Show wn niini at h r 1 kanosh 31 george the 16 year old sou soli of william and cortie Bo berts died ou on the morning of the h and was buried on the dropsy and other complications could not bo be overcome he was I 1 a good and promising youth tho the oldest of a large fam ily the progress notice that miss jennie barney of kanosh and geu sh tiler from payson ak AB were married in the county couney xa court botish last wednesday brought that young lady jasany aaby tantalizing congratulations and mr sh tiler rubbed his eyes and looked to see if he had got the right number found it was hether esther all right sister 16 jenneye aney is still smiling and hopeful mr james cortsen is in now learning blacksmithing blacksmith ig under bodei professor Peo fessor lou lon ra b erts we think th i jamese james already has a better claim 0 to o the title oi doctor than certain venders benders ven ders who introduce thein us as dr squat the optician opt cian jawer james is already an electrician aboto grapher veterinarian jel h B R grade finished fini shet tooth puller butcher und and barber and still unmarried escusa brevity we have been in 1 a 11 fog for anys |