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Show V0L-- !- - BINGHAM CANYON, UTAATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1923, r"l - r"0 36 ! (fwiwi w? i TcfwmrTwvtww I- - ' ' " - . j. ' . ' ' 1 , J 1 I i i v i " ? " - ? ' f . !. v- -; i' . ' "... &- - ' " ' 1- - I " J ..... Dr. Straup Becoihes i '"..' . , ! County Physician The many friends of Dr. F. E. Straup are congratulating him on his recent appointment, that of county physician of Salt Lake county. He will succeed Dr. Cyril Callister. Dr. Straup is a member of the State Medi-cal Association and has been highly recommended by physi-cians and surgeons throughout the county. Dr. Straup has been physician' and'sutgeon'fof the United States Mining Co.. The Utah Consolidated or High-land Boy Mining Co., also the Bingham Mines Co. for a num ber of years. He is a native of South Bend, Ind. where he was born October 31, 1871, and was graduated from Hahnemann medical college of Chicago in 1895 and settled in Bingham one year later, which has been his home since. He is a staunch Republican and has figured prominently in State and Coun-ty politics, and is recognized aa bn'e'bf "thevbesr informed pol-iticals of the State. Dr. Straup will still maintain his residence here and continue in charge of the Bingham hospital. DESERET GYM - FIVE II GAr.TE The Desert, " gymnasium bas-ke,tb- all team showed their su-periority over the Utah Cop-per boys oii Friday last; by a : score of 29 to 25. It was one of the fastest games that Bing-ha- m has seen for some .time. Smith and Harbeck did excel-- lent work for the' visitors t the . work, of Williams for . the Cop-- J p'er' boys was . much . enjoyed." The 8Core; was as folows : .i- . ' ; Desert Gynt.- - ? . f . - G..T, F. P. Nuslen, If 2 00 4 Harbeck rf . ..J... 5 ;0 0 iO Smith, c. 6 4 ' 3 15 Leaver, .'.::. 0. 0 "0 0 ' Rankrntz., rg. 0 0 . : 0 " 0 ? Totals ;..;.X cilS 4 3 29 f "Utah Copper s . . : a t:f: p. - Whitely, If. 3 '0- - 0 . 6 Williams rf.......;:. 4 ; Q . 3 11 G. Knudsen c. 0 '0 4' - V Pett, le t.,:;..,0 0 0 M) E.. Knudsen ry. .. iO 0 O t 0 Brady If. .JJZO-Q- " 4 -- Dhalstrom 7g. 0 0 0 0 Totals ' l; .LiU 6 -- 3 25 Referee, Porter. ' '. : Chips and Shavings From Lark Miss Gwennie Silcox of West Jordan has been visiting here with here sister, Mrs. M. Tripp. James Park of (Butte ' City, Montana is . visiting here with his mother, Mrs. Margaret Park. '.' :"' Art .Thompson, who is leas-ing at Eureka, came, up and spent his Christmas here with his wife and family. " Mrs. William Webb have been visiting in Dinkeyville, Bingham the past week with Mrs. George Starkey. v. . . f Mrs. Dorus Thomas and her two little daughters returned to camp spending a pleasing va-cation with her parents at'Og-de- n. , , The Misses Delila Mabel Pe-terson of Salt Lake came; out and visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Petersen last week. - Miss Stella Jones who has been spending her Christmas here with Miss Louie Hatt re-turned to her home aj; Midvale on Tuesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLoughlin and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas At-kinson visited in Bingham the past week with Mr. and Mrs Joe Atkinson. , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Atkin son, formerly of Eureka have moved to Lark and will make their home here for the winter. They are at the former home of Joseph Wilkins. , 'C Mrs. W. J. Fahrni and daugh-ter, "Max irie "returned'--Ur tamp this week after pending sev-eral days with Mrs. Fahrni's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' George Woodhead at Eureka. A surprise party was given in honor of . Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fahrni at their home --on Mon-day evening. A large number of friends attended and an enjoy-able time was spent. Miss Stella Meyerhoffer re-turned to her studies at Salt Lake City on Tuesday (after spending a pleasing vacation here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyerhoffer. A number of the boys and girl3 of Lark motored to Fort Herriman and enjoyed the dance there on Wednesday eve-ning. The high school pupils have and are now making arrange-ments for the institution of a Basketball club. Glenn Nell would be pleased to have the names of any of the boys who have not yet got in touch with him, on this matter. HAAPPENINGS IN AND AROUND BINGHAM II. Atchinson of North Da-kota is visiting at the High-land Boy with Mrs. Knowley. Bill Collins, is reported to be seriously ill at his apartments suffering from acute stomach trobule. A. S. Winthers, superintend-ent of the Highland Boy prop-erties was a business visitor to Salt Lakfc on Friday. . Supt. Joseph Hyland of the Bingham Mines Co., at Lark was busy shaking hands with many .old time friends in Bing-ham on Wednesday. Simon Gavan old time pros-pector and leaser, returned to camp on Wednesday after sev-eral months unsuccessful leasing at Eureka. J. E. Shields one of the. coun-ty's newly appointed deputies was in Bingham on Wednesday, he was accompanied