Show PLANNING FOR POLO IN WEST scores scare s of f riders will be entered for ngoat eve event at san Franc francisco leco makeup of some teams teama polo players player throughout the united states and those interested la in the sport will in all likelihood see jeo on the pacific coast this winter ono one of th the largest it if not the largest tournament that have ever been beld in this coun try the games which will to le held un der the auspices of the universal pole committee have tho the sanction of the arneri u fola eolo association and on its r uc tive live committee are ara some of the lea ing polo men inen of y country competing teams will come from st louis chicago philadelphia boston long island and cooperstown Coopers town N Y there will also lie be one or more teams from canada hawaii and argentina the crack team tarn from buenos alres will bring its string of ponies which although smaller than those used by americans show allow much speed and ness dwight P F davis tho the former tennis champion of america will in all likelihood be the captain of tho the st louis team fred Al cLaughlin will represent the chicago team and tf malcolm alcolm stevenson twice a substitute player or on the tha american international team against engie will captain the coop team twice winners of the united states att tea championship playing with mr stevenson will be F S C perry Dead beadleston leston and charles carey rumsey |