Show I 1 NOTICE 1 TO 10 ATER USERS TUB THE STATE OF UTAH office of state engineer bait salt lake city notice is hereby given that W R petty delta utah has made aepli cation in accordance with the laws of utah to appropriate oil sec see ft of underground water in millard county utah said water will be pumped from january 1 to december 31 inclusive of each year from a 1 well ft deep located at a point N 90 anaw and W from the E cor of sec see 12 T 17 S 8 R 7 W the water will be used tor for domestic purposes at one rest dence include ohp th watering of do bestic animals and irrigation of lawns and gardens covering less than 14 acre this application Is designated in ln the office of the state engineer as no all protests resisting the granting of said application with reasons made in affidavit form must be tiled filed with T hi IL humphreys state engineer capitol building salt lake city with one extra copy and 1 00 tiling filing tee fee within thirty days after the date of last publication T H Humph humphres reis state engineer date first publication march 3 1938 date of last cation mar 31 38 ax |