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Show f. tin of resUtanc You aro relieved of all responsibility aa to Xl R?SEN N A !EL1 quality of matorial and workmanship whan you buy anything of ua. x Your poraonal taato you muat aatiafy youraalf. Our guarantooo aro absolute. CLEANSES THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY; DISPELS COLDS. AND HEADACHES 170 at au lake ctrt utau mu Wounding the Kings English. One of Washington's wealthiest women is another Mrs. Malaprgp, and her acquaintances tell many a weird story of her manipulation of the King's English. Once a friend said to how well and Mrs. Blank, her: strong your daughter looks. Yes, was the answer, Mary Is so well; in fact, I think she is the most indelicate girl in Washington. Another time some on said in reference to Marys return from abroad, "Where is Mary nowT The mother Malaprop answered, She is at Paris and she would spend all her time there, if she could. She Is the greatest Parasite I have ever known. She also informed some one that ber husbands costume at a masked ball was very effective, that he went In the garbage of a monk. Another time her daughters hand was praised for Its beauty and she said: Yes, Daisy has a beautiful hand, and the next time we go to Italy we Intend baring a bust made of Daisys band. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY -- BY always thought I should like so much to be a Soldiers wife." So have I, and I was proposed to once by a first lieutenant "Why didnt you marry him?" 1 did intend to until I found tout that he waa in the infantry. It seemed tfoo suggestive of babies." T have Hia Hit. Every one who attended the bam quet last night says I made the hit of my life. HAow Many Have Asked. "Mummy, do Coxes have Sers?" No, dear; why?" "Then how do they know where the hounds meet?" Tatler. A Mere Assertion. H. Fly Is the name of a New York publisher. It Is said that one of the novels which he has recently brought out is a good book for an idle hour screened-in-porch- . Tit for Tat. You're so conceited, Connie, that I believe when you get into heaven the first question you'll ask will be 'Are my wings on straight?' Connie Yes, dear, and I shnll be worry that yout wont be there to tell me. Illustrated Bits. Ho Knew Right Off. Mrs. Hardup (pausing In her writing). What is that word for people who come after us? Bill collectors, my dear. Hardup Boston Transcript Why Start Trouble. "If we should discover that onr marriage had not been legal, would you marry me again? Say, whats the use trying to atari the other day tendered row when we might enjoy a poo Oil evening, aa well as not? Pessimistic Baby. "What la the baby crying tor, my gffiild? "X dunno; es alwys crying. I never came acrawst anyone wlot looks upon the dark ride of thlnga aa e does. Punch. - Free a UnknukX X. IN ROOSEVELT sMreagreph..aggftgbt. by Vndarmd COL received, through the American minister, a message from Cardinal Merry del Val, papal secretary of state, to the effect that the pope would grant an audience to Mr. Roosevelt If he did not repeat the mistake made by Mr. Fairbanks. The colonel promptly called it all off, stating that as an independent American citizen he could not submit to soch restrictions. The May 1, 1911. A DOCTORS EXPERIENCE Medicine Not Needed in This Can - It is hard to convince some people that coffee does them an injury! They lay their bad feelings to almost every cause but the true and unsuspected one. But the doctor knows. His wide ex perience has proven to him that to some systems, coffee Is an insidious poison that undermines the health. Ask the doctor If coffee is the cause of constipation, stomach and nervous trouble. I have been a coffee drinker all my lif$. I am now 42 years old and When taken sick two years ago with hervous prostration, the doctor said that my nervous system was broken down and that I would have to give up coffee. I got so weak and shaky I could not work, and reading your advertisement of Fostum, I asked my grocer if be had any of it He said: Yes, and that he used it In his family, and it was all it claimed to be. So I quit coffee and commenced to use Postum steadily and found in about two weeks time I could sleep soundly at night and get up in the morning feeling fresh. In about two months I began to gain flesh, weighed only 146 pounds when I com menced on Postum, and now I weigh 167 and feel better than I did at 20 years of age. I am working every day and sleep well at night. My two children were great coffee drinkers, but they