Show THE mm CHARM OF motherhood enhanced by perfect cal health the experience of motherhood is a try ing one to most women and marks distinctly lyan an epoch in their lives botone not one woman in a hundred la is prepared or understands der stands how to bro properly perly care cara for herself of course nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at such times but many approach the expert enco with an organism unfitted for af tho the trial of strength and when it Is over her ber system has received a shock from which it is hard to recover following right upon this comes the nervous strain of caring for the child and a distinct change in the mother results there is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of children and indeed ebil child birth under the right conditions need be no hazard to heal health th or beauty the unexplainable thing is ia that with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition and with ample time in which to prepare women will persist in going blindly to the trial every woman at this time should rely apon lydia E Pin Pink khama liams vegetable Vege tabla compound a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism in many homes ca once childless there ore are now children because of the fact that lydia E pink hams ham I 1 8 vegetable compound make eke a women n normal amal healthy and 8 strong on e it if you want special advice write to lydia E ra pinkham inkham medicine co conal dent dennial ial your letter brill be opened read and answered by A woman vroman and held in strict confidence the wretchedness of constipation can quickly be overcome by CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS purely vegetable act surely and enty on the fiver fiver cure ITTLE biliousness us IVER head PILLS ache aizzi ness and indigestion they do their duty SMALL PILL PILI SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE genuine must bear signature 11 PARKERS HAIR BALSAM i A tolett or of merll merit alli 1 cdrum for color BI be beauty to gray or faded hair tam piles dilons piles WANTE A ailene with B EU name a to 10 ir jr larr I 1 li axi W 0 o at t baco co SOFT WHITE HANDS under most conditions if 11 you use uie CutI cura trial free the soap to cleanse and purity the ointment to soothe and heal nothing letter better or more effective at any price thrift than these fragrant super creamy emol liedts A ono one night treatment tre anent will test them in the severest forms of red rough chapped and sore bore hands handa sample each free by mall mail with dook book address postcard Cuti cura dept doston boston sold everywhere ady adir danger in delay abo great danger of kidney troubles trouble Is that tb at they so BO often get a firm hold 1 le fore fora the sufferer recognizes them hem health will be gradually undermined eack back ache headache nervousness lameness sorene ew lumbago urinary troubles dropsy gravel aad nd brights disease may follow as the kidneys get worse dont neglect your kidneys help the kidneys with doans kidney pilla it is the tha best recommended 1 kidney remedy A utah case r B w m T II 11 crowno 42 CO 0 first ave 11 II waterloo utah sa gaya s for I or yeara my iny k I 1 in ays eys were illson dered and my iny system became all run down I 1 my afy feet and ankles swelled terribly und and my system was filled with uric polton poison mv nerves were all un and I 1 get much rest I 1 had awful dazy spells nm and was weak and dis cou corrai raged donns doans icid ney ncy restored rea actor me to good health and I 1 have biln it well woman since 11 got ct don doans at any aay stor goo boc it not BK DOANS it 1 p I 1 CO ALO Y WRITE US AT ONCE WE WILL KEEP YOU POS rT 1 11 WE ARE successors TO THE 1 t NATIONAL at SOUTH OMAHA at G J 1 ikid KYTE HYTE and have the cream of their old force with us M H BEETHAM AM ueail head of our sheep algir and head department THE BOST salesman south omaha denver at south omaha or denver when you ship to 4 g URI u phally drink den coffee vor for your healtha healt hs sake bako gee I 1 never aisted tisted any kit flakes fike these ne w ost thoas tia 0 the re absolutely 00 new made by a new that brings out the true corn flavour and that keeps the flakes firm and crisp even after cream or milk is added new post Toa sties are made of the hearts of selected white indian corn cooked seasoned and toasted and they come to you FRESH SEALED ast sweet and apalia mizing as when they leave the averis the ile little puffs purs on each flake are characteristic of tho the new JL V 11 ew post plent A toast Toa sties if AM your grocer has them now ge gei a package and give your appetite a treat |