Show N otice notice of A application P P lichti 0 n for deed of conveyance ve yance in the district Distri qt court of the fifth judicial district in and for millard co state of utah in the matter of the application of heber johnson for deed of conveyance notice is hereby given that heher heber johndon has fled filed with the clerk of this court a petition praying for conveyance to himself of the following described piece or parce parcel 1 of lund annd to wit commencing at tile the south east cornor corner of lot 1 block ja h plat A town of holden holder su survey ri runci running ng thence iee norte 16 15 ads thence east 6 ads thence south 15 rods thence west 6 rode rods t to 0 place of beginning said petition will be heard at the court house in Fil fillmore linore city millard county state stae of utah on the first day of the first term of said court at ai A 10 0 clock A M when and where any person interested may appear aphea r and show cause why the said petition should not be granted JN A anderson clerks r I 1 wa NT 1 t ta D dec 29 A B 1909 date of first publication dec 31 1909 last publication jan 28 1910 |