Show REDUCED ED RATES from UTAH and IDAHO i TO ALL ALI POINTS E EAST A ST and return vili via FROM firmi OGDEN AND aa SALT LT LALE TO ay iy boim river divor po points i C abiu h i 5 0 M st louis lom s PI proportionate aport es from ad IDAHO 1110 AND an OTHER i ei it POINTS i S date D ato of salo 0 JANUARY IN U A R y 23 p 1907 ii mr u an L LIMIT IM ir 6 60 Q D daya A YS SL send nd for Liter ato to CF 0 r WARREN WA R d rin oe ofie nral ral A agent A P r S F railway Colli company pIny oom 4 it dooley block deock suit stilt lake city ulab and MARKS manks promptly obtained la in nil ali countries or no fco we IVO obtain PATE PATENTS THAT PAY advertise adver tiso thoroughly nt at our 13 ex expense and loll 1011 you to mickem p scud bond model photo or sketch for FR E 1 E report on 80 20 yoni yonia a practice surpassing references foi fro guido book on oa profitable patents ita write to seventh D C IV K H TV bellil Y T I 1 J assayer samples sample i nailed mailed receive prompt fc Ilo postage stage on samples one cent per ounce charges reasonable overt jap MAIN ST SALT LAKE CITY CI ATY UTAH v i r RICHARD B THURMAN at law practices in state and fedo j courts bank C block 1 provo utah I 1 B 6 11 G B R E it 0 B I 1 S as ill D Phy physician silan and sargeon anty Illys aps cian ician of utah co provo city 1 t W 1 E RyDAL CIl attorney pt at law KNIGHT iiii r e j s A tf rf 17 F 15 lak th the e greab G reab scenic line to glenwood onwood Gl springs aspen lend ville pueblo colorado ado springs apri i donver denver omaha kansas city st sac louis chicago and all points east connect connecting connection in jit at ogden union depot with all 91 sou southern thern pacific and nd oregon short line trains the only tr line lin e pa passing asing directly through satt salt lake city three splendidly e equipped q p ed fast trait trains is dail daily y between 0 den and Da deliver liver three separate and distinct scenic sconie lioti koutos through pullman and ordinary Y sleeping cars to denver omaha kansas city st G ao 10 louis Ws and abid chicago without it any change g chair cars car personally conducted condu cled dining oars cars service a lit la carlo barte ou oil till all through trains for r rates nider s tee ree Most illustrated rated booklets etc inquire of your nearest ticket agent specifying the rio grande I 1 route aute oute or call on or address 1 A BENTON Q G A P D wy A no api upi e pum ta i rud 1 ha e A c 1 y on no railroad railroading in am america e ri ea is the ilie system oadis i e tibb among on g emp employed I 1 loyes Q y e and watchfulness for t the safety afe ay of 67 lyas passengers Aeve developed loped to h 1 li i g li e rd degree 0 rae than on the chicado o 51 iwa az S paul R railway ail way t two trains every day ogden or denver to 01 ohi cag cage 0 vi via a th Union pacific and st paul T line i i r ti Th choul rs and a ii d free jig 0 chair li ii i r ar cars 15 V for ficq tickets L S and information 0 call on ol G S WILLIAMS Age tit west second south street j SALT LAKE CITY calieon califon CAL IFOn IA 1 1 r best reached via via the new and P opt l a r f s f V a t sa A t 4 5 WINTER INTE pv P v RATE A T S 4 shortest and BE best st line I 1 to U 0 bullfrog bullaro i 1 and nevadas mineral belt vi athe las vegas T e gas K R B R 7 As ask the agent g but specify san pedro 16 los y 4 afre angeles kt salt lake T V J 1 IJ 1 BURT BURTNER BURTNE NE k D P A i s y t p F attorney at a law BEAVER cly CITY UTAH in residence and office will attend each term of court at filim pill more ore D 1 D F attorney UNION BI BLOCK provo JAS A LEX ALEX IVI MELVILLE E LV I 1 L LE ATTORNEY AT LAW a and nd district attorney agori of the fifth ju district all classes of civil cawl business Bu Biness solicited will attend all AI T rma of the court P MORE UTAH GEO B gite GREENWOOD ENWOOD A AY AT LAW mining and an water dWater litigation a S specialty Icci alty nota notary ry public office tolton mock block beaver oil city lat utah mcbride callister ATT ORNEYS AT LAW NV special attention niton tion given to settlement isetta of ABSTRACTS t of TITLE conveyances YA 10 I 1 RAL IAL RS ATE TAir 1 ully ul LY ll LAND fand ENTRIES baale 1 B and FINAL PROOFS A SPECIALTY our onice office ib supplied a let et of to township plats of millard coun ty which are corrected monthly from the U S land office and thao inco of the state board of land signers sio ners all business en trusted to our care caie will receive prompt and careful attention i onica at cott con t house r t I 1 i t ty utah HOURS prom 10 am a ni to 12 rn and from f rom ap 2 1 ni to 4 pm r r licensed Licen abstracted Abstract ei et and lotar notary puh pill lie in the ollace J S G I 1 L E ES S COUNTY ATTORNEY im AND 1 NOTARY PU PUBLIC 1 l if y office tit at court house 1 t s IMMO RE CITY UTAH JOHN G JORGENSON georgenson attorney at law over richfield oom com fe savings B bank ank Rich neld butali 60 YEARS experience MARKS DESIGNS copyrights ac anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly 1 1 IC 1 11 ormin our opinion freo free whether an qa invention 1 19 arob probably ably patt olt 0 communion tlona strictly conal dennial HANDBOOK on patents sent free oldest 11 emey for securing patents patents taken through co receive special notice tj 0 tice without charge in autho the 11 oil A illustrated weekly largest dr elation cui atlon of any titio va journal 11 r 11 terms fa 3 a conr four months V 1 S sold b aall M U co 3 G 16 roadway new york bronch onico t m V st at washington 1 I C |