Show Piling Potatoes in II I Warm Houses Costly Sweating Occurs When the Tubers Are Newly Dug Piling potatoes In huge heaps on the floor of ot a n warm barn Just after they have been lIeen dug ug Is expensive c business So one oue grower cr near Columbus found when an on e extension specialist from the I Ohio State university examined his tubers Ills UIs potatoes had been dug hauled to the barn and put Into a pile approximately 12 feet teet long G 6 feet wide and 7 feet deep Th Tine The pile contained con con- tamed several hundred bushels of ot potatoes potatoes po po- an and a 11 heavy percentage ot of them were rotting Cuts and bruises on the potatoes suffered as ns they were harvested were In part responsible for the tire develop develop- development ment meat of the rot the tine sp specialist found And the action of the bacteria causing caus caus- lug ing decomposition was being hurried by moisture on the tire potatoes which assisted assisted as as- the growth of tire the bacteria and also I gave uve them opportunity to travel from potato to potato Potatoes should be kept In crates after they are ore dug ug until they havo have had time to cure says sn s 's B. B B. B vegetable specialist In the tile extension service Tire The process of at transpiration goes g s on In the tubers from one une to three weeks eels after they have been dug and during that period the tire potatoes will sweat and water will collect on their outer surfaces They should have time to dr dry and cure until this period is over o |