Show Your Representative Reports By R R. CLAIR ANDERSON Representative from Sanpete Dist 1 Sanpete was well represented althe atthe at al atthe the city and county officials convention con con- Commissioners R Rig i g b h y Blackham Blackham- and Jensen Clerk Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gil Gil- bert Fjeldsted Recorder Mae Graham Graham Graham Gra Gra- ham and others all took a good part E Each a c h commissioner invited a member of the S State t tat a t c legislature to the banquet which had as large attendance as the Newhouse Hotel could hold After the serious part of the program there was some fun I After it was announced that the contortionist would show how to tomake tomake tomake make ends meet Representative admonished admonish those on the appropriations committee to please look closely The problem is to make satisfying satisfying satisfying satisfy satisfy- ing appropriations to the various I institutions and departments and not budge the budget or go beyond be beyond beyond be- be yond the estimated revenues Governor Governor Governor Gov Gov- J. J Bracken Lees Lee's idea is that you should determine what you are going to do about taxes first and then govern your appropriations accordingly After the governors governor's message I asked one of the prominent members members mem mem- bers of the legislature what he thought of it He said the message portrayed an ideal situation of government government government gov gov- in theory but that it would be difficult to carry out l What That About Sanpete Well VeIl some of you will be wondering wondering won won- wondering dering if anything can be done about a new auditorium and some badly needed additional shop room for Snow College Or what about state help for that Ephraim school building which needs replacing or other problems of the South SanI San- San I r P nt etc tr School district 1 The Sanpete delegation Senator Senat Senat- or Tippetts Rep Bagnall and myself myself myself my my- self have a bill concerning the thc colleges college's needs as recommended by President Nuttall who got the go ahead sign from the State Board of Education after they had considered considered considered consid consid- ered the matter of a new auditorium auditorium auditorium auditor auditor- ium shop addition and remodeling of the old auditorium The appropriation appropriation appropriation asked for is Carbon has a bill in for for a gym and Dixie is preparing one for a new gym and shop BAC BAG and are understood to have building needs but have not officially officially announced them as yet but butare butare butare are on the job I The war situ situation tion makes building a problem but Rep Openshaw Sat Salt Lake who was on the Junior college college college col col- col- col lege appropriations committee last lait year says Snow College i is as s de deserving deserving deserving de- de serving as any and he really likes those people and their effort to toI I establish this school Today the legislature visited the Daughters of Utah Pioneers building building building build build- ing at the head of main street here This was a wonderful experience and all of you should spend aa hour or so in this building when you go to Salt Lake It cost over overt and the Daughters of Pioneers Pioneers Pioneers Pio Pio- t I I am told raised over half of this amount with the other coming coming coming com com- ing from the state |