Show advertising RATES quotations for space on application locals and all other reading notice ton ten ce cents ants perline per line for first insertion tive live cents thereafter subscription RATES 1 I copy year cas cash h in advance I 1 copy 6 months cash in advance 90 loopy 1 copy 3 months cash in advance 50 60 entered at the post postoffice office at fillmore for transmission through the malls mails as second class matter FRIDAY AUG 90 9 1907 Th the badge of honesty on avory wrapper of doctor pierces ces golden If medical edical discovery because a full list 0 of f tho the ingredients composing it Is printed there in plain english forty years of experience lias has proven its superior worth as a blood purifier and liivi invigorating gorat tonic for tile tho cure of stomach disorders and all liver ills it builds up the rundown system as no other tonic can in which alcohol is used the active medicinal principles of native roots such as golden seal and queens root stone and mandrake root bloodroot and black Cherry bark are extracted and preserved by tile the use of chemically pure triple refined send to dr R V pierce at buffalo N Y for free booklet which quotes extracts from well recognized medical au authorities authority sueh such a as s drs bartholow king feud S scudday or d e coe ellingwood lingwood fil and a host of othe ot showing that these ro roots can b bo be n d ed upon for their curative action oni I 1 in all we weak states of the stomach amp led y indigestion or dyspepsia us as well veil 8 li 11 dinall 11 bilious or liver complaints and in I 1 wasting wasl diseases where thero aslos Is lo s fl esh 3 and gradual running down of f t strength and system medical makes rich pure re blood bloc and so 0 invigorates and r C 9 1 tes til tho stomach ivor ilia bowel them tho whole system thus all skin affect affections ioni blotches blotcher blot ches pimples and eruptions as well as scrofulous swellings and old open running sores or ulcers are cured and healed in treating old running sores or ulcers it Is well to insure their healing to apply to them dr pierces all healing salve if your druggist dont happen to have this salve in stock send fifty four cents in postage stamps codr to dr R V Pi pierce leree invalids hotel and surgical institute faloNY buffalo N Y and a large box bok of the atall all healing salve a wl will I 1 I 1 reach 4 you ou by return post you can t afford 1 I to accept a secret nostrum trumas as a substitute for this nonalcoholic non alcoholic medicine medici ue OF KNOWN composition doi not oven even though tho urgent dealer may thereby theroa mako make a little bigger profit dr pierces Pl erces pleasant pellets regulate and invigorate stomach liverani liv liver erand and bowels sugar augar coated tiny granules easy to take as candy |