Show TO ENO 51 TO STOP THE NECESSARY FIND IT CLOCK AND KEEP ON WORKING session prolonged thirteenth both before ot of flood of measures houses that hod had not beer disposed of stilt salt lake alty alip t ses moll ilon of tile lie cutill legislature which be gnu 11 on oil flit lie thirteenth day of january fill u d tune have come to it close uit oil 13 but it didat tho rile ment members bors of tin the thirteen tit session jot that they rut got a lutu late start in their work and us its it result the bus buelitas litAs of tile session so fiu henvy heavy that they found it to complete tit tin vork rk in fit tile sched buted time cletice ait nce the dock cleek stopped find and it was us still hlll 13 to flit im lawmakers on oil 11 oliday idelt us its it 11 anat tei ier of fact they should liu uld lime liven ajack nt at home and tilt ses a mattar of history not only did lie of nf the legI Mature depart arout their estial iiii itil custom and lollo lii lioi tit li stitt lily but they city ulso also livid iteld it i ino exit at tit r sefa stoll slon on oil the lie although lie will show lm tunit it was M 13 A wholesale slaughter of hills was M lit in olle initia ini S a v in lii ily tile ohp 0 of t it 11 repart of tile rile about forty onil lind boue for foi interment and tile llie house adopted tile report killing the bills amock 60 alu A which lil cli went nt ln down tit in thil s laughter wag tile the state constabulary hill it a number of abe tion bills bills changing lift peron liel of the state board tit of health the redistricting bill alid the IIII bill lengthen ing the terms of school board dembek imin bors users of elgar els were eie given i len rother rather a shock on oil march ll 11 allun when lun liotti bogli houses passed the flit southwick willeigh will eign ret ili bill 11 the inon aure iuie being sent biuk back to ll 11 house for ratification ot of inyim alli enil inputs where luie it was ns killed li by it bott ot of 21 nis ayes to 14 nas 10 iwan being absent lint ont vite ile was ns lach bull ing IHK to secure adoption option nd smokers nin tiny breathe dinou freely it it ns I 1 lit fit flait leport report cil eil that the pas passed q cit tel ti alip I 1 P tl ac would have hae signed tile bill I 1 Is problem ilow lilt lins it 11 flow milne tax tn in inas IN it carries the provision that crous mint minis 9 adall lie ie n 1 e essed fit at three hm times tonies the lie nil net annual proceeds erda plus 5 nn ail ocre for the calalin niini binl alie cili valtee ot of tilt alio alil face properties i of tile iglins es the estimated income if T ill lie st iio for the lie not next Is s ili the hie aino tint of thee it print ions anaide tit nt the lie st loii aggregated jirou nl matli a 11 number ot of other requests for foi elioney still n lilting to carry aini oil in the hu business if 17 le it the senate lion ilic iid ell ed 10 tit up to and 12 out nut of flit of i folh 35 ft lH of OC till this sula tile lip house pidd put out 1 l ngu 1 while lill evi sel latt urd u rd 1 00 2057 ai to lo if tills vs added on oil duill lay nit mi addition to the holop lii P of paid to experts ol 01 to to tell the ali ll Ilse flow lio to ilin ill it 1111 IIII bill in n ial alle nitin t to tile cioll liolio lio iio on ell StIll lay governor Gocr noi Dalli beiger re quested nil ail additional addition tl I 1 to tit the alio bill of ll rK for foi improve indents find other in titter in connection with will lie tate prison lie requested for foi for discharged prisoners 1000 for improvements albil myties fill and rel for now new boilers rile senate on oil sunday gave its ill up to tile bill by dr inico strat sti niton alroy akrey which hl li caine frota the lidow with on all of il OOOO it provide pl old 4 toi for it boano for foi ballf 11 oi irn kell tit the senate M nate set tile lie ut tit rhe joint memorial bill providing for it slon loii of nt uli to pre paire und report on plans for it soldier nit ni ortal was na linseed an std by bi the anute it in tile tho house and had licul passed that hody body house hill bill making nn an nil ni of to uw the st strellin rellin front from mount pleasant canyon ti it protect tile llie town froni from destructive floods was passed without after considerable effort hall been mollie to CLI tile appropriation to fiction action pro previously sly frair ta tak lk oil cit in striking the on ev acting enacting clause fronir tile bill 1111 lit in it general of nt house measures the senate seattle took up and passed pas seil representative Nt winans II if n B no 03 1111 king lt it if a felony for tiny any unauthorized person to sell idl or have lit in lils his possession any 0 plum opium cocaine morphine or other oilier drug of u nature tho the report of the lie sifting coniti committee submitted to the house just before the recess sunday evening left but four bills on the calendar one of which was wa a house bill which proposes pro rosca to vi tile public utilities power when the sitting sifting corini commow ed the house went into an ail those alio had find bicia on oil tile the list ll st for wanted to move otter the inot loia had been put to t adopt tho the committees betom the debato debate wound unan it a free tor for all with till nil rules rulea suspended |