Show Pharmacy Pharmacy To o I Increase Service Service The Tho mortar and pestle postle and those intriguing large glass globes of red led and blue emblems blue of pharmacy pharmacy- may again soon grace the windows of or Manti ManU drug as a result of definite back to the pharmacy movement reported to be making rapid headway all over America The movement seeks to remind the public that the local drug store stoie is a service institution jf of the highest character and centers attention on the many invaluable to the s sick ck and well render rendered render render- ed IJ i the pharmacist Though drug drugStores Stores tores have changed appearances in the course of or years ears the spirit 01 of I Ithe the old pharmacist friend and cou of old and young still hovers hover over today's establishment The rhe leader in tho the back to the I pharmacy movement is Samuel L L. Antonow president of the American i Druggists Syndicate New York l Ung nb a champion of the retail drug drug- gist Mr Antonow Antono points out that although tho the modern drug store is 18 frequently spoken of as ns a minature department store storo his customers customer health is still sUll the retail reil re il druggists druggist prime concern This was shown that the prescription department accounted for full fully 20 per cent of all drug store sales but that when proprietary medicines drug sundries sundries sun sun- dries hospital supplies Infant food i i I etc otc were included in the prescription tion Uon department activities the largest largest largest larg larg- est portion of the independent retail re re- r retail tail tall druggists druggist's efforts were concerned concern concern- ed with the health of his neighbors |