Covert, Michigan; satisfied with present facilities left for New York state, Mrs, F. J. Chance of Salt Lake Friday and are desirous of cheaper where he went to visit with his City, and Mrs. H. S. Yeomans of transportation, father Wilkes barre Pennsylvania. It is further stated in the arti The Utah Wyoming Consolir Mr. Shepherd suffered a paracle that the company has survey- dated Oil Company, of which Dr. stroke seven years ago. ors out running a line along the Fred J. Pack of Salt Lake City lytic since which he has gradually is vice president and a director county road failed until his last illness came lu-.- - . sion, eet sail f om Tvverpool Sa urday, to come homo. -- Mr. Gunnell, the juvenile court, held court here Tuesday and ordered Ray Wilcox sent to tiie Industrial school in Ogden. lie was charged with having burglarized Henry old store on Sept. 28. The lad Bad been before his honor threo times before on similar charges and had been under probation for a year and a half. Probation Officer W. W. Rose took him to Ogden, the same evening. judge of Ov-iatt- s - ' county. The above picture shows how pretty a row of poplar trees look on the county road in front of Moses Holbrooks in Bountiful, after the company has cared for them a number of years. It will be observed how much more bushy they are and how much better shade they make than if left in their native state. Then, too how the of their blowing over and demolishing property has been by depriving the wind of the terrible leverage it would have on a tree sixty feet high. When the company first began topping trees in this county it dcjer rmU-mize- d met with some opposition but now almost every property owner realizes what a benefit it is to him to have all this work done each year without it costing him a cent. and Bishop Fred Kohler of Byhere ron, Wyoming, field superintend-dent- , held its annual meeting in visiting relatives. the first of the week. Salt Lake, W. George Johnson and E This property is loBird returned yesterday morn- catedcompanys at Byron, Wyoming. The ing from Sunny Dell. Milo and report showed that the company adjoining towns, where they had bad driven four wells, the deepspent about three months doing est being 1435 feet. This well, it carpenter work. At Sunny Dell is thought, could be made to prothey built a residence for the duce about forty barrels of very widow of the late Silas Pack. fine oil a day. It is tie intention The Yellowstone Special has to sink this well still deeper. The been discontinued on the Oregon second well was spoiled at a Short Line, for the winter. A depth of 747 feet by some one new time card has also gone into throwing iron in it. In a third WOODS CROSS. is Berry Jolly of Beaver effect. Edward Fackrell and wife of Randolph are visiting with Mr. Fackrells sister, Mrs. M. M. Brown and other relatives. The daughter of $11,-698.4- ten-year-o- ld Mr. and Mrs. Bert Parkin is recovering from an illness of about three weeks with typhoid fever. She was very sick with the same disease about a year ago. Mrs. Laura Hart had recovered sufficiently so that her nurse, Mrs. Jed M. Brown, could leave Friday, She was very sick for about a month. Jed M. Brown, who has been on the sick list since the 27th of last March, is now able to walk around a little without his crutches. William I. Hatch of Scipio, Millard county, is in town. His well oil was found in good quantities. They are now working on the fourth welL During the year the company received from the sale of stock and from other sources, and expended 110,995,37, leaving cash on hand to the extent of $703 12. Stephen Ure is expecting to move to Heber City about the middle of the month. Mrs. Mary A. Fackrell is building an addition to her residence. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ellis, Friday. A twelve pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Atkinson, Sunday. Whitney K. Roberts has been confirmed as a - deputy county road commissioner. P. Hatch & Son, dealers in Utah and Wyoming coals. Yard 10 21 at Woods Cross. . 9 Hyrum B. Parrish and Joseph grave. The interment was beside his Ford returned Wednesday from Cache Valley with a carload of wife in Mt. Olivet cemetery in thourough and half breed Hoi Salt Lake City. stein milch cows, which they Called. Grant Reed of Woods Cross purchased for dairy purposes. Grant Reed, the little son of P. Hatch & Son, dealers in Tlanrl ami ToQQIA Rftftd. wtlO UU" Utah and Wyoming coals; yard 10 21. derwent an operation on Thurs- at Woods Cross. E Decker is M, Principal help day of last week, for hernia, kink and telescope of the bowels, ing out the Excelsior band by died Saturday evening. Funer- playing a horn His horn is a Farmal services were held in the West B flat bass Mr. Lamb of Bountiful Meeting house, Mon- ington who plays a slide trom bone, practiced with the band day at 2 p. m. The speakers were. Apostle Heber J. Grant, Tuesday evening. Elder Linness Smith leaves on Dr, Stringham, J. C. .Wood