have not drank any since Postum came Into the house, and are far more healthy than they were before. Read The Road to Wellvtlle, found In pkgs. There's a reason. Ever read Ike above letter? A ie one appear front time to time. The? are areolae tree, and foil of homaa lo terra t. - ms If mothers realized Hudson, Ohio. the good your remedies would do dell-cat- e girls I believe there would be fewer weak and ailing women. Irreg- - You hav and demurely replied: your fare, sir; my statistics are na own! did you accomplish that? Find Help in Lydia E. Pink-haVegetable Compound address on international peace before the Nobel prize commission, which had awarded to hln the Nobel peace prize for his successful efforts- to end the Russian-Japanes- e war. had made great William Emperor hlB An Embryo Emancipator. A little miss riding on a Brooklyn didnt go." on a Former President Delivered Scholarly Lectures in Paris, Berlin and Oxford Represented His Country at King Edwards Funeral. Vice-Preside- For Proper Care of Tubercalosia. According to the National Assoc inti on for the Study- - and Prevention Tuberculosis, New York state lead In the number of beds for consumptives provided up to May t, with MTS beds; Massachusetts fs second, with 2,403. beds; Pennsylvania third, with 2347 beds; Colorado fourth, with 1.4&9 beds, and New Mexico fifth, with 1,104 beds. As yet. Bot one state in the country has made adequate provision for its consumptives. New York has set itself the task of having No uncared-fo- r Tuberculosis in 1915, and several cities In other parts of the country have adopted similar- proThe ' national association grams. says that tuberculosis will not be stamped out until all cases of this disease are cared for either in their homes or in Institutions. With this end in view, efforts will be made to increase the number of hospital beds in this country to at least 35,000 by why 8he Didnt. leis- 11 Tent of Washington. . DAUGHTERS urely, by way of Brussels, Amsterdam and Copenhagen, Mr. Roosevelt arrived at Christiana and delivered an e How old the conductor half fare. are you, little girl? he queried, gingerly handling, her fare. She pursed her lips for a moment, then calmly opened her purse, dropped two more pennies into the conductor's extended palm, snapped her purs 'jw Traveling northward somewhat ROME IN Constipation trolley car WHO HAVE ular and painful and such periods troubles would be THE Why They Quareled. '"I thought I overheard you and your wife quarreling a little while ago. What was the trouble?" She brought Worae a new hat and, after putting it on, she turned to me and said she didnt believe it waa becoming. Well? I agreed with her." tionary war, reoently sold it to the 'Valley Forge museum of Pennsylvania. The money received from the aale, 15,000, Miss Lee donated to the Home for Needy Confederate Women. In .Richmond, Va. INCIDENT The Army of Returning the Compliment Theodore E. Burton of Ohio, who is a bachelor and has never been ensnared by the wiles of women, tells a story of a young lady and a judge of his acquaintance. The former was a witness in the latters court The prosecuting attorney had repeatedly put to her questions which she persistently evaded under the plea that she did not comprehend hie meaning. Whereupon his honor undertook to bring out the proper responses. Leaning over, he said in a kindly and fatherly manner, "Young woman, why is it that you Insist in refusing to understand the questions of counsel? You are a person of charm, grace, beauty and more than average intelligence, and" Thank you, your honor, Interrupted the young woman, "if it were not for the fact, judge; that I am under fkath I would return the compliment." 'Miss Mary Curtis Lee, daughter of General Robert EL Lee, who inherited the tent under which Washington he said to have slept during the revolu- EXCITING Scarcely less interesting than bunting trip in Africa, and at times almost as exciting, were the adventures of Col. Theodore Roosevelt in Europe There he desired to be treated as a man of letters and science, as a sportsman, and his SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS rather than desire was gratified. But in addition, One size only. Regular puce soaBoitie Europe Insisted on receiving him as the most distinguished American of the time, and everywhere he went honors were showered on him. Emperors, kings, princes and all manner of royalties and nobility greeted him, Is Growing Smaller Every Day. dined him and toasted him, and the people in all the lands