Show 11 L MEN AlESC CREN KEN AA HIS SAI ON THE N SEV ell DE uj IL what Is the score of the nw deal to date I 1 note a few some what dim ones and twos but the rest of it is only zeros not a single one of the great murrains that the lion ilon mr roosevelt and his associated munyong were to cure so facilely has been disposed of the farmers who were bellowing for succor in 1933 are still bellowing tor for succor today in the cities there are now more people out of work than then organized labor which was united when utopia came is now divided and at war the actual working man once at the mercy of his bosses is 18 now at the mercy of professional labor leaders and their goons the banks tor for generations pegged to wall street are now pegged to the treasury and will go overboard with it when the day of auditing comes wall street itself purged and per fumed by a stupendous combination of executives legislative and judic lal fal mendicants has responded glor foully by producing the dollar that the hon mr air roosevelt swore re to guard so heroically is nov nor nearly halt half beloney and may be mich mi chi more than that come michael mas the budget that thit was to have been balanced is rocking on to ein steinman nian realms the job holders who were to have been decimated have multiplied past all counting but there Is no need to go on with the list it might be doubled or tripled in length an I 1 still tall fall far short of the whole story th the e fact Is that the new deal has been a gigantic lop flop the am people have been mulched billions to pay for it and they have not got it the money might as well hae haie been laid out for toy balloons or save for the huge hordes of job holders who now snug gle at the public teat no one has got good out of it not even the multitude of dole birds to say that any othel american is more se sure than he was Is nonsense the provident of all classes have seen their security diminish steadily and even the chronic mendicants are nev er sure that the dole of today will be the dole of tomorrow all that one may conclude with any assur ance 1 ig that every decent american is poorer than he was six years ago that his hold on his job is more pre carious and that the avalanche of taxes that will presently come down on him la Is growing heavier every day II 11 L |