Show WARRING NATI ON S ARE MEN WARNING AMERICANS INSIST UPON AN improvement IN TREATMENT OF AMERICAN COMMERCE representations made mada in friendly spirit but notice la Is given that patience of this country Is exhausted lV washington ashington the united states government on 11 monday londay dispatched n long note to great britain insisting on an early improvement lit in the treat of 0 american amer can commerce by the tie british fleet it gave warning that much feeling had been aroused I 1 in this country and that public criticism w was as general over tho the unwarranted inter ference with the legitimate foreign trade of the united states tho document constituting the strongest etron gest representation on this subject mado made by the united states to any of the belligerents since the out break of 0 tho war was cabled to am cassador bas page to be formally pre settled to sir L dward grey british foreign secretary its preparation was waa begun a month ago by solicitor cone one johnsoni johnson counsellor robert lansing and Setre secretary tary bryan and fl finally itally had the personal attention lo it ot of pren lant wilson who ft ho reviewed its phraseology ft with ath minute care As aa the detailed point of view of the united states in numerous cases in which cargoes had been seized was set forth in emphatic protests most of which have hae sone gone unheeded tile the communication was couched in gen eral terms including the entire sub jett of the relations between the unit ed states and great britain as aa affect ed by the lattera latt erB naval policy con soldered highly objectionable by this government since france has adopted practical ly the same decrees on contraband as has groat great britain the note is virtual ly A statement intended tor for all the members of the triple entente the tha note declares at the outset that the representations are made in a friendly spirit but the united states considers it best to speak in terms of frankness lest silence be construed as acquiescence in a policy which Is violating the rights of 0 amer airier lean citizens under tho the laws of nations TUB tile document points point out that complaints on every side and public criticism in the united states told hold the british policy as directly responsible tor for the depression lit in many american industries a situation the tha seriousness of which ent be alpar it to great britain reimbursement alone for cargoes unlawfully detained or seized it states dues does not remedy the evil as the chief difficulty Is the moral ef cf feet of british practice on american exporters who are restrained by it from taking risks or haza hazards which lit in no ino case ought to burrou surround nd mate trado trade between the united states and other neutral countries toun tries reeling feeling has been aroused on the subject to such extent the statement adds that the he american government has been compelled to ask tor for definite I 1 In informs forma tion as to great britaina Brit ains attitude lit in order that it may take such measures as will protect american citizens in their rights |