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Show Chips and Shavings From Lark The only rally held during the election campaign in Lark was given on Monday evening at the L. P. S. wardhouse. Miss Erma ' Smoot of Salt Lake City spoke of the efficiency of the Democratic Demo-cratic party .Judge Wilson Mc- Carty also fully described the tariff question. Loui3 Peterson, Democratic chairman of the precinct pre-cinct ably presided. Later a lunch was served which was followed fol-lowed by a dance. The jattention of Jour newly elected County Commissioner is desired, Lark is the only town in the county, that has not received re-ceived recognition in anv wav. as to the county lighting the streets of the camp. . We respectfully suggest that action should immediately imme-diately be taken, ere the winter months are once (more on us, without the necessary lights, f Sime Peterson is visiting in Lark, .with friends after having - his eg attended to at the L. D. S. Hospital,' Salt Lake City f K " Mr. and Mrs. Almy Blom, with their little daughter Inez, re-turned re-turned to Lark this week and will make theia. home here this win- ter. ' Did it ever occur to you that "little shrimps" are a sumptuous ,. .' ! repast to some people. f ' The Beal family moved from i the ranch near the Dalton depot j: and are now making their home f; at Salt Lake City. 1-; Mrs. Dora Berry of Bingham visited with her parents here 'i' the past week. Sr' ';, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson of Salt Lake were the guests of Mr. I and Mrs. Louis Peterson Tues-' Tues-' ! day. The Misses Joe Jerro, La Von Magee and Henry Rosell were ) Salt Lake City visitors, motoring each way, the past week.. ) The name of Miss Vera Nord- , fcerg was omitted from this column col-umn last week. , Miss Nordberg I delighted the Sunday school ' '? children at the Hallowe'en party I at the club with one of her "spook" " stories on Hallowe'en night. 7. , :: - |