and mission to England, Oct. 14th. his Bishop Moss. John Peel of this place and a Dies of Typhoid Fever. young lady, late of England, are Clara to be married next week. Miss Bacon, and Anna Mrs. Elizabeth Parrish and daughdaughter of , Kays-villeof the late Arthur Bacon ters, Mrs- - T. F. Howells, and died Monday noon of ty- Mrs. Rilla Van Gurten of Salt phoid fever, after but a few days Lake and Mrs. Jennie Stewart of illness. Funeral services were Rexburg, have returned from held in the Kaysville Meet- their trip to California. Mi. and Mrs. A. J. Poulsenare ing house, Wednesday, at 11 a. m. The speakers were, Counsel- spending the fall on their ranch or Lambert Blamires, Bishop at Madlen, Larson County, CaliHenry H. Blood, Frank Bedford, fornia. R. J. Williams, and James Crid-dlA Marvel in MedicineMelvia Syms sang, Someis Sun the A where Shining. short time ago one of Farmofferfloral beautiful were There ingtons most popular young laattendance. a dies developed a serious case of ings and large heart affection which necessitated FARMINGTON FRACTIONS her giving np her school in West A Mr. Ash has been employed Bountiful. The entire communiby the Davis County Light & ty extended their sympathy to Power Company to look after the Miss Marcia Knowiton on accompanys plant at the mouth of count of the affection contracted, the canyon and to do the general which seemed to be hopeless. electrical engineering work. Bountifuls popular young was called doctor, T. J. Howells, was called Mrs. Arthur Dustin in to attend the patient and beon to Shelley, Idaho, Saturday, account of the serious illness of came inoculated with the affecher grandson, Eddie Moon, who tion, which resulted in both partwo days before underwent an ties making a visit to the Salt The Lake Temple Monday. operation for appendicitis. unfortunate boy passed away the Immediately after leaving the first of the week. Deceased was Temple both parties became the son of the late Edward Moon convalescent and decided to and Nellie Barkdull. Moon Hess spend the next few days in Parand was about fifteen yers old. leys Canyon, at the deserted The first re union of the Miller summer home of a mutual friend. family since the organization last April, was held here in the At last reports they were both recovering rapidly and exOpera House, Wednesday afternoon. There were representa- pect to return home to Bountiful tives from Washington county, by the end of the week. Congratulations to Mr. and Idaho, Arizona and other locali Dr. Howells. Mrs. ties. Elder Herald R. Clark leaves Warning to Hunters. on a mission to the eastern states Any one found hunting on my on the 26th of this month. premises will be prosecuted. Dr. Howell of Bountiful and John H. Ellis, Bountiful. fifteen-year-ol- on Track. The county his in vie a wonderful improvt nent iu lowerirg Bishop Jed Stringham of the the grade where the county road Bountiful Second ward received passes over Bishop Secrists hill. a letter from the special Oregon CENTRE VILLX GHATI. William Cleveland arrived here on. This was caused by another Wednesday from cardston, Canada, to spend the winter. Mrs. paralytic stroke and confined him Cleveland and the children have to his bed about two weeks. all the summer. The funeral was held at Bliss been here Smith of Mt. View, Miss Mary Hall on Thursday at 10 a. m. is here Canada, visiting with her The Rev. Mr. Whalley conductMrs. Mary Smith. ed the services at Bliss Hall and grandmother, came the She of first the week. the Rev. Mr. Paden of the First mother and Her brother Frank Presbyterian church of Salt Lake are to this week. arrive expected to the committed the remains Row of Poplar Trees Topped by the Bell Telephone Co. The tree trimming gang of the Bell Telephone Company has just completed its task again for this year, trimming trees along their lines in Davis county. They have gone along the county road from Salt Lake to Ogden, besides working on a number of the principal lines of local exchanges in the different towns of th ing Obstructions d e. - 10-2- i Short Line Detective, J. j. Jones, informing him that obstructions! had been placed on his rail road com anys track between Woods Cross and Farmington. He stated that dummies, made of overalls, stuffed with hay and weeds, wearing jumper and cap, were placed on the railroad track The engineer on a fast train.com ing around the curve at a rapid speed, saw a dummy, and, thiuk-init was a human being, whistled, applied the air in the emergency, and tried to put his engine in the back motion, which is a very dangerous thing to do, but he took that chance to save vhat he thought was a human life, but could not stop the train in time to keep from striking the object. The train crew went back and found that it was nothing but a dummy. Parents, school and Sunday school teachers should constantly warn young people against any such pastime, and call their attention to what frightful accidents might be incurred by such a practice. The thought of one causing a dozen or more people to be killed or maimed for life, would bo something awful. It will be remembered a few years ago, a boy derailed a fast train at Peterson, by placing a horse-shoon the track, killing the engineer or fireman and nearly causing the train, with all of its passengers, to plunge into the g e river. KAYSVILLE Drug Mrs. I vie Blwd Hill is assistant teacher in the B. Y. College at Logan this year. Arthur Odd of this place and Miss Ella Steed of Farmington who were married recently will make their home in Kaysville. