Show MILLARD COUN COUNTY PROGRESS established 1893 independent in 1 politics JOSE ill SMITH editor and proprietor entered at tile post chico nt at Filli nurr norv lynli as s class Nt matler atter first farat cluss class in ili nil all other address all communications to tile the editor and inake III nil I 1 re IT ini instances payable to the progress advertising rate a anade known upon application line readers mid and other reading notices 10 cents per line for first and 5 cents per line for till all subsequent insertions subscription per year FRIDAY AUGUST 13 1015 1915 professional CARDS JAS ALEX A LEX DENAA DELTA UTAH MAIL SAU SALT LAKS ADDRESS felt bug J S GILES ATTORN AT ar law IA W A H D IMil 10 onice ill al ourt nurl house CITY UTAI UTA USTIAN licensed Licen ced ceI abstractor arz insurance 14 notary public ollice at reside tico oil ono door cast of thing orica CITY ru W al B H I 1 Q G G Q I 1 N S AT AI W rodg Rl DG CITY UTAH DR 0 A CONKLING I 1 TAIL ma wa WL laky ar d jeweler mid and engraver graver C engraving and repairing a speciality place your yom order with ili nio fui foi in bilis lino nt it delta utah iv it no more t than 1 ax miny army e pet tence las d u th the almost 1 0 U s cm chiev ani harmlessness ot of vaccination be ba vaccina ted NOW b ba 1 your you vou and nd if f family it Is I 1 more vital than house home fice lc your you drugg ht at id I d lor for HY have ahad h 4 typhoid telling of 0 vaccine from use uie ond and danger from Tyr lold carriers CUTTER laboratory CAL rO DUci a ilium house uN knalls alls u a gov tic cicini a THE NEWSPAPER IS THE NATIONAL SHOW WINDOW elly by HOLLAND OU often stop slid and look in Y YOU show you may not need any of 0 the 9 goods on display but you stop and look and you feel that the time is 19 not wasted because you have learned something there Is ar iother show window that Is available every day a allow window that constantly changes and which you can look into without standing on the street that show Is the per merchants and manufacturers uso use our advertising columns issue after issue to show you their goods and to tell you of their merits tho the newest things are pictured and described I 1 dont neglect this bobow window it Is intended for your use it offers you a chance to gain val valuable knowledge houi wrong your aalf if you dout dont READ TUB advertisements expositions 7 1 SAN DIEGO r 4 vin ili los an angeles eles caf 41 W SAN FRANCISCO fw vitt via los angeles SEE SOUTHERN california pacific limited lanu h oasis 0 02 1 I M r ille len icilma es arti lividly 1 M see W V IT II morgan agent salt lake alusik tilli rite lor for E vii sillion floo kles J 11 II A C P A suit luke city ault 7 the he safe way is the oasis u to stage line the rhe 01 only H route 0 ti te he e lw two e e en n t eliol h e R H I 1 a and n 1 I lecat st 1 5 ido point side trips trilis for tra 11 raveling aun alen at 11 specialty TAKE raie at rates kates A LIT 0 2 hours edween el stage st OASIS the R JE R and the L LING I 1 N C F EAST A S T S sade I 1 J D 1 1 14 PLENTY OF CARS AUTO PARTIES PAMIE q I 1 NICELY TAKEN CARF CARE OF S 1 HAWLEY HAW LEY arl proprietor A 7 7 f T aay W YOU vol TV HO HOW W ABOUT THAT JOB we nio are equi with etli tile lyl al 11 v ii arni irni liidi ry i mini sit B vl abid can will ailt it I 1 bellr ally IID all I 1 illo GIVE US A IMAL I 1 11 ll 3 E 1 I 1 IA H OUR R SPECIALTY LEGAL BLANES F FINE I 1 N H 1 0 0 1 E 1 I EADS 13 LANK noles nol ES adit 11 ss t f na OIE NOIE I 1 HEADS I 1 I 1 A D 8 0 AIA U k i L I 1 S ir aa i ants IW KMEIl el 1 lb iccil G progress print fillmore I 1 the lie M millard illar a 1 comity telegraph mcgraph and telephone co p lit in order tu to RIO give liefter servit C to tile majority of nil 1 lo 10 n cal exchange fallt will ill lo ile 10 limited to 0 o P five fio unit on oil long lib din batice calls blui ll ui tile cottuly till ii addia addit alit amial 4 harge if f 5 f fa ait per 11 will ill ile anade on oil all valls in ill excess of oc 5 inisi utes deflective active mareli ast 1st w a SUBSCRIBE SUBS CRIBEI |