Show Postal Notes Postmaster Kay R R. R Peterson Peterson Peterson Peter Peter- son of Manti ManU today urged the citizens of Manti ManU to be sure to use the correct address on their letters and packages going to servicemen overseas to avoid serious delays in delivery Postmaster Peterson reported that millions of letters and packages packages packages pack pack- ages going overseas have been delayed because they were insufficiently insufficiently insufficiently in in- sufficiently addressed He said that one of the biggest problems has been the failure of persons to include the very important five-digit five APO or number in the tile military address Mail not containing this number is incorrectly incorrectly incorrectly addressed He said that last year more than nine million pieces of mail were delayed in delivery Of this number 3 2 million pieces failed failed failed fail fail- ed to include the complete five- five digit APO or number inthe in inthe inthe the address This TIlis improperly addressed addressed addressed ad ad- dressed mail had to be sent to a military locator directory where time-consuming time searches were made to determine the proper addresses As the Christmas mail volume volume volume vol vol- ume going overseas is expected to increase up to 30 or over four million pounds above last year every precaution should be betaken betaken betaken taken by friends and relatives of servicemen to address their letters letters letters let let- and packages properly to assure rapid delivery to its destination destination destination des des- Postmaster Peterson said There are four essential elements elements elements ele ele- ele- ele ments to an overseas military address They TIley are 1 The serviceman's identity- identity grade full fun name and service number 2 His military unit com com- 3 Gateway post office New NewYork NewYork NewYork York San Francisco or Seattle 4 4 APO or a five-digit five number When any of these elements is missing the letter or package will be delayed in delivery |