that be visited CARTERS LITTLE turned out in vast throngs to sae him UVER PILLS ara and cheer him. te.poo.ible they aotjt obi y give relief J In Paris, Christiania, Berlin and Oxthey penoaaaidy ford Mr. Roosevelt delivered scholarly j -. can Csmtipepublic addresses and the- literary and be. Mil- -, scientific circles opened to let him In Bom dm and marveled at the wide-scopthem far of bis Billet. knowledge. new, bdigntba, Bkh Buhckt, Sallow SUk The event connected: with) Mr. tour SHALL PILL SHALL DOSE, SHALL rRKS Roosevelts European that aroused the most interest and- exciteGENUINE BKMi hear agnature: ment occurred Immediately after his arrival in Italy early in- - April. Before he left Africa his desire to pay bis respects to the pope bad; been conDAISY FLY KILLER IrMtoAfcUto sllfttaM veyed to the Vatican and) the hoiy MDtnkb' father had intimated that he would- be HI. a into All Bassa Taking the Air in Austria. glad to see the distinguished; AmeriMbit at 3; not aai up r, can. About the same time former plans for the entertainment of the- irinjnn aa, tola. tairuiMd wasFairbanks in Berlin; hut the death.; of ia feoUvw. Wt ariant prepaid fortOat Rome and had arranged! for am audiKing Edward caused the curtailment inmiMim ence at the Vatican which was can- of the- program to a considerable exISO DelalfeAa. IrtbUm lA celled by the pope because Mr. Fair- tent. Instead of being, the kaiser's banks first addressed) tbs Methodist guest in the palace; Mr. Roosevelt mission in Roms. Wfien Colonel stopped at the American embassy, Uncle Ezra Saya: Playin on one string soon wears out Roosevelt reached the Eternal: City- he and though William received him and the string ez well ez the player. Boston Herald. MAMUIACIURED MOTHERS (lights. THE GENUINE. Senator t Sorbonne before a great audience of savants and students. The municipality and Its officials, the president of France and various learned societies vied with each other In doing honor to Theodore Roosevelt Most Highly the visitor, and for amusement he was taken to the field of aviation, where Honored in Europe. he saw some exciting aeroplane DUE TO CONSTIPATION. BEST FOR HEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN-YOU- NG AND OLD. FOXY RIP. pest, where he was given a royal welcome. Paris was next on his itinerary, and there on April 23 he lectured in the TREATED AS FIRST 1h 0 Leaving the Sorbonne, Pari. head of the Methodist mission tried to make religious capital out of this, and Mr. Roosevelt thereupon canceled the plans for a general reception to which the Methodists had been Invited. Thus, with his usual luck and facility for coming out on top, he had the best of the matter all around and his conduct was generally commended all over the world. Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt and Kermlt were received by the king and queen of Italy and spent some days In that country. The colonel and his wife visited Venice and traveled once again the Riviera route that they passed over on their honeymoon, and next Mr. Roosevelt visited Vienna and Bud- - VENICE dined him and sheared him, the- German army In maneuvers, the more spectacular and- public features were omitted. On May 2 Mr. Roosevelt-delivereat the University of Berlin an address on modern civilization which was highly praised for Its scholarly qualities. Having, been appointed special am bassador of the- - United States to attend the funeral of King Edward, Colonel Roosevelt next crossed, the channel to England and when the body of the dead monarch was carried to the tomb be was one of the remarkable crowd of royal personages and distinguished men that followed the gun carriage on. which Edwards coffin was borne. After the funeral he was received by King George and Queen Mary and by the widowed queen mother, and In a quiet way made necessary by the mourning of the nation much attention was shown him. This culminated, in London, by a reception in the Guild Hall, at which the freedom of the city in a gold casket was presented to him. He was the guest, thereafter, of several prominent Englishmen, and on June 7 he delivered the Romanes lecture at Oxford, which had been postponed by the demise of the king. This was the most pretentious of all his European addresses and the best. His subject was Biological Analogies In History." The University of Cambridge hon ored Mr. Roosevelt by conferring up on him the degree of doctor of laws and the occasion served to demon rtrate his popularity with all classes As Mr. Roosevelt accepted his di Vice-Chaploma