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Terii.l, last week. It wa decided iu meeting Sunday to at once go ahead with the changiug of the Meeting put in the basement or founda-tiufor the new Meeting house. Try Nyals yellow pills for con25c a box at the Lay-to- n stipation. Co. Drug u New Homes or Reform School Tuesday Judge Gunnell made an order requiring that Henry and Edward Casey, minors, should be provided with separate homes outside of Bountiful, and if this is not done by the eighteenth of this month, court will convene again and very likely make an order sending them to the Industrial school at Ogden. These boys, with their brother John, who had been accused of taking money out of houses, killing chickens, etc., were brought before Judge Gunnell in Farmington, Tuesday. SYRACUSE BEEPING!. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bodily on Wednesday of last week. Miss Lietha Cook of this place and a Mr. Stokes of Clinton were married Wednesday. A reception was given at the home of the brides parents the same even- ing. Te&ohers Institute. KINKS. Miss Maude Rice of Connant, Idaho, is here visiting a few days, with her sister, Mrs. Hector W. Haight, before taking a school near Blackfoot, Idaho. Cyrus Warren of Ogden, but formerly of this place, who had his collar-bonbroken on Thursof last week, day by being thrown down in front of his team, is improving nicely and will be able to resume his work again in about ten days. Mayor E. C. Phillips, of Thatcher, Arizona, and his wife are here visiting with his brother, Mayor T. H. Phillips and fam- The Davis County Teachers Institute in Farming-ton- , will hold Saturday, Oct. 14th, at 2:30f p. m. Cash Business Snooessful The Capital Mercantile Cos, new way of selling for cash proves a success. Every article in their store is selling at a reduced price, equal to any sale, and the customers are frank in stating their surprise at the prices that are being made. They buy for cash and they sell for cash. No expense for books and bookkeeping. Every day shows an increase in their sales. The store where it is a pleasure ily. to Oscar Bennett who fell three buy. weeks ago, breaking his shoul- C fl. Rampton & Co- Making Good. der joint, while working at BankWe notice in looking over the er Barnes residence in Kamas, stock of goods in C. H. Rampton had his arm taken out of the & Co. s. store that they had been cast on Wednesday of last week, the stock of goods and increasing of the out and sling Monday. new lines, especially in adding to work at his trade While unable their dry goods department, he is officiating in the capacity of is the most up to date of which of Order for the Loyal organizer Moose in Davis county for a any country slore to be found. And s!nce doing a cash busicharter in Ogden. Kaysville now has about a dozen members. ness it is astonishing what low The late Rachael Colemere was prices they are making on everyeighty-eigh- t years old, instead of thing in that department. Their groceries are receiving eighty, as stated last week. about the same treatment. It II. W. Barnes has moved into seems that everything that can the new bungalow he has built at be reduced is getting it. We noKamas. Claude Kay and wife of Denver ticed they were selling flour for cwt. and bran for $1 00 per i $2.00 are here visiting with Paul cwt. It looks like they were and family. Mr. Kay used just as they said they would, to run a creamery here. that is to save the people 20c on Bishop Seth C. Jones and wife dollar spent there. of Marion, Summit county, were every in town during the week. Oh. Yes! A daughter was born to Mr. Do you want gravel? I can deand Mrs. George H. Blood, of liver it; 2 yards to the load. Preston the first of the week. O. W. WARNER, Mrs. Martha Robbins return Bountiful, Utah. e - Thom-aaMJi- A-in- 11-1- 8 Advertise your Real Estate in this paper as many buyers are now visiting our county looking for property. It costs you PRACTICALLY NOTHING as compared to other mediums of finding a buyer. The same is true if you want to buy property. If you have horses, cattle or any live stock, second hand vehicles, implements, or in fact anything you wish to sell you will be surprised how quickly they will be converted into money if I ADVERTISED AND HOW LITTLE AN AD WILL COST YOU. j Address all communications to: DAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER, BOUNTIFUL UTAH, I I g |