Show hom raking M OW aft itu h aty in deseret dege et last ma w ii ee and abe 16 fore r b yar fari ol 01 this wb w with it r abt el th ahe largie I bf iu ili sevier ev le river running to io ad usual this thin tiffie lime 0 at t year ye dr we 0 aa ay I 1 nurith re reec becaas it I 1 is s the libb fluid tili if up tip far t iise bould ue oe adt and spread olef the the ild hd dead abid useless nailes fiad arid miles bf rich acu virgin old abil causing it to tb mild with etli felds gelds of grain hay brots orchards orchard dud and thousands df bf f diomes hoin es will ill it bd yes as d sure as tile the fog abitt is nai koiv igind the bun bain witt will lift arid the adu sun deain uain appear with war and cliber afie b i but ut how hove will it j be bb done he the diio lias ha lonu t since passed cheh I 1 p ail alone or NV ith the assist qs ast 1st s afe sf 0 brie ite 0 or i t two W 6 6 r 1 si can P go 96 and Alid turn turu a mountain str stream quin wid and make it a farm to IO 10 take care of and utilize the water of the sevier river now requires ather a largo capital in vestment ost menti I 1 by one ora or a few in individuals divi duals or a great united effort on the part of many the deseret irrigation co have set a worthy example having secured and utilized one oie of the best reservoir sites in iii the and with the efforts of the pedals litte nave gone too and settled i irrigation water supply for fol all to como come they have all they want ant and more and yet there is id a river of water running to waste while 11 hundreds hun dreda of young and lriddle aged wet men hore here and elseN elsewhere here are nf aroff and hunt ing far places abere to make farid ail and ho horned taba there id no better opportunity anywhere in ift the arid vest than right here in millard count county the reservoir daiil tit at the ilio sev sexier ier bridge can be bb raised to hold tater enough to water this thib valley so then W we e have the land we wb hae hab the we have ail ideal place it cah stand so sd not di a and join mth the deseret Desere fc od 08 alid oil call aej dooly the ahei atei tv liere hii aft P please 1 I 6 a 8 1 0 6 ti i bildt undone hi tile jbf griea F chit side capital ital will take e it tip tt rind alien 1 if i t hoisie h 0 ifie seekers aaril va ril ril hi of ir 1 IL t they will ill fiade fiad e td va p af the price asked |