Show HARVEST FESTIVAL TO B BE E HELD E 1 D AT t T F FILLMORE I 1 L L 5 10 R E SEPT S E P T 1617 I 1 G 17 the annual harvest festival sponsored by the farm bureau school board and tile the fillmore civics club will be held at fillmore september and and plans tor for its success are rapidly being by the various committees which are general chairmen ray hay winford paxton and the chairmen of the various committees livestock and produce chairman 0 E spencer 0 E grower brower golden P wright and S it spencer womans comans department mrs airs ethel elhel baker chairwoman mrs airs ralph wood mrs golden 11 wright wight racing and fair ground sports mark alark paxton otis lavoy kimball and dr dean Q G evans dance reuben davies dr freeman advertising R J wood R N mcintosh dr C F brunson finance daniel stevens george R huntsman parade W A alandy ellsworth brunson and F A pack although detailed plans have not been worked out by the individual committees it la Is the general plan to otter offer prizes in the various departments part ments for winning exhibits with some special attention given to the livestock agriculture and womans comans departments for the sport lovers it la 13 planned to have a varied program ot of sports with a special racing program two days wherein larger purses are a re to be offered than has been given hereabouts in the past also one night at least will afford a good boxing and wrestling program and ot of course to big dances will be held committees are now walking in an all effort to secure the state pulla meter ohp device which accurately records the HIP ability of pulling fi boises this thin will be a new feature tor for east mellard county as we have leavo never in the I 1 he past been successful in securing the above mentioned apparatus it if successful in tills this effort very liberal prizes are arc to be offered for competing teams inthis contest the advertising committee rian pi 1 to publish a prize catalogue and complete program along with the other advertising tor for the festival |