Show in pigs pig may alay be due to rickets each year we e get some inquiries concey concerning ning the cure for lameness sui eness in fall pigs kight right away annay we suspect these pigs as I 1 abing rickets their owners I 1 be more concerned about the cause of this tills condition tl an about its cure the cause of rickets Is improper feeding by which we mean not enoah of the right bind kind of minerals and vita mins in the ration too much con corn birley oats and such like and not enough skim milk and alfalfa or clover hay or their meals A pig will stand an improperly constituted ration for ach ie le without apparent III effects but sooner or later his assimo efting if ting function goes wrong and he be gets stiff in the legs or sore in the feet and he does not gain in we gl t as he should pigs that have been carried thus far through the winter mainly on cereal grains should by all u now have some leafy alfalfa or clover hay exchange |