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Show BESITUAill IN TURKCAPITAL NATIONALISTS RENEW DEMAND THAT FOREIGN POWERS REMOVE RE-MOVE TROOPS i ' . ' Strained Relation Continue to be Bitter Between Kamalists and Allies; Turkey Watching the ! Outcome Paris. The troubled state of afairs In Constantinople Thursday may not be getting any worse, but there certainly cer-tainly seems to be no Improvement In good feeling between the Kemalists I and the allied commissioners, j Two British soldiers were assinated i Wednesday at Kasalspasha, according 1 to the Constantinople correspondent of Petit ParlBien. 1 ; - ; Colonel Charpy, commander of the French troops in the Constantinople area, told the correspondent he considered con-sidered the eltuation one of the gravest grav-est nature. The allied generals and commissioners have informed Rafet Pasha, the governor of Constantinople, and liamid Bey, envoy there of the deep dissatisfaction of the allies over the attitude the Kemallsts have taken since they formally took over the civil government. Despite Allied protests however, Rafet has maintained all of the measures meas-ures recently taken by the nationalists except the higher customs duties which he Imposed on foodstuffs. The attitude of the Kemalista becomes be-comes stiffer every day and the extremists ex-tremists seem to he in power at Angora. An-gora. An Indication of this was the reiteration Wednesday of the demand that the allies evacuate both their mil-ltary mil-ltary and naval forces from Constantinople Constanti-nople and surrounding districts. Ismet PasTia, foreign minister in the Turkish nationalists government, is in Constantinople waiting to receive a decision on th? British application for a postponement of the peace conference confer-ence at Lausanne before proceeding to thaf city. '- : |