Show LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We Ve would like to express our pride and pleasure in having the Manti High School band and pep club come to Ogden to participate participate participate pate in the Weber State College homecoming parade on Saturday Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day November You may well wen be proud of the conduct of these fine young peo peo- Their drills and maneuvers were expertly performed We liked their banner showing that they were from the Temple Temple Temple Tem City Worthwhile effort was expended expend expend- ed on the part of many for a worthy cause MONT AND ETHEL LEWIS Gramercy Ave Ogden Utah h RAA 1 0 vv Dear Editor I feel there is some confusion in Sanpete County pertaining to the Job Training Project in the trailer manufacturing industry at LM Trailer in Ephraim and Manti The Job Training Project is a program planned and approved approved approved ap ap- ap- ap proved by the board of directors of the Central Utah Resource Development Association in an attempt to help the unemployed under employed and those lacking lacking lacking lack lack- ing job skills to receive training in job skills In this way it is hoped that the living standards of the trainees would be im im- im- im proved The recreational industry industry industry indus indus- try is a booming business and we are fortunate to have a trainer manufacturing industry in this area Harry Mosher has offered to donate space and supervisors to train people in this job skill This type of arrangement will benefit the persons trained by teaching them a job skill to enable enable enable en en- able them to find employment in inthis inthis inthis this recreational manufacturing industry Mr Mosher would attempt attempt attempt at at- tempt to hire as many of the trained persons as possible on a time full year-round year basis I feel that this project would greatly help the economy of the area I had anticipated receiving funds for the project from the theOffice theOffice theOffice Office of Economic Opportunity however Congress has appropriated appropriated appropriated no money as yet for the OEO I have pursued another avenue in seeking project funds from the Bureau of Apprenticeship Apprentice Apprentice- ship and Training I strongly urge those interested interest interest- ed to show their support of the program by writing to your congressman congressman congressman con con- gressman and expressing to them how job training would benefit your area RUDOLPH PACE Director CURDA |