Show THE STR STATE IS WORIN IG AT HIGH SPEED utah joined california nevada wyoming colorado and new mexico in the pact providing for the colorado river dam project when gov porn dom signed the boulder dam bill pawel liy by the attah legislature the glnn lq is based on the act of congress ConC Tea providing for construction of I 1 th the boulder anin I 1 of attah will taip rill nn fippin 1 to vote on nn nt least two proposed constitution amendments amend menti tit nt clift next general it was waa d defiled decided when aben tle the state pa senate artl two ahrne P joint these here amendments the rt resolutions werf thoc tho c introduced in the house banse 1 by rep S SI if joreen en 1 nn an fund feind for the more equitable distribution of i and the me one by rep vi n D Ilam mund providing for a chance in the methods of distributing the sante school feind the passage of a measure in the house permitting the use of 0 nim anil ami brandy tit in mince meat caused nn nit editorial in a utah paper to which tile I 1 to use members took exception BILLS introduced S E B hollingsworth requiring secretary of state ns as collector of fees tor for motor vehicle re registration ani and ns as collector of the he allne tr tax c to give a surety bond S 13 hollingsworth providing for the establishing and ang 1 g of utah university college nt at ogden 0 and nt at ephraim S 11 smith providing tor for the selection and purchase of 0 a new site for the utah state prison and the removal of the prison to slate same S IS 13 lynn creating a colorado river commission commissi defining its korv powers and appropriating a surn of money S J it II 7 iriane requesting gov dom dem to extend the governors conference nit an invitation to hold its ila 10 1030 10 session in salt lake city anci authorizing the governor to provide appropriate entertainment for tile the con conference ference nt lit tile the expense of tin tile state S B slaw maw providing for tile the expending of tor for the purpose of building for the university of utah hilb passed by senate II if B 2 relating to the payment of annual and delinquent drainage taxes tases 11 II B 73 78 providing for adjustment settlement and payment of drainage taxes assessed lands in dr drainage sin districts 11 II C I 1 R 3 3 0 congress to enact legislation to make loans to drainage and levee districts 11 II J R 8 providing nit an equalizing equa lising fund for more equitable distribution of educational opportunities lit in state elate 11 II B D CS providing for elie certification let tilon and payment of taxes and license tees fees by corporations to the secretary of state S B relating to securing of permits by automobile companies operating for hire S B relating to S B OS 93 extending fir emens pension benefits to include widows and children of deceased firemen S 13 47 relating to complaints for filed before the public c utilities commission S B regulating and controlling companies engaged in insuring or guaranteeing real estate titles S B IG providing for the creation of a commission of the utah state bar S 13 10 requiring motor car owners to settle personal property taxes on the machines before they may obtain license plates 11 II B 64 relating to barbers S B 30 36 amending law relating to ins insanity I 1 t n I 1 t y ho board ard bills passed in file lie house IT 11 B ag providing that each utah city shall constitute one school tile dis riet 11 II B SO defining the boundary line between rich and summit counties n H B 67 providing for licensing of aircraft and airmen 11 II B providing for the regulation of unincorporated associations engaged in the insurance business un the lloyds plan 17 B authorizing the governor to provide for the use of rum or brandy in the manufacture of mincemeat 11 II B US providing for and oui outlining a state building program and creating a state building commission 11 II B U 64 providing for regulating student and apprentice barbers 11 II J it 8 amending the constitution to provide for a school equalizing fund Re passed by the houde as amended by the senate providing for ilia an equalizing fund of 3 5 per sellout school capita instead of 0 from 5 to S B D repealing the law relating to preference rights righta ot of settlers on state lands IT J R 6 the pity pay of 0 legislators from 4 to fa 5 a day by con amendment and giving them an expense allowance of 3 a day 11 II B DO 09 empowering city cum to regulate installation of electrical equipment and to license electrical I 1 contractors 0 S C AL II 11 3 congress to enact legislation providing for making loans to drain drainage Rge or levee districts 11 II B D 88 providing for a manufacturers rs excise tax of 5 cents i per roand pound on anil and other butter substitutes S C it f 3 demoralizing the secretary of the Inter interior for to survey anil and classify agricultural lands in the upper basin ot of the colorado river II if 15 42 providing that a mail mum levy of three and one halt half mills tor for general purposes shall be avail able for all counties having an assessed valuation of 0 four million 11 II B liability insurance 11 II it I 1 state prison library fund 11 II B responsibility for damages in accidents where motor darter Is under 10 sears 3 ears of age S B OS protection of 0 persona tum furn bisbing materials and labor on build ings S B roes fees in insanity hearing st S B HI regarding fires on state stale or government lands S B prohibiting other than of 1 fickal facial signs on highways S B 10 signals at railroad crossing S B I 1 IG size and weight ot of motor vehicles on highways S B 01 relating to appointment of election registrars S B relating to lo sale of uty aty or village franchises S B rayment payment of interest on ma eared refunding bonds of an irrigation district S B property qualification of 0 electors S B D school district bonds etc S B 13 construction of works by irrigation dis S B 13 37 relating to practice of surgery cry and mc medeline mede deCIDe cine S B elimination ob grade crossings or their alteration S B 1 07 emmell irrigation district S B iga relating to private music schools S B providing for the regulation of collection agencies S B 1133 relating to notice of county bond elections S B D iga defining peddlers S B regarding work mens compensation comi I 1 pensa tion 1 0 S B providing endowment endow endowment Tent funds for state institutions S J 31 4 urging congress con grehs to up pro pilate funds for a great ilasin basin experiment station in the southern part of idaho and study watershed protection |