Show EAST MILLARD V NEEDS HOSPITAL for son sometime entime past the tee beo has been jauz zing in many bonnets relative AO 0 o the erection orect lon of a new hospital building ding lil in east millard county and th alila week petitions havo have been circulating in tho the various towns ot of tile the fa easl stride aldo having f for or their objects the bringing of the board ot of county during tho rast past tow few months the doard board ha una a had bad under consi consideration considerate derat ion tho the of the b e erect erection lon of a new court itsuso lor for millard county and they como come to the conclusion to 0 o elt liei erect a hospital or a now new court because they havo have tile the mone money y with which to build a hospital and equist it complete 1 or t 0 idiart the building of a 1 1 new court house we e all know that tile the county needs a 2 now court in the worst way and we would be only to ha happy 0 see BOO tile the erection of one started ted out we with tile the majority of 0 the people of the east side have come 0 realize that wo we certainly need a hospital as bad ft ff not worse than wo we to do a new court house and wo we think that from the way things aio shaping up that wo will have both afore doiy very long dut but it if a choice were to bo be made between tile the eroc lon ion ot of a fi hospital and a now court flou house we Ilo would unhesitatingly re commend iho erection of 0 tile the hosp tal because from the standpoint ot of liu marilty to tile tha sick and injured ini ind those who find it feces necessary s ary from rom time to time to have an op opera cra aall performed we need W a hospital ar more than ww wc do a new court house it K we were to compare tho the inconvenience of the county officers which they are put to ii in their otheir present location against the suffering buttering of the sick and injured which they oc ocr aslon on tile the trip to a hospital in aalf lalio lake there would lie no no arru nent against athe hospital fi because t f we can save a sul sufferer ferer one pain jowill vo will have done more tor for humanity we were tp to er 0 vit the finest 0 court iro use that thannas has 0 ven ei I b anywhere iny where judging from the attitude assumed by tho the people here and in th other towns townsa ot of the east dast side with agard to this subject it would seem scorn hat flat alic the greater gi eater majority of them aro are in favor ot of the hospital as against the erection er ecton of a now court flosso at this time the people ot of the west aide ide can have po jio objection to this plan because the they do not have to suffer the inconvenience of the 35 mile desert trip to the railroad when to a hospital but can just alep on tha train and make tile tho trip in as comfortable comfort ablo a manner as 1 possible 1 the signed petitions will be p V r e to tile the doard board of county corn com at their next meeting and ana we doubt not that these gentlemen will take favorable action in the matter after investigating tho the merits in each case |