from the hands of cellor Mason, the students who crowd ed the galleries shouted Teddy Teddy! and let down a large Teddy The whole bear from the celling. audience cheered and the colonel, as he passed out, smilingly patted the Teddy bear. Later that day Mr. Roosevelt addressed 790 graduates, on all kinds of topics. On June 11 the traveler, together with Mrs. Roosevelt, Kermlt and Miss Ethel, sailed on the K&lserln Auguste Victoria on their way to New York and the rousing welcome that he knew was awaiting him from his fellow countrymen. HENRY FORDYCE. "Why did Rip Van Winkle sleep 20 years?" I dont know, nnless he wanted: to dodgvhis taxes." relieved: at once in many cases, Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound i fine for ailing girls woand SAVED OLD LADYS HAIR men. Their delicate organs need a tonic My mother used to have a very bad and the Compound m head the doctors which humor her gives new ambition and life from the called an- eczema, and for it I bad two first dose.1 Mrs. George Strickrmb, different dbetors. Her head was very Hudson, Ohio, K. No. 5, Box 32. seve and' her hair nearly all fell out Hundreds of such letters from In spite itf what they both did. One mothers expressing their gratitude what Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegeta day her niece came in and they were for ble has accomplished for speaking of how her hair wan falling themCompound have been received by the out and the doctors did' it no good. Medicine Company, Lynn,. She says, Aunt, why dont you try Mass. run-dow- n Lydia-E.Pinkha- Sbap and Cuticura OintMother did and they helped ber. Ih six months'' time the Itching, burning and scaling of her head was over and- her Hair began growing. Today sl feei much in debt to Cuti-enr- a Slap and- Ointment lor the fine head of hair she hav for an old lady Cutloura Toung Girls, Heed This, ment? Girth who ara troubled with painfull or irregular periods, backache, headsensations, faintache, dragging-dowing' spalls or indigestion, should take1 immediate action to ward off the serious consequences and be restored to' health by Lydia E. Ptnkhams Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been at seventy-fourestored to health by its use. an eczema in my My earn case-waIf yow woulA Dke special advice soonfleet. As as the cold weather about your case write a eonfiden- came my feet would itch and burn and tial letter to Mrs. Pinkbam, at: then they would' crack open and bleed. Lynn. Mase, Her advice la free, Then I thought I would flee to my helpful. mothers friends,. Cutieura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. T did for four or Dottla By Mall five winters, and' now my feet are as smooth as any one's. Ellsworth Dunham,. Hiram,. Me.,, 3epb 30; 1909." n - ; n and-always Trial Children. Listen to this opinion from David Starr Jordan:. "There is nothing in afl the world so important as children, nothing so If you ewer wish to go in interesting. for some philanthropy, if you ever wish to be ef any real use in the world, do something for children. If you ever, yearn, to be truly wise, study We can dress the sore, childrem bandage the- wounded, imprison the criminal! heal the sick and bury the dead, but there Is always a chance that we can save a child. If the great ever exterarmy of: philanthropists minate sin and pestilence, ever work out oar races salvation, it will be because a- little- ohild has led them. Nautilus. FrM H rafferfrom Enflepxy.VlU. Tolling Slckoeo children- that do so, ST New Spasm. will, relier them, end on yoa or otked to do I to seudfor Fte Trial tXBotU of Dr.Moyh e Ipltoptlold Our It hi cared thousand where everything loo riled. Gnorsntoed by Hoy Medleol Laboratory Under Ptu Rood and Brega Act, Jane 80th, 1000 Gaernty No, ISWl. Ptssa write' for Speciiri Tret SS BotUo and giro AGS. and complete sddreee OIL V. RAT, MS Pant Stmt, Ns Tort Ple.ee mention thia payor. DreggtstalU order. It One- - A Practical Discourse. stormy day the children were amusing themselves indoors, playing church; Now, Florence, said Theodore,. I'll, be the minister and tell you what you must do, and you'll be the people; and you must listen and do what I: tell you. Climbing up on Why Jones Was Sad. Jones rich grandmother died and a chair, he began his 6ermon. FlorJones seemed unnaturally depressed ence,. you must be a very good girl and sad: His friends tried to cheer and do whatever your brother wants, him. yarn to It he wants your playthings, Sh left a last will and testament, you must list him have