by Chaf-fe- ur Arthur Nichols. The many friends of Pat Hy-land will be pleased to learn he is recovering nicely from his recent severe attack of pneu-monia at the Bingham hospital. General Superintendent T. P. Billings of the Bingham Mines Co. came out. from Salt Lake the past week' and inspected the Montana-Bingha- m mining property. Latest reports from the Holy Cross Hospital at Salt Lake con-cerning W. H. Boland's health are anything but satisfactory. Mr. Boland was taken to the hospital on Thursday of last week. Joe Boughan, one of Bing-ham's pioneer citizens is once more on iuir streeta..after being confined to his room for the past ten days. Joe has many friends in camp and he is re-ceiving the hand shakes he de-serves. Bingham Society Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allsop of Sandy, spent Christmas with ; - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marriot. ' Mrs. Joe Kemp spent Christ-- mas with her parents the Rev. Midvale. ' Miss Maude Lee spent her .vacation with relatives and . ..iriends at Salt Lake City. ; . Miss Nora Elind (returned from Ogden, where she spent . her Christmas vacation. 4 Miss Helen Ashton and Mrs. L. W. Nielsen were Salt Lake : visitors , the past week. Mrs. J. JVietti and Mrs.' Joe TScussel were Salt Lake visitors on Saturday last. '. Mr. and Mrs. S. McDonald of Heber City have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Storm McDon-Jal-d the past week. J Mrs. R. T. Dahlquist, has been entertaining her mother, Mrs. Walter Foote of Glenns Ferry, Idaho Mrs. Mat Contratto left this , week for a month's visit with . her relatives in Kansas. Mrs. Cantratto's visit will be of in-terest to her as she has not been East .for fifteen years. Mrs. Mary Knudsen and . daughter Ruth of Mount Pleas-ant are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Knudsen of Copper-fiel- d. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Zwicke of Salt Lake and Dr. and . Mrs. Walter Maddison . thoroughly "'r-e- n joyed -- the --opening' danee at Canyon Hall on Christmas night. Miss Clara Christensen return-ed to Salt Lake City on Tues-day after spending her Christ-mas vacation with her mother, Miss Christensen is a student at the University of Utah. , Miss Ruth Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Atha Williams surprised her many friends in Bingham by getting married to Allan Rogers a popular young ' man of Salt Lake on December ; 15th. Miss Mamie McDonald, form- -' erly of Copperfield, the pleasing young daughter of David Mc-- Donald became the bride of J. T. Mayer of Salt Lake City on November 29. The wedding has just been announced this past week. " ; Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Tanner are receiving the congratula-tion-s of their many friends on the arrival of a fine baby boy ' at their Home on Christmas eve. - Mr. Tanner is a popular member of the Bingham High School . faculty. PETTY LARCENY CASE TRIED ON WEDNESDAY 'A. F. Roland was tried before E. E. Dudley on Wednesday on v a petty larceny charge that; of stealing a coat ' from the robm , t of Stanley Peterson at the Rex Hotel . in Copperfield, . last ' No- - vember. Roland ,has ' already' served 37 days in Jthe county ' jail the Judge continued his sen-- J tence to 23-aynor- making . total of 60 days; He Was re-- moved to the county jail on ?. N Wednesday evening to complete the "sentence.,: ,v , --s - SHIPMENTS OF ORE FROM THE BINGHAM DISTRICT THIS WEEK United States Mining Company 50 carloads Utah-Ape- x Mining Company ..... .. 20 carloads Bingham Mines Company 10 carloads Montana Bingham Mining Company 7 carloads All new type and machineryat the "News" Job Print plant--Get your printing done hereDon't send it out of town. Ml j", TWO ARRESTED CHARGED WITH STATUATORY OFFENSE ; f Floyd Rowe, 20 years of age, . ' and Neville Foyle; 19, charged. with statutory offense were r--. rested in Bingham on Wednes- - ; day by Chief of Police" Frank Thompson and held Iar;J. 'E. Shields, deputy sheriff- - - who , , came up and took them to the , county jail. Arthur Nichols, the county's newly 'appointed chaffeur was in charge of the car. The names of the two young women have been with-held by the sheriffs office. here in Bingham, the only job print shop operating here, The News. S. T. WOODING DIES S . T. Wooding, of Lake Charles, La, general manager of the Longbell Lumber company of that state and for a number of years connected with the governors staff, died the past week. Dr. W. II. Wooding who is a brother of deceased was notified by telegram of his brother's death on Sunday last. Patronize your home town, get your printing done ri?;ht ISAAC RHODES DIES IN BINGHAM Issac Rhodes, about 50 years of age, a native of Finland and for the past thirty years a res-ident of the U. S. A. died at the the Bingham Hospital on Thursday morning of miner's consumption. The deceased was employed as shiftboss at the Utah Consolidated Mining property for a number of years, and at one time operated a boarding house at the Highland Boy district, he was much re-spected in camp. For the past five years he has been engaged in farming at Riverton. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. An-nie Rhodes a daughter and two sons. The body is in charge of the O'Donnell Undertaking Co. with Neil O'Donnell in charge. taking arrangement were un-der the careful supervision of Neil O'Donnell of the O'Donnell Undertaking Co. DEATH AND FUNERAL OF GEORGE STARKEY George Starkey, 47 years of age, a native of Lancashire, England and for teh past twen-ty five years a resident of the United States died at his home at Dinkeyville on Saturday last of miners consumption. Mr. Starkey was well known in camp and for many years held responsible positions with the different mining companies of the camp. Some six months ago he secured a position as foreman with the Consolidated Mining Co. at Ruth, Nevada, re-turning from there two weeks ago. He married Mrs. Nellie Dixon some two years since who survives him, with three brothers, Charles and Joseph Starkey, Dave McDonald and Mrs. M. Jones of Copperfield, a sister. Funeral services were held from the Holy Rosary church on Wednesday, the Rev. Father Ryan officiating. Miss Julio Stcphan feelingly sang two appropriate solos. The cas-ket was completely covered with beautiful floral tributes. The pall .'bearers were I Fred Turner, John Byrne, Ed. Byrne, Georpe McDonald, Mike Parce, and George Pope. Intement was made in the Riverton cemetery. The under- - CARD OF THANKS . Bishop and Mrs. J. A. Wright and sons, Steve and Glen, wish to convey to their friends their appreciation of the many ex-pressions of sympathy extended during their recent bereave, ment. CONDAS BINGHAM TOWN -- TO HAVE HEARING ; WEDNESDAY .. , The case of John Condas and the Bingham Town will V come up for hearing at Judge E. E. Dudley's court on Wednesday next. The town complains of, Condas permitting his bwOvO , roam to close to the water sheds of Cottonwood Gulch. BINGHAM WOMAN FILES FOR DIVORCE In the Third Distric court at Salt Lake City on Wednesday, Irene D. Zavos filed a divorce suit against Thimo Zavos. Ac-cording to the complaint Zavos would invite friends to their home and then would become angry if they conversed with her, on several occasions he had cursed her in the presence of several persons. She asks that her maiden name, Irene Lamb, be restored. CANYON HALL MOST POPULAR DANCE FLOOR R. T. Dahlquist of the Central Bank of Bingham has secured a lease of the old Canyon Hall, which has been completely re-modelled and will now be used entirely for dances. The floor is now 84 by 60 feet, which means over 600 additional square feet of dance floor and the most; spacious dance hall in Bingham.; Rest rooms are being put in shape for the ladies, besides a smoking room for the men and will, when completed be one of the best dance halls in the county. The De Luxe orchestra of Salt Lake City, dispensed excellent music at the New Year's dance on Saturday night. They are J. P. Halvorsen, manager, saxa-phon- e; Albert Clissold, banjo; Urn ry Barnes, drums; Ralph Migliacus, trombone, and Miss Nan Drowning, piano. DEATH AND FUNERAL OF JOHN NYBY John Nyby, 34 years of age and a resident of the Highland Boy district for the past nine years, died at the lierbella boarding house at the Highland Boy on Thursday last. He was born in Finland on Aug. 5, 1888, and was a capable miner, hav-ing contracted and leased con-siderably in the different mines of the camp. Funeral services were held from the Finn church in Cair Fork on Monday. In-terment was made in the Bing-ham cemetery on Monday, a large number of friends attend-ing. YOUNG BINGHAM BOXER : UNDERGOES MINOR OPERATION ; i Dominc Tappcro Bingham's popular young boxer underwent a nasal operation at Salt Lake City the past week. Younk Tap-per- o after this operation hopes to be ready for the arena m , the near future. . ... A j ti nn he Troqf of the pudding is in the eating. So the proof of good printing is in the of the mer and the icrured. We are pecialtU in the kind of printing that bring butt, nens and are equipped to handle enythin in thu line that you need. REPUBLICANS TO CALL CAUCUS Senator Henry Nephi Standish has been notified by telegram that a caucus of Republican members of the Legislature will be held at the Hotel Utah on Saturday night. The meeting has beei called by State Chair- - man Carl R. Marcusen. Cantaloupe and Muskmelon. A enntmoupe Is one variety of mu melon. When mature It la oMn to The "meat" in i 'f rMMi orunsq color. Often enntntom.es are l.wBfly chllcl na iml vie versa. , Te.h-inenll- y muHkmeloUH are vf apeak in;:. two general lyj.eB eantiilounes and nutmepi. The lutter re round will. . a soft, netted veined rind nnd (ireen. very sweet "ment.1 Tnrtav is a eood VnK. seml jl vjKACij m your subscription ... . Test Your Diamonds. K.idiurn will make n renl dinund i(trkle lu the dark, while it lui no cffMct en sm Imitation. i Probably T"fre Are More. There tire uHout 1MM0 Bpeeies rf f isli known.' j i |