Show BITS OF NEWS mass the rov rev frederick nicholson pastor of the first spiritual church recently appealed to chief of pol ice hill for protection against lovesick love sick maidens and scheming Il mothers lothers 11 ile ho said liis his life lias has been fiade miserable by love letters and calls milwaukee wis that wisconsin will not become a prohibition state in this or tile kd ha t generation whether woman ya vu frago frage prevails or not was tile hie prediction made by mrs sophie Glud guddee deu of osh tit at tile press session of tile the wisconsin SuIr rage association licud last hint week at milwaukee Alil clarinda arinda Ol in mrs airs martin luclis lucas offered to crank an all au automobile toino for mrs airs ablie gilmore Gil Gi hilor and lit in doing PO broke lier her arm arin mrs gilmore helped mrs lucas into tile the car and started to crank tile machine slie site too broko broke her arm arin marrill wisa house w was as shipped to the fair hero recently by parcel post the house was of the take down variety and was B s mt piece by piece atlanta ga several people liere here have been afraid to eat cat oysters recently because when the oysters were put into liot hot water they turned a brilliant pink onic cra say tile oysters aro are perfectly good to vat cat but they cannot explain choir blush blushing ings of tile I 1 somerset ky hy mise mis lena leiu hamm kent ekys first policewoman started duty recently her uniform is ia of police blue blile trun trimmed nied with viete braid |