them, and if' you want any of his, you just let em. suppose, said' Jenkins, carelessly. Christian Herald. Oh, yes, said Jones, raising his alone. head at' last, she- left a will and tesSomething Lacking. tament:' Disappointed in Venice, with its roAM' chimed in Brown, you were always a- friend of hers! Of course mantic lagoons and canals? Wall, there wasnt any place t your name was mentioned. answered Jones, bursting shoot th chutes. Yes, Into floods at tears, my name was Xn. Wlnuowa Soothing arrow. lorchlldren teething, rotten the gum, mentioned, beys. I I am to have wind sells. lMMo They hung expectant, while more sobs choked hack bts words. Honest politicians are as plentiful 2,' he declared at last, am to have ih some places ns white blackbirds. the Testament! Scraps. Docile Cheese. Andrew Carnegie, while eating with appetite and courage last month the dishes cooked by the young girls, of the Margaret Morrison school in. "I have no fear before these experimental dishes. He who has eaten in France learns to eat boldly. Think of the French cheeses alone ! Why, one afternoon In a restaurant in the Boulevard des Italiens, 1 heard a guest Bhout angrily: Walter, look here, this cheese Is walking all over the table. Ah. have no fear, monsieur. It won't escape, the waiter replied:. Tf it goes too far, just call Jules, Jules! It always answers to Its name. Rids? J (SO Pittsburg, said: i, Beware of Ointments for Catarrh Sl.OOforYou Sl.OOforUs that Contain Mercury, An Pin Money to Earn will surely the senes el smell Hand Easy Way M or abow mercury destroy and completely derange the whole system when Such entering it through the mucous surlates. articles should never be used except oq prescrip tions from reputable physicians, aa the damage they will do to ten told to the good you can pomibiy derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O.. contains no mercury, and to taken Internally, acting directly upon In tha blood and mucous surfaces of the system. buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the to taken Internally and made in Toledo it Snuine. F. J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials tree. Bold by Druggists Price. 75c. per bottle Take Hall's Family Pills tor const IpaUoa. your sample any lady a circular and nearly everyone orders one or more. Bbe pays you 30 cents, y.ou send us 10l cents. Each ten sold is ll.UO for you and It's easy to sell tea Powder Paper is ths aday because sanitary Frenih way. The old style puff COVERS OVER Impurities, whereas our chamoi like paper, coated with pure perfumed powder REMOVES oils,, shine, etc., leaving a cool, clear complexion. Sample book, (first one only,) SO circulars and explanation, ONLY 10 CENTS; or, circulars and explanation absolutely FREE. Write today. LA FRA Sets A CO., Iept. W Louisville, Ky Rosy-Pos- Invariably. When I looked over my mall, said MUSIC LESSONS FREE one young author, there was nothing IN YOUR OWN HOME In order to make our home study courses known in in it excepting bills or rejected manu- tiis locality we will give you absolutely free, lessons for either Plano, Organ, violin. Guitar. Banjo, Manscripts. dolin. or Cornet. It matters not whether you are a lessons will be I know, replied the other; Its made beginner or au advanced pupil, tbe are marvels of need. They suitable to always either something due or simplicity. Drop your postal caidbt onoe lor our FRU booklet. nothing doing. 1 25,lnrYti CH Mtnallnal la t tilth t( uti, M Flfthii., For Red, Itching Eyelids, Cyst, Styes Falling Eyelashes and All Eyes That Need Care Try Murine Eye Salve. Aseptic Tubes Trial 81se Z5c. Ask Your Drug- of the woolen trust. Import your own good gist or Write Murine Eye .Remedy Co., by Parcels Post. The recent treaty with BE INDEPENDENT Chicago. Circumstances are beyond the control of man, but his conduct is in his own power. Beaumont. Dr. Pteree's Plesnnt Pellet regulate ind Inrle rate stomach, liver and bowels. Sngar-cooto- q Bay, granule., easy to taka. Do not grips. Does a cow become landed property when turned into a field? Great Britian allows the duty on foreign goods to be collected at your own Post Office. Snlt length, 3ne black or blue serge, direct from the woolen mills in England, ts.00. Postage prepaid. IMPORTING COMPANY Box 147 Plaeenrille. Cal. ALBION U. S. A Agency RELIABLE II W nVvn Gold and Silver free mailing I PROMPT Gold, 75c: Gold and Silver, 11.00; Gold, Bilver and Copper, 11.50. refined and bought. Write for sacks. OGDEN ASSAY CO 1636 Court Place, Denver, Colorado, |