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Show AMERICA FIRST Uncle Sam may not know it, but Europe will make him pay for the World War if it is possi. ble to do so. If not by one way then by another. Americans traveling abroad this summer will find Europe a capable country coun-try for them to get rid of their dollars.- It is said that the Amer- ican who can tour the continent without having to pawn his shirt would be a fit competitor for an Armenian pawnbroker. Barbed wire pockets are the only things that make certain the retention of a nickel. The European trades-. trades-. man, piled to his eyes with native paper money that is scarcely worth the paper' on his walls, spies the American dollar from afar, and the ways he goes after it would shame a Shylock. French hotels have increased their rates until they make the Alps look like rolling hills. Germany Ger-many charges the equivalent of $100.00 for vising a passport,and short change artists, dishonest guides, thievish interpreters and all their kind are reaping a golden gold-en harvest in Europe. It seems everv time an American turns around the Government plasters a tax on him and if he doesn't turn around he is doubly taxed for not doing so. Steamship transportation is double the prewar pre-war rates, and the service has fallen considerably. Along with it all is the underlying contempt of Europeans for anything American and the insolence born of American open-handedness during the war. We are a patient people, but patience never was a virtue when Europea treatment of Americans Ameri-cans is concerned. This summer one should spend, their money where they will not be robbed by European highwaymen. Spend your money in the land of the free, the great U. S. A., where "America First" must be our favorite fa-vorite slogan. And to the people of the State of Utah we would advocate a good big boost for our State. Utah with its picturesque scenery and its matchless South-. South-. ern wonderland. Let us one and all investigate the beauties of America first and.keep our. dollars dol-lars on this side of the pond. Boost for a bigger Utah and help to make a bigger and a